Rollerman610live sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “Rollerman610live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. i totally get what you mean. my boyfriend of 1.5 yrs is not as unaffectionate as your husband but close! we got a dog about 6 months ago and he is IN LOVE with the hound. greets him lovingly when he gets home, is always cudding and kissing his head. it threw me for a loop at first because “why is he being more affectionate with the dog than me lol?” but i just realized that through the way he was raised it’s much easier to show phsyical/verbal love to a pet. it’s like a baby, they are completely innocent and have no idea what you’re saying. it’s not about you at all- if you want more affection from him i’d leave the cat out of the equation. good luck!

  2. As someone who also suffers from vaginismus I can tell you it's possible for someone with it to get to a point where they can have PIV often and even enjoyable most the time. But it's something they have to really want themselves. It's a long process too. I even now after years of having PIV multiple times a week still have times where it tightens too much and really hurts or I even get raw from PIV. For me now it's sorta just something I overlook and clench my way through. But that's also why I can totally understand also not wanting to deal with that pain.

    I went through a few years span early on in my sex life where I couldn't handle the pain and shy'd away from PIV as well. It wasn't til I was a little bit older and got with a partner that I really wanted to have PIV with, but physically couldn't at first. My muscles were locking down so hard penetration wasn't even possible. It took 3 months before we finally accomplished PIV and it was so painful for me at first. But I really wanted us to be able to have regular sex and we just kept at it after that. I eventually got to a point where I could relax enough and wasn't mutually pairing PIV and pain together and could enjoy it more.

    So it's possible for her to get to a point like that as well, but it's something she has to want herself. If she doesn't want to deal with that pain it's understandable though. Y'all might just end up being sexually incompatible sadly.

  3. Under no circumstances should you allow your wife to be alone with your daughter or give her any authority over your daughter whatsoever. Your daughter is powerless and it is your obligation to protect her. My heart breaks for your daughter. The adults in her life are an addict, a witch, and a half-assed father who doesn’t give a shit about her.

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