Sofia-rendon live webcams for YOU!


ALL GOALS MET [Multi Goal]

Date: October 28, 2022

39 thoughts on “Sofia-rendon live webcams for YOU!

  1. Many of those 20 year old couples will be divorced or unhappy as they mature and years past. You’ll see, in time. Don’t worry. And don’t rush into a relationship because the others around you are. Settling down @20 can sometimes lead to mid life crises or divorce/cheating down the road

  2. I did tell you. You married a child and expected him to act like an adult. Now you have a baby, and expected to act like an adult.

    A child marries and child and has a child. Now you have 3 children.

    Bitter? Calling the truth? Sure if it makes you feel better. A lot of people make mistakes, they admit it and ask for help. Others just want the magic fix, a few lies, and people to tell them they made the right choices.

    Good luck.

  3. You don't ask her to lose weight. ESPECIALLY not by saying “I want you to give me a better version of you”. That's about the most shallow thing you could say. I hope she divorces you and then finds a man worth of her, because you definitely aren't it.

  4. No. Getting clean and sober means you come CLEAN about all the things you did. Literally in the name. You are in no way shape or form going to stay CLEAN and sober unless you do so. Don’t give recovering addicts a bad name, you’ve not recovered. To recover, you have to do so mentally aswell as physically.

  5. So sorry he’s turned out to be a cad. If the roles had been reversed you would have stood by him, but he’s shown you how superficial he is. Don’t let him lie his way out of it. He meant every word he said- twice. Stand up for yourself however is best for you, but don’t let him get away with it.

  6. Does she want dates AND to be included in other things or she doesn’t want dates and ONLY wants to be included in other things?

  7. Hello /u/AltruisticHall426,

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  8. Why are you making all this drama in your life? Just block her and get on with your life. She will think what she wants to think. She probably won’t listen to you anyway.

  9. I pretty strongly disagree with this. My ex from a long time back (she was my first real relationship) is one of my best friends. She’s married and I’m in a relationship that’s probably hitting the marriage phase this year. We text each other several times a week and whenever one of us is going through something, whether work, relationship, or life in general, we seek out the other for advice. I’ve dated a couple of girls who were uncomfortable with the relationship, but I’m always upfront about it. She and I get together for lunch or dinner a couple of times a year just to catch up in person about how life is going. And while we’re very close, it’s because we were each other’s first love and there’s just a very deep understanding and friendship because of that. There is no time ever that either of us has ever thought/suggested/mentioned anything other than friendship in our current relationship. And we’ve now been friends for several years longer than we dated. I would be crushed if she and I stopped being friends because I love this girl dearly, but there’s nothing about the relationship that is even remotely “keeping them on the hook.” I get that every situation is different, but if this were my fiancé having these doubts I’d want to have a very upfront conversation about it. It feels like her concerns are being projected onto this situation which sounds rather innocent.

  10. I don’t think she’s doing blackface. In addition to everything you said, there are darker skinned Asians. They’re not all pale/ light skinned.

  11. oh you mean where I don't always agree the woman is right. Or don't immediately shoot down a man simply for being a man. Where I think cooperating is better than some odd competition? I asked a question I legit wondered about here. I really wonder why breadwinner is considered a bad word. If it's absolute equality everyone is looking for maybe they should take turns on the couch. She can also get a job and go to work when he's off work. Wouldn't that make it even?

  12. Can't answer a simple question? You keep saying you know what a fuckbuddy is so what are you doing asking advice on how you'd “feel” if a fuckbuddy cancels on you?

  13. You're on reddit. You will never be able to tell if all of these posts are real or not. You know you don't have to read them, right?

  14. Those are all fantastic steps first steps BUT it hasn't even been 2 months. You have hurt her THREE times. Broken her trust THREE times. She needs way more time. You are honestly lucky you have been given a third chance with her. She will heal on her own time, not yours.

    Also you have to find a way to get professional help. The steps you have taken will only get you so far and I wouldn't be surprised if that was a contributing factor to her not trusting you yet.

  15. This completely. I just want to add:

    An Aussie is SO much work. That is a wildly different dog and a puppy. One you would realistically both have to train together in order to live with. It would eat/ destroy things and needs constant watch for almost the first whole year. That much of your energy and time would not be good taken away from an aging sick dog. Those two types and ages would not be able to play together and the Aussie could EASILY hurt a small dog during play without even trying to.

    Not only should you have really seen this coming with your boyfriend, you should see why your current dog does NOT need a playmate the breed you are after.

  16. You WERE tricked, you had the writing on the wall when he and the ex literally bragged about cheating on you while you babysat their kids. Staying after that? Damn, just makes you seem very gullible and foolish.

    Him, his ex, his kids, his life- NONE of that is your problem. none of it. He is literally weaponizing his children to manipulate you into staying in a dead relationship. If and when you disappear, you'll quickly become nothing but a past memory in their life. One of many other girls their dad is going to screw around with and abuse.

    Girl, get the fuck out already. Like, yesterday. You know this is what you should've done. What you need to do. So now, make that choice before today becomes yet another “i didn't leave him again.” If you wanted permission, here ya go. You got it!

  17. My friends SO pays for porn model’s subscriptions and pays for random sites to chat to people. Goes online making fantasies of “big black men fucking small white women(he’s white. So is my friend) She finds this ALL. And has for years. Keeps saying she will leave but I’m sure she’s not going to. Sad situation. I don’t mind regular porn, but don’t pay for anything personal or it’s crossing a line.

  18. You don't. You have no control over this. They are both adults and can be friends with whomever they want. You need to get over it.

  19. What is the problem here? Is it my envy? My self-esteem? The way we communicate? I feel very confused.

    It's her, hey, she's the problem, it's her…. ?????

    Nothing you do or say will make her happy. I think for your own happiness, you need to end this 'situationship' and go your own way. Do some therapy, look in the mirror. You are valuable and worthy of being desired, and you may want to think about why you have put up with this shabby treatment for so long.

    She makes it clear that you do not add value to her life. Done be where you're not wanted.

  20. This is a good time to remind my Reddit friends that when we are making major decisions in a relationship you should only proceed if you can both ENTHUSIASTICALLY reach an agreement.

    Anything less damages the relationship. Sometimes a relationship has to be damaged, but that depends on the relationship.

  21. He's been cheating on you while he is deployed. I wouldn't be surprised if his change in character is down to the fact that his other gf is threatening to out him to you unless he dumps you. He's such a coward that he's treating you badly in the hopes you dump him so he can do as he likes.

  22. Yeah I would tell him you should trade , every one he gives you will be returned in kind

    Everyone wins

  23. Then stop viewing it as such and stop doing this behind his back. Doesn’t mean stop doing it – I just don’t see the point of hiding anything.

  24. Forst tell her as soon as possible, then look into treatments or operations. There's a lot of workarounds for people with low fertility, and adoptions always an option.

  25. People ripple need to stop getting married if they’re not in it for the long haul. With the exception of abuse, rape, spouse in a pedophile, marriage should be forever. Divorce him

  26. How do you make an update post? Do I update / edit this one or make a new post w the link to this? I would just reply to each comment but its whole story in itself right now…

  27. He doesn't want to get the treatment, she does. He's fine not getting it. His point is that if she wants it so bad she can help pay for it.

    In any case, there been dating a month. Way too soon for this specific delivering, imo.

  28. I don’t know why you came here to ask for advise anytime anyone asks or says something you seem to be making excuses for her.

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