TrixieFoxy live webcams for YOU!


TrixieFoxy Public Chat Channel

Date: October 7, 2022

15 thoughts on “TrixieFoxy live webcams for YOU!

  1. It's cheating and given the first opportunity, he'll fuck one of them. Get a test for sexually transmitted diseases done asap and get the hell out of the that one-sided relationship, you deserve better.

  2. i asked his friend if he was texting his ex behind my back and his friend blocked me right away ??‍♀️ but his ex is pretty vocal on social media for her hatred for him and said a few times he's never hit her up before and she thinks it's cuz im stopping him but im actually doing the opposite lmao if he wants her he can have her

  3. I will say it does get easier as you get older you like yourself more you get more comfortable in your own skin and you do develop a few friends and a social group even if it’s small. It just gets easier.

  4. If he wants a BJ again, just tell him you keep remember the cum in your mouth and it makes you gag, so you can't anymore.

  5. I feel like I need to know how long you’ve been dating for and why the other people “loathe” you to make a decision

  6. Next time he brings him up to shame you, “listen buddy, I really like you, but I’m not going to tolerate you trying to shame me for something I did 2 years ago when I didn’t even know you. I have no interest in Dude. You seem to get hung up on this. If you can’t figure out your Bs this isn’t going to work.”

  7. Quick question.

    Does your sister normally drink until she blacks out? If the answer is no, your husband may have done more than just rape her. He may have drugged her too. And the only way to tell is to get her to the local hospital and get a drug test

  8. Right? I never dream that he did something sweet because he's incredibly sweet and thoughtful IRL but here I am being pissed off because I had a dream

  9. First, paragraphs are going to get a lot more people to actually read this all the way through.

    I dated 2 guys who would pull that crap. It's a pet peeve of mine now because it's cruel, vindictive and extremely childish. Go do your thing and stop any contract with him, don't let him guilt you because waaaahhhhhhh! Not giving a crap (at least from the outside) will drive him crazy and he needs to know what that feels like so he will hopefully not continue on this path to being an emotionally abusive partner. In fact, I recommend not getting back into contact ever. I remember feeling utterly worthless and completely awful, and if your partner is not only ok making you feel that way, but intentionally doing it, he is a fucking asshole. I have nothing good to say about that behavior. I can still feel how alone and lost and awful I felt and those relationships were 20 years ago. One of them I really loved, but sometimes that isn't enough. I honestly think I would have eventually killed myself if I stayed with him. He made me feel that horribly.

    You're not nuts to think this is unacceptable. Act accordingly.

  10. If she goes off and takes an angry shower that's better than no shower.

    Maybe ask her what makes showering such a chore that she avoids it. It might reveal some things that can be fixed to make her more likely to shower/bathe.

  11. This!! Also OP was jumping thru hoops to avoid a fight and he's still fighting with her. She can't win and should just not play.

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