Sweet-julieta1 live webcams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Sweet-julieta1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. He needs to stop helping her period! It's her company let her hire help and let someone else put up with her effing attitude and mouth!

  2. Damn, my parents weren't making doctor money and always paid for my girlfriend or my sister's boyfriend to go on vacations. They would never invite someone and then ask for money for ANYTHING. I don't make a ton of money and have always laid for everything for my SOs. This situations makes ME mad. What a dick.

  3. The only thing I am going to say against you was why would you bring a screaming child in to where your husband was sleeping? I am a stay at home mom too and I deal with most of the night time issues bc I can take a nap with my kids the next day or even sleep in with them and snuggle and watch tv while we are sick, while my husband HAS to go to work almost no matter how sick her is.

    That being said, the intimidation is a big BIG no. I would be totally creeped out and scared too. Your feelings are totally valid and his reaction was weird and wrong.

  4. Honestly I think you should leave the past in the past, you apologised after the fact and she accepted that and has moved on with her life. Probably just remain as friends but don’t put your life on hold for her she’s in a relationship so her focus should be on her life and you need to focus on yours. Your only young and have your whole life ahead of you.

  5. Since you don't want to break up with him, I would maybe get curious and ask him some questions, like where is he getting his information from? If he's listening to misogynists like Jordan Peterson, or men's rights activists, that's a pretty bad sign (but kind of explains his arguments). See if he'd be willing to read books like We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie or Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks — you can even read them together (like a mini book club) and talk about it as you go along (then it's even like a couples bonding activity). If he's not open to at least taking some small steps like that, this might not be the relationship for you, because you deserve someone willing to meet you halfway!

  6. He is not a great man. Leave.

    It doesn't matter that you love him dearly. Leave.

    You owe yourself and your children a better life than this. Leave.

  7. “We are currently in this limbo whilst I decide what to do”

    How? You fucked up already onve by taking her back, are you REALLY thinking into fucking up TWICE by doing the same mistake.

    m8, if you do, that cheating is 100% on you.

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