Sweetgabriela live webcams for YOU!


❤, Titty Fuck❤ [Multi Goal]

Date: February 14, 2023

25 thoughts on “Sweetgabriela live webcams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like you're a friend with benefit and not an actual partner. If you want more, then don't give out to someone who refuses to make the relationship official (and lets face it, this is basically the situation we're dealing with here).

  2. Was your husband also very drunk? It doesn’t excuse their actions, but if he was sober and she was wasted, that sounds like he took advantage of her.

    Unless that’s what happened, all you can really do is take time to yourself to recoup and decide what you want to do. Your husband cheated, can you get over that? Most couldn’t. You should think about divorce.

    Your sister betrayed you. Can you ever forgive her for that? I wouldn’t be able too.

    It would be better to have these people out of your life then in it if this is how they’re going to treat you. No real loss in my opinion.

  3. Why do you feel like you owe her anything, really?

    Unless you're don't it to be clear about boundaries, ghosting doesn't make you an asshole, it's also an answer and a message. It's an exit with your chin up, showing your worth

  4. Is your husband an 8 year old boy? My teenage sons don’t require coercing to shower.

    And the fact that his cleaning himself is doing YOU favor and not himself? Gross.

    It takes men 5 minutes to shower. Tell him to grow up.

  5. Sounds like you don’t like the answer, which is that you can talk to her about her behavior and hope that has an effect, but otherwise you have no option except get over it. The rent is being paid. You were lucky to get a couple months by yourself. Most people deal with roommate stuff all the time without breaks like that. Sounds like your amazing set up was just temporary, but it’s still cool you had it. Now you have to adjust back to what most normal people have to deal with.

  6. She doesn't have TMJ and from my view point of going down on her for hours my face, nose, chin, jaw, teeth are sore af afterwards sometimes till the next day. She has even busted my lips and given me a few nose bleeds several times riding my face.

  7. Dude I call this the what if game and my swifter and some girlfriends used to play it.

    It’s a huge red flag for me and I always bailed as soon as I recognized it.

  8. Unpopular opinion and I expect to be downvoted. If your job is to stay home and take care of things (according to your post, it is) then you should be keeping a clean place. Even working full time outside the home, I would never have dishes on the sink…as you state that you do. It’s super easy to run the vacuum everyday, so that would take care of the bathroom floor. If housework isn’t your thing, I’d suggest just going out in the work force and getting a job. Then you can pay for someone to come clean a couple of times a week. Problem solved.

  9. Is that how she currently behaves with sexual activity? So long as y'all sit down and discuss what moral boundaries y'all have and they match up, there shouldn't be an issue. If you honestly can't understand that people can behave certain ways single or if they're hurt/ fucked up for a min but have a total different set of moral guides while committed. Only y'all can know these answers by talking it out. You'll eventually get over it so long as it's not an ongoing issue. If it's affecting the way you're interacting or viewing her, then it's probably best to find someone more prudish because she can't take back things from her past but she can learn and grow from them.

  10. Thanks for your input. It does sound like couples therapy might offer one last glimmer of hope, and if not then at least I could have some professional guidance with closing out the relationship. Yes we talk a lot about having kids but have been delaying having them because of the relationship issues not being resolved.

  11. He didn't care about how horrible you felt during this time. Think about that. If you stay, this won't be the last time he blatantly disregards your well-being to gain power/control/whatever the hell else he's after.

  12. Does it matter? She's your ex. Why do you care what she does? Why not just block her and be done with it?

  13. Like it or not, as the children's biological fater, your ex has legal rights. If you make this situation adversarial, he could take you to court.

    Any lawyer worth his salt is going to focus on the fact that your ex's children's existence was intentionally kept from him. You may not like the judge's ruling.

  14. I understand where the guilt is coming from, but you need to understand that you aren't her savior and your mental+emotional health is just as important. My trust would be absolutely broken knowing that my SO could have a mental break at any moment without warning. It's not something that I would be able to continue.

    She's also very much in the wrong with thinking she doesn't want to be taking meds permanently.. she has a very serious psychotic disorder, without meds she could very easily have another break.

    If you ever want children you need to understand the consequences of that.. if she stops taking her meds and has an episode, that would be traumatic and potentially very dangerous for your children. To add, there is a very real chance your children would also have psychotic disorders.

    It's entirely your choice on whether you want to stay. But if you stay you need to be 100% in, otherwise it'll only grow resentment or anxiety. I'm not Mother Theresa, it would wear me down eventually, so I, personally, would leave.

  15. I mean…late is late and if you knew you’d be late, why not call in advance?

    Her reaction is shitty and this is a way bigger issue than today’s event. But not responding isn’t exactly the healthy thing to do either.

    Seems to me that you two need some couples counseling. She’s dumping a lot on you in a very manipulative way. Like…she knew the dog was out of food. She just figured she’d ask you to feed it, realize it was out, and you’d fix the situation.

    She doesn’t sound very fun to be with.

    My partner and I (both mid 40’s) do for each other and are appreciative when someone helps the other out. Like today…..partner’s vehicle needed repairs. We had a thing to go to for his brother. Repairs took longer than planned so I took his son to the event, sorted the dogs, No problem. He thanked me. But this was like a one time thing in YEARS. And if I have to work late and ask him to take over dinner for me as I’m usually the one cooking, he does and I thank him.

    But your wife is taking advantage of you. And she’s not appreciative either!

  16. I agree with all that. Bad person like I said. But therapists aren’t in the business of blaming others for your addictions. If they did no one would get help. Well it’s my wife’s fault I drink. Guess I can’t do anything about it. That’s a bummer.

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