TamaraAndHarley live webcams for YOU!


tamaraandharley chat

Date: November 2, 2022

76 thoughts on “TamaraAndHarley live webcams for YOU!

  1. My abuser used porn to introduce the abuse when I was very young (6/7)

    I think I see OPs comments to plan to get police involved, pls do, how long with everything else that was mentioned.

    Good on you for recognizing a real issue and reacting. If it's possible I might suggest therapy for your child…. Porn can distort their views of sex sexuality and expectations of partners.

  2. Sounds like he's one of those weirdos who looks like ladies like property. “I'll only get with a Virgin who is pure and mine only because I don't want any other dicks to have ever tainted the hole which will become mine mwagahahaha” fuckin weirdos man.

  3. This is a tough one. Did y’all have a fight? Is she the silent treatment type? She might have moved on already and wants you to be the ‘bad guy’ and break up with her. You really need to set time aside when y’all can be together and have an open conversation about why her interactions with you have completely changed.

  4. Take the baby and get out. Go home if you have to — even if only temporarily. Why do you say you can't go home? Absolutely cancel the wedding. You are asking for trouble and a miserable life if you marry this horrible man.

  5. A few weeks ago, my phone died after a night out with my friends. When I got back home he was crying saying he was scared something happened to me. My phone died at 12am and I got home 12:40.

    Yes. He never wanted to spend time alone unless he was withdrawing.

  6. You can like dogs, but not want to own one. Every dog I’ve ever owned has been literally dropped off at my house. I love my dogs, but I’d never go out and get a dog. No matter what you say it’s another responsibility and an expensive one lol.

  7. they’ve never been aggressive or violent towards me at all , also confessed to hurting animal when they were younger it’s a lot to take in.

  8. He said he told her and in the post the kid had no reservations about talking about her so I don't think he was told to keep his mouth shut, making it seem more like he didn't want to talk about it and ended up coming off sus.

  9. Can he visit you? Why does he live with his mother and not his wife? Did you two ever live together? I think for now you should go back home

  10. I actually have! There you go assuming shit about me again☺️

    Learn to respect yourself and just walk away from people who make you feel crazy. It takes time but it’s worth it. Have a good day✨

  11. Hello /u/nacho_kilo,

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  12. Yes. You have options like:

    Continuing to date until you feel like it's not working out, or until he moves Continue to date, and when he moves, possibly your ideas about LDR will have changed and you both decide to give it a go. Part now and possibly get back together

    And those are just three options.

    But one thing that is really important, and that you seem to be missing, is some honest communication. What you write about how you feel doesn't really match up with how you said “IDK, I just like spending time with you.” How do you feel? If what you feel is “I really like you and do not want your upcoming move to force our relationship to end,” SAY THAT. Don't dance around your feelings and then feel bummed out when your relationship ends.

  13. Hello /u/Acolyte__,

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  14. Strangers on the internet are not going to be able to give you any insight whatsoever as to why someone would randomly unfollow you on social media.

  15. That's fair, and thank you for sharing your experience.

    I am upset that Amy said no to Beth coming. And at this point I do not want to go on vacation with just Amy. Even though Beth isn't aware Amy said no, I would be really upset in her shoes if I felt one of my girlfriends friends intentionally excluded me.

    I am honestly not sure why Amy said no to Beth coming, other than the explanation I offered. I have a hard time imaging it's for that reason, but I have a lot to think about right now. The comments here and giving me a lot of 2nd thoughts about many things. Thank you.

  16. It's so hard to sell work as an artist. I tried to make it doing stained glass and later doing pottery. I got tons of compliments and rave reviews, but few sales. I tried shows, online, and on consignment through stores. Pieces would sell but not enough to consider it a living. I eventually went to work full time and did my art on the side.

    Without a reputation she's likely not going to make it as an artist. She's going to have to work (maybe she can get a related job for now such as in an art supply store) and keep plugging away on the side.

    It sucks but that's the unfortunate nature of art.

  17. Well first of all no jack Russell is 50 pounds….sounds like a pit mix to me. Second, your bf needs to train this dog or else he will become a real bite risk for people and potentially be put down.

  18. What should you do? You should keep that trash as far away from you as you can. That questions alone makes you sound completely Foolish and clueless. Grow a backbone.

  19. It sounds like you want more than he is willing to give.

    You want more romanic interest, emotional validation, and logistical support.

    But he had SHOWN you his maximum level, usually when you first start dating that is the highest effort a guy will put into a relationship… after the wooing phase people settle into a comfortable pace in a lower gear.

    He has explicitly TOLD you, he doesn't WANT the same thing you want (to be together most of the time). In my experience, when a guy is straight forward like this, you can take the statement at face value;

    You guys just want different things. If you keep trying to bark up the wrong tree you will just be frustrated, and he will just feel annoyed that you are unhappy with him.

    Best to dial things back down to just dating non-exclusive or break up.

  20. He hasn't treated me badly at all.

    My “friends” actually think it is bad that I don't even suspect that he might be cheating since it shows he is probably too stingy to do that. This is their opinion.

    My boyfriend is open and honest with me, when I need him he is there, we have many interests in common and we have a few mutual friends that support us.

    I've known my boyfriend since 2019 but we weren't as close till the recent year.

  21. I would never spy on my partner’s messages. And I would never allow a gf, wife or anyone else to have access to mine. Change your passwords. This woman is trying to own and control you.

  22. 'Pregnancy pills'? I've never known any woman call birth control 'pregnancy pills.' You sound like a teenage boy trying to troll people.

  23. Ugh. It’s a tough call. I wouldn’t give him another chance because drunk or sober, he did what he did & being drunk isn’t a good enough excuse for me. Also? You’ve only been dating 2 months. Break it off now & you save yourself a lot of misery. Too, he’s a little old for that kind of drinking.

  24. I mean, if you're open to hooking up with other people you could consent to her “sneakily” fucking someone else. That's not for everyone though

  25. Irish medical school doesn’t automatically come with residency In Ireland. Where ever you get your practice hours and pay all the licensing fees is where you are able to practice.

  26. You literally posted about the fact you’re obsessively fantasising about her two weeks later dude.

    Why don’t you stop defending OP’s husband relentlessly, listen to what people are saying to you and go self reflect.

    Your and his mental health is not an excuse to display creepy and stalker is behaviour towards innocent women. And it’s definitely not an excuse to emotionally abuse and lie to your wife of 20 years.

  27. I see you tried to play the “victim” card in what you thought was your little “safe-space/echo chamber”, and they shat on you too. I think you need to have some introspection, cause none of what you said is normal, or socially acceptable.

  28. He's not threatened because Terrie isn't interested and he doesn't think Steve is as attractive as him. Also Terrie's husband was not afraid to tell me he thought I was hot, like his wife. Who he loves. Very much.

    Honestly, I got low-key swinger vibes which makes it worse.

  29. Come on…he is encroaching on emotional cheating. Right now he is addicted to her, cant even be without her for too long. Sooner or later that discord chat will turn into sexting and exchanging nudes.

    Give him ultimatum or you walk away.

  30. Problem is that you were right. She is jealous and she is a bitch. Being blunt is no excuse for her comments. She was joking and uses saying she is joking to get away with shit like this.

    Do next apologize and find new friends.

  31. I see your point and I feel that way a lot of the time. But then she does things like initiate sex, recently, and it was really fun and hot and I felt really close to her. I expressed this to her after the fact and she had to actively recall and try to remember how that went down or that she initiated at all. All she remembered was that we had sex and that was it. No emotion in the memory. No desire or affection in the memory. Nothing for her. It really confuses me how she can be so different in the moment and then whatever happened just fades into indifference.

  32. You are correct in this. I've been told this time and time again through most of my life, and it seems rather apparent that his past relationships have not been with women that have that same je ne sais quoi vibe. He doesn't seem to understand it, seemingly thinking I need to change my behavior, when I have been trying to explain that even with a shift toward more modest behavior, I doubt that so can really turn off this underlying feature of my self.

  33. I would have said something then and there “wtf was that I just saw” or something along those lines. I don’t like holding stuff in. I also like that both my husband and I have no issues telling each other when anything bothers us then and there.

  34. Then you have big emotional issues you need to work through in that head of yours. The last thing that enters my mind is the people my bf has had sex with it has got off too. You’re too old to be this insecure about your bf having previous partners. Again you’re 25.

  35. since you're not sure what you want, you and your fiance should read the book the baby decision together.

    I have to say though, even if you do figure out you want kids, I'd advise you to get couples counseling. the fact he thinks he can change your mind is a huge red flag.

  36. We just have good sex life, and it wouldn't be easy for me to find some other girl to keep having sex with as regularly as with her.

    I think it's possible to keep sleeping with ex while not being over her. She obviously is over me as she can leave, I think I can be two. Just two people with casual sex.

  37. I mean your not under any obligation to tell him; however, I wouldn't keep the lie going. Like what if another round of truth of dare and story telling comes up 6 years down the road and you forget what you said but he doesn't. Better to clue him in now that it was a lie than later as he could be sensitive about that stuff.

    As a side bar he may know… Men sometimes can tell that kind of thing. However, it is a really easy conversation.


    “Hey, I was thinking the other day about that trip we all went on. I just wanted to clarify something as it crossed my mind. I was embarrassed about the first time question and I just wanted to go ahead and correct that with you.”

    If your in a healthy relationship you don't need to worry as long as you communicate. Its generally when you brush stuff under the rug (little or big) that everything turns big.

  38. Maybe she works and they don't. Before COVID mine came more often for that reason. Also, I did go visit them but they wanted to see me more and also see where I lived etc. It's really not weird.

  39. Same. It was the best. I don’t know why people wait. One of my friends just got engaged, and he’s wanted kids but his fiancée doesn’t. He’s gonna be alright without them, but it breaks my heart that they didn’t sort that out before they got attached.

  40. If you keep ignoring it, and he's reasonable, he'll back off. If he's not reasonable, you might have to go scorched earth on him. Tell him you made a huge mistake, should have never happened, and if he keeps contacting you that you will consider that harassment and get police involved.

    It sucks, but that sounds like the only course of action. Ignore his attempts for a while and see if he backs off first, though.

  41. A restraining order? Jesus.

    It's like trying to get Betty Crocker arrested because I refuse to stay out of the pantry.

  42. The only thing you're right about is wasting my time on your narcissistic views.

    Not narcissistic, just view of someone with self-worth. I mean you chose to respond to my one sentence comment with a paragraph so you being here is your fault lol.

    I suggested grace as an “option” pending him evaluating the rest of the 6yrs.

    Good for you. That wasn't relevant to my original comment to you.

    You can't handle opposing views tho. Need to make personal attacks, belittling comments, and outright dismissals – when you're the one veering off topic to focus on my typing or other such Logical fallacies.

    I can though, it's why I'm picking them apart piece by piece.

    Need to make personal attacks

    If you wanna take being called a pathetic doormat a personal attack then sure. It should be “attack” though without the S.

    belittling comments

    You replied with plenty of belitting comments too, do you see me crying about those like you are?

    and outright dismissals – when you're the one veering off topic to focus on my typing or other such Logical fallacies.

    Outright dismissals? Where, please quote it. I've been staying on topic the entire time, in fact with my first comment it had nothing to do with the “grace” you're talking about but you decided to bring that back around. Hmm, who's going off topic now?

    I'm done.

    Now you're done lol.

    I tried to offer advice based in grace and focus on love. You chose to focus on hate, mistrust, and lack of 2nd chances.

    Where did I choose to focus on hate? Listen, you let people cheat on you and keep giving them chances. I'm advising people to value themselves a little more. Men nowadays have low self-worth and will accept so much shit behaviour from women but this advice also works for both genders.

    All regarding a 19yr olds actions… The brain doesn't even finish forming till 25…

    Right so anyone under 25 has no personal responsibility and can't take accountability for their actions, that makes sense. Sounds like an excuse to do shit and then when people check you on it when you get older, you bring up “Oh I was young and dumb”. Seems you're one of those people that suffer with making “mistakes” and then blaming your age to dodge accountability.

    But yes – even tho they both wanted to get married – and potentially be each other's soul mates… Let's give ZERO room for grace

    Right, let's advise someone to get married to someone who cheated on them and lied to them for 6 years, very smart.

    when you only know a few tidbits of their lives…. But so free to condemn.

    I mean people should condemn bad behaviour, if no one does then people don't learn. Are you gonna reward your child with candy for having a tantrum in a store? Of course not, but you will reward a cheater lol.

    Sad. Hope you can find some happiness, and try spreading that – vs the hateful emotions you've spent spreading so far…

    I'm the happiest I've ever been actually, none of the advice I suggested is hateful, crazy how holding people accountable for their actions is now seen as hateful. Anyways, I enjoyed this discussion. You have a wonderful day my guy. 🙂

  43. This is such a stupid statement. Absolutely baffled at some of the statements I read on this sub the past couple of days.

  44. Off the bat, my advice would be to let it go and start the process of moving on. I actually started to elaborate as to why, but then realized it honestly isn’t necessary, because you have the ability to get your answer immediately regardless of my or anyone else’s opinion.

    Let’s put things into perspective here; you describe this person as your “soulmate” but you’re afraid to shoot your shot out of fear of rejection. If you get rejected, then she’s not your soulmate.

    After that, you’re putting the cart way before the horse if she says yes. Those questions will get answered by you two talking about it. Good luck.

  45. I don't think you should ever have to cut a friend out of your life simply for having a good friendship. If your friend never made any passes at you and you never had a thing, I don't understand that.

    I do think this guy makes you feel more than “a little uncomfortable”, though. I think you should probably have an honest conversation about that. And if you're okay with them talking, remind her you don't want to hear about their conversations. If you're really not okay with it, be honest. Be direct.

  46. They still run, just check out any women's fashion magazines. DeBeers runs some of the most successful advertising campaigns worldwide.

    It's idiocy to blow huge money on a depreciating 'asset' in general but at the start of a relationship? Nah. You can get custom made high carat gold and lab-grown diamonds as well as moissanite (a personal favorite due to higher dispersion and near equivalent hardness) for hundreds, not thousands.

    Pre1920's, diamonds weren't the standard for engagement rings. There was much more variety and color, as well as just solid engraved bands like poesy rings.

  47. He is younger than you and maybe that plays a part in him being so weird about it. That he feels like you don't need him. Some men need to be feeling like their partner need them for stuff. He definitely didn't react good but maybe that's a part of it.

  48. How much time a day does he spend looking for a job? How hard is he working on gaining employment?

  49. Lol. And they wonder why many articles have come out lately about men being more lonely and single than ever. I can see why based on many hysterical, screeching comments in this thread from men defending their (fucked up) porn habits and not only not seeing anything wrong with it, but attempting to normalize it.

  50. He hasn't seen his parents in 3 years.

    He sees you everyday.

    No offense but his priorities are fine here. You guys can celebrate your graduation when he gets back.

  51. She is so full of crap. She went out to cheat on you and she did. The stories cheaters make up are beyond imaginable.

  52. He has given the numbers in his post, groceries are 700, phone and internet is 200, she is paying 250 more for groceries while probably using no more than 25 percent of them. So she is actually paying around 400 more.

  53. Honestly, as you age you’ll find all sorts of people in unique living situations/dynamics. Being afraid that something is too abnormal to enjoy is the more “young” mindset, (no judgment, everyone’s been there).

    If you’re all happy, then I see no reason to leave. If the dynamic changes and someone’s no longer happier, that’s when leaving should be discussed.

    For now, I’d recommend you have a conversation with your bf about your boundaries. Then have a conversation between all three of you about what living together might look like going forward.

    You should consider what you want out of this conversation. Is prioritization very important to you (do you want it to feel like you and him will always put each other first, and make decisions honoring the each other’s wishes above all else)? Or is harmony super important to you (do you want it to feel like you’d never leave this situation super abruptly/burn this bridge with his old gf, because you’re concerned about how it would affect her)? Or maybe both are important to you, so you two need to figure out how you’ll act if those values come in conflict with one another.

  54. NTA. Just be happy and do what makes you happy (you aren’t hurting anyone and you’re not entitled to any ex).

  55. Your girlfriend sounds genuinely annoying and she needs to get a grip. One of my exes was talked in her sleep about having to drink the liquid from the practice arrows. Another time she said “that's not a courgette that's a tucan”, she later told me it was in fact a bowl of spaghetti.

    Sleep talk makes no sense. It's not based in reality. She needs to get over it.

  56. 9 years ago and no socials or phone and she didn’t know how to reach any mutual friends? Please

  57. Thank you. I wanted to ask but wanted to make sure I wasn’t overreacting for feeling some type of way

  58. You should talk to him. Who prompted the agreement not to be in a relationship in the first place?

  59. Technically it may not be cheating. But what is she doing to keep him from ditching her and finding someone? What promises did she make to this guy? What stake does he have to stay around with someone who gives him nothing in return? She's likely breadcrumbing this guy in some way. Flirting and making him feel like he has a chance. I'd honestly just dump her and do yourself a favor.

  60. wtf why is it your fault?

    He should be angry at his dad. The driver is the one that needs to make sure everyone is in, the doors are closed. This is why people accidentally get run over, because you don't stop to make sure they are completely in the car before you drive off. Dad is the AH and why is everyone relying on you?

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