If you think this is an okay thing to do then bring your husband since it shouldn’t be a big deal. If your husband’s presence makes it awkward then that proves that this was never going to be a platonic conversation
This is the relationship that you found out about. Imagine what hes been doing for the last 5 years. You only found out because she got p***** off not because his actions were a dead giveaway. Move on from this loser
once a cheater alwaysa a cheater
You already know the answer to this.
If you think this is an okay thing to do then bring your husband since it shouldn’t be a big deal. If your husband’s presence makes it awkward then that proves that this was never going to be a platonic conversation
This is the relationship that you found out about. Imagine what hes been doing for the last 5 years. You only found out because she got p***** off not because his actions were a dead giveaway. Move on from this loser