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stefany631live sex stripping with hd cam


22 thoughts on “stefany631live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I completely agree!

    Can you maybe enlighten me on why the fuck this sub has had an influx of girls posting on bfs who are sexually abusive and manipulative? It's crazy how it's every day. Earlier i read about a grl who's bf forced her to give him head and then just left after he was done and she was concerned on how to “fix” it!

    OP I'm gonna tell you the same thing i told her.

    Any man that doesn't respect your body is trash.

    He isn't a child, this isn't the first time he's ever had sex and he's inexperienced and doesn't know he's being too rough.

    He's done shit like this before! Soo… why do u keep putting up with it?

    You told him he was physically hurting you… get me.. please see this PHYSICALLY HURTING YOU DURING A SEXUAL ACT! and he gets pissed off at you because you expect..

    The dude you are probably gonna tell us you love.. and thats why ur sticking around..uh huh.. that he is hurting you and you would expect him to apologize and readjust? But no… he gets mad at you and then ignores you to try and guilt u into doing exactly what you are doing now.

    Posting because you feel like YOU did something wrong?

    Girl how are u taking this manipulation from this man. He is trying to get you to feel so worn out by his sulking and silent treatment that next time.. and THERE WILL BE A NEXT TIME he does it rough you will just endure it so you don't upset him.

    Does that sound okay to you? Does that sound like a healthy relationship? Does that sound like a relationship that make you feel good about yourself?

    Please I'd love for you to answer any of those questions.

  2. I see you've also bought into the worldview. BPD was misdiagnosed/overdiagnosed for a long time, but autism — no, not really, that's not supported by literature, that's a worldview thing. Unless you can provide literally anything showing genetic evidence or that any of these cases have preexisting information about developmental delay on file, what you're actually doing is switching to a new version of autism. I don't understand why it needs to be combined with PTSD, typically PTSD itself covers the symptoms.

    Generally when adults shop for a “neurodivergent” diagnosis (autism or ADHD), what they report is a feeling of relief that they're not a fuckup and they have actually been living life on “hard mode.” They would rather view themselves as being “special” than admit that they may have other things going on that make life “hard mode” and stop comparing themselves to other people. It's actually a massive sign of weakness and failure to continue to obsessively compare and define yourself in relation to others, but to need a magic word to explain why you aren't living up to their standards — as if bipolar or PTSD aren't “hard” on their own. I've seen people say they “need” the dx for accomodations at work, but both bipolar and PTSD are disabilities and are not any less protected, all you need to do is explain to your clinician what accomodation you need and why. I have never heard of anyone saying “b-but only autistic people need that!”, just people feeling invalidated because they got a diagnosis and it wasn't the one they wanted.

    Honestly, the level of navel-gazing and self-obsession seems strange to me in general, and it's not something I trust.

    Again, if you can provide a single study showing that a self-diagnosed/doctor shopping nerd with a drug problem (BPD misdiagnosis) shares anything meaningful genetically with a nonverbal, high needs person who cannot live independently or form relationships, I'll eat my own hat. It's absolutely recruiting.

  3. Honestly, if he can't wait and is pressuring you to do something you're not comfortable with, dump him.

    As a guy I have to say he sounds like he's only interested in sex, not a relationship. If he cared he'd wait for you to make the first move and be more patient without the ultimatum.

    Also DEMAND, don't ask politely, but demand an std test be done before you have sex.

  4. How shocking that a cheater would continue cheating! ? This is why cheating is a one-and-done offense. Hopefully you'll wake up at some point and do yourself a favor, but it's clear that you haven't felt enough pain to get you to the tipping point yet.

  5. Get out of here with that misogyny. She’s made it clear she’s doing the thing a hell of a lot of women do, which is try to be as polite as possible so as not to blow up her social life/friend group, and because women are often concerned that blocking someone who won’t take no for an answer, but who you will still run into in person, will lead to violence.

  6. Do it, you are a beautiful woman and have (imho) perfect breasts.

    My wife never had big breasts, and I love them to bits even after they fed my two kids. It's the person attached that's the most important. He is a superficial asshole who sees you as an object.

  7. Do it, you are a beautiful woman and have (imho) perfect breasts.

    My wife never had big breasts, and I love them to bits even after they fed my two kids. It's the person attached that's the most important. He is a superficial asshole who sees you as an object.

  8. I'm curious whether your opinion would be different if they WERE married? Like if they'd been together the same 3.5 years, but had gone down to the courthouse a year ago – your wording seems to suggest that then you would suggest he stay with her for now?

    It's interesting to me how many folks think “marriage is just a piece of paper, it doesn't prove how much I love someone” and how many others think that “well if you're not married you're not really committed to her or anything”

  9. You handle it by dumping him immediately, and then going to therapy to find out why you tolerated this treatment from him for more than 5 minutes.

  10. This is it right here. She doesn’t have an excuse. She just did it. You are either ok with that or you aren’t, but that’s what it is.

  11. Does seem pretty bad, the part about being up for 24hours and driving? Safety, kindness and common sense seem to be missing here as well as tolerance and patience. But, missing full story. Doesn’t sound good for Mr. Texter though.

  12. People who are constantly late always think it’s no big deal and others shouldn’t be mad about it, because they’re not the ones constantly waiting

  13. This is the way.

    Communication is amazing in a relationship. I picked out my own ring.

    It’s not for everyone, but he didn’t need to guess what I wanted.

    “This is what I’d love and we can afford.” Boom done. No need to spend a year learning about the 4 C’s.

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