Roseliine live webcams for YOU!


Roseliine Public Chat Channel

Date: October 4, 2022

5 thoughts on “Roseliine live webcams for YOU!

  1. Then divorce her and marry someone whose income trajectory matches yours. Your lifestyle doesn't have to change as your income level does. Like what else do you need? A mansion?? The largest yacht in the world? A car made out of gold? Hardly anyone is married to someone who makes the same as them. You've gotten way too big for your britches!

  2. 1) You need to work on your insecurities. Therapy if you can afford it.

    2) Unfollow her is the wrong ask. Its controlling. You should say “You following somebody that you used to date just before me makes me uncomfortable. Then allow him to make whatever choices he is going to make. Then judge if you are happy with those choices. If not end the relationship.

    3) Don't do this relationship test bull. I didn't want him to do it but I said he could do it. At least be honest. I would rather you not follow her.


    5) Dear god you have already made this super uncomfortable and overblown I would leave it the hell alone unless you see sus interactions between them. And I don't mean just simple conversation.

  3. Don't fight for someone who has already decided they don't want to be with you.

    You can state your case, what you think about the relationship, but if that doesn't work, don't chase. You're worth more than that.

    Don't be with someone who can't handle or support your mental health, either. While no one should have to put up with toxic behaviour with the excuse of mental illness, a partner should be willing to support you when you have an episode or things are just really hard.

    This also seems to be the case of an in-law giving the wife crap while the husband just sits back and lets it happen. That sounds like a similar situation with your SIL, boyfriend, and yourself. Your brother also sucks for sitting back and letting her treat you like crap. Find a partner who's willing to stick up for you and see things from your perspective, or at the very least understand why you're upset or uncomfortable..

    You're both really young and still growing and figuring it out. It hurts now, but you'll be able to take the time to figure out who and what you want in life. I thought I was with the love of my life at nineteen. I was not. Now, looking back, I can't fathom being with that person.

    Who knows though, you two could reconnect later as grown, healthy adults who have figured things out. You could be friends, you get back together, or just look back at the relationship as a time that helped you learn and continue growing.

    I think he has a lot of growing up to do, like most twenty-two-year-olds. So do you. Give yourself the space to do that. Step back, focus on something else, then look back with more objectivity and hindsight.

    I know all this sucks. Break ups usually do.

  4. I think every other aspect of the relationship is fine. I just cannot get over this part of it because it doesn’t make sense to me.

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