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princes-candylive sex stripping with hd cam


54 thoughts on “princes-candylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Well,

    Ride it out and wait til he leaves you. Talk to him civilly and tell him since he is just leaving if you could just keep the house. TAKE HIS NAME OFF ANY PAPERWORK. he can come back in 30 years and fight for the house if you don’t. My dad just went through it. Trust me.

    Tell him to leave. Save you some dignity rather than him leaving you out of the blue one day.

    Ask him what’s going on. Fight it out and you leave until he leaves than go back to the house

  2. You can't put your self through unnecessary pain. Be happy,and live a little. Dont live with the could've beens would've beens should've beens !

  3. Usually I’m pretty harsh on men but in the case I actually feel empathy/compassion for your husband. I don’t think he was right at all but I can empathize with him. If this is out of character I would show him some grace. Have him apologize to your kids but still show him grace. His grandfather died and his sister passed out, but her head, bled profusely, and vomited violently last night. He didn’t get much sleep either. He should go to therapy to work on his distress tolerance but he doesn’t seem like a bad guy.

  4. … wow… pretty naive. So you think the MOST logical reason to end a relationship is wrong, but are totally fine with speculating on some fantasy idea of “discovering your adult identity”. Let me ask, is this realistic? Be honest lol. She wants to throw away a presumably great marriage so she can discover…. hobbies and books? I'm not sure what this “adult discovery” is and I'm not sure why you couldn't get it while in a marriage… Pretty stupid my friend… pretty stupid. The most logical answer is the most stupid? Lol. Gtfo here with that San Francisco hillbilly logic.

  5. 23 divorced, and talks about having kids 7 months into relationship. Holy shit you are crazy for getting involved in this.

  6. There are three people in your relationship your boyfriend you and his mother. Leave whilst you still can and find someone that has time.

  7. So get a job instead? Seems like the obvious solution. Even a part time position with flexible hours. Hell, why not clean houses on your own schedule for your own income? If you can do that at home then what stopping you from doing it elsewhere? Let your husband pick up the slack at home while your both earning incomes.

  8. You don’t need to apologize here. Her feelings got hurt and she’ll get over it. No means no for everyone so I don’t think you need to do anything.

  9. Ill likely get downvoted but – i think this comes from a more misogynistic place.

    He doesnt like the idea of his daughter being with a man cause he doesnt want his daughter losing her vs to a bloke im betting.

    Unleas he shows some sexual interest in her i think its more of a case of 'she can munch rug as long as it means she isnt munching something else' and yes i was just sick in my mouth writing that but im going from his viewpoint. Not my own.

    Id sit down and aks him directly what his issue is with this cause as you can see its making him appear very sick in the head rather than just a misogynistic twat.

    He needs a wake up call cause my second guess on this is that he has an incest and lesbian fabtasy which is obviously, beyond not ok and he needs to hear himself.

  10. Most of us have better things to do than monitor the frequency of our SOs interactions with other people. I don’t monitor my husband’s texts, so maybe he texts some of his female friends more than me, I don’t really care. As long as I’m happy with the level of communication we have, that’s the important aspect.

  11. I hear what you're saying, but just from knowing my own personal life I don't think that's the case, he's always wanted to get married even b4 we started talking about it, his big worry is that he doesn't want to have kids right away (and his parents didnt get married till they were like 28 or 30 i believe so he likes the idea of following their love story) if at all, and is worried that as soon as we get married it'll be expected to have kids right after.

    I've done my best to try not to pressure him and just be honest about what I want in life and that it's a life we both are wanting to head towards together. The topic of would I be okay joy getting married came after I told him one of my friends kept expecting us to come home with a ring and he was like “is it that obvious that I'm going to?” And then sort of back tracked into the would i be happy if we didn't.

  12. Not sure why people are sayi g youre ungrateful.

    The reasons behind why you wanted this for yourself are valid and sound. Maybe its something only kids who grew up poor can understsnd. Who knows

    I get it. But in her mind this was something she knew you wanted so she was thinking she could do this for you. I dont think she wuite understsnds why it was something you wanted but also specifically for you to buy.

    Sit her down. Apologise for hurting her feelings. Explain you realise how this may hsve come across and that you sre very grateful she thought of something you love so much. But that this was something you had been working towards as a reward due to your upbringing etc. Explain that you realise she may never be able to understsnd why this meant what it did but to please still respect your feelings on the matter.

    Id tell her you still love the watch and you still love her and then whether you decide to accept the gift or not is down to you. Is there a new goal you can use or come up with together?

    New car or soemthing.

  13. When you told her that you wanted the watch, did you explain how you really wanted to do it on your own and that it means so much to you because you grew up without money? Or did you just mention that you've been wanting it without the background story?

  14. Who knows what else has happened that she didn’t disclose to this particular friend, or anyone at all?

    Man, I can’t wrap my head around why you’re trying to minimize or invalidate what this dude is going through.

  15. If just the site of photos gets to her (he was just scrolling through his phone, not purposely going to them to reminisce), then she's not emotionally mature enough for a relationship.

    If she's upset that he has a past, then that's an unrealistic expectation.

  16. After reading your post history you’re in denial. Do you honestly think it’s platonic if he goes out of his way to hide messages from you? Especially if you say you saw messages saying I miss you, I love you? Who would send messages like that to a BEST FRIEND OF SIX MONTHS especially if they have a boyfriend? He’s 21 in his senior year of college making new friends and not thinking about your feelings. Sorry but…….breaking up would be best.

  17. request you to get therapy

    This sub man. She can’t pay her rent, like where the fuck is she supposed to get $150/hr (or more, sounds like they’re in a HCOL area) for therapy?

  18. I would have another roommate then. rent somewhere cheaper with another female. if you can’t afford it with your boyfriend, then rent a room somewhere.

  19. Read how I wrote redditors, not women.

    I don't know if this is your first day on this subreddit or on the internet in general.

    But there's no lack of any gender on this page who keeps fucking retards

    Guys who post “my girlfriend keeps stabbing me and stealing my wallet, should I leave her???” Are a common sight sadly.

    That you went and assumed it had to be about women or whatever only confirms one thing tho

    You're probably one of those retards who keeps getting fucked 'round here

  20. This whole post is so fucking sad.

    If you continue on with this worthless relationship then you're setting the bar very low for your daughter to follow.

    Please find some dignity. Prioritise your child & yourself over this lazy, abusive man-child.

  21. Not only that, but it’s not his first time r-ping someone either with what happened here.

    A guy knows better than to have sex with a woman whose that inebriated because it’s not consent.

    A r-pist will not care if she’s sober, drunk, or inebriated. He just cares about using the body to violate, have power over, and get their jollies. They do not care how many times they do it or to how many others they do it too.

    Hence why, also, bigger question, cause it’s obvious at this point, how many times had this man r-per her sister, let alone Op when black out drunk?

  22. Maybe I am part of the issue because I don’t even know what to say when it gets to this point. She’s incredibly sensitive and I feel like I have to tip toe around these subjects. I’ve explained to her that I’m trying to provide more than what I had growing up for our kids. Therapy might be the correct answer for both of us. Something I will definitely talk to her about and look into. Thank you

  23. Ok so I'm a grubby little gremlin and don't mind others not showering before sex. I like showering after, and I feel like showering twice seems a bit unnecessary. BUT. my partner does like it! And he's politely requested it of me. And I love and respect his preferences and desires. So I shower before we have sex. Like it's not that hard to do something small that means a lot for your partner.

  24. If you aren’t happy and he is lying to you, he will lie to you about something else eventually, if he hasn’t already. You’ll be even more unhappy and you’ll continue to fight, etc. don’t stay for the baby’s sake, never stay because of your child.

  25. yeah english is not my first language and in spanish it is common to call your gf's mom your mother in law even if youre not married

  26. What? We need more content but even without it…he is too old for you…you are barely just legal and he is a pedophile in my eyes

  27. So I thought he said all these things but really you “filled in” his eyebrow talk ? He said nothing! Probably enjoying the afterglow of sex not listening. His “face”/grimace might be because he didn't feel like chatting (oh no, not talking again) not the body aspect. You manufactured this argument.

  28. So I thought he said all these things but really you “filled in” his eyebrow talk ? He said nothing! Probably enjoying the afterglow of sex not listening. His “face”/grimace might be because he didn't feel like chatting (oh no, not talking again) not the body aspect. You manufactured this argument.

  29. So I thought he said all these things but really you “filled in” his eyebrow talk ? He said nothing! Probably enjoying the afterglow of sex not listening. His “face”/grimace might be because he didn't feel like chatting (oh no, not talking again) not the body aspect. You manufactured this argument.

  30. What sucks is I keep making excuses in my head for him.. I mean he's the father of my little girl. I so bad wanted a family ? He's never given me any reason to think this is what he's in to…

  31. All of the women in my department got flowers today in US, Poland, Denmark, South Africa, Germany, Canada from the director. And one of my guy friends sent flowers today too though I’ve not received them yet as it’s early morning yet. But he told me to keep an eye out for the delivery guy.

    I dunno. I don’t see an issue with it. ?‍♀️

  32. Yes but these women get to have those things AND not have their partners resent them.

    Men here know that their duty is to make the life of their women as comfortable as possible and my partner also agrees with this and tries his best I guess. You must understand that this is not America, women don’t care to be equal here as they get treated better, and men know that they must put their women above them. It’s a cultural thing which I’m really fascinated by and think it will bring me lots of happiness but it’s a weird line to tip toe and that’s why I’m asking .

  33. That he’s not interested in part planning doesn’t make him unworthy of marrying. However, the communication issues are a real problem, and his family’s never going away. You’re still uncomfortable around them three years in. What happens when you have kids?

  34. Definitely how a lot of people would respond to the situation. Everyone has their line but for me it's cheating.

  35. She alienated me from almost all my other friends, which made it hard at first to reconnect (for me), but now I enjoy and cherish those friendships even more.

  36. Thank you for your kind words. I just really wish I could go back in time to handle this more maturely.

  37. Deleting evidence is terrible advice, you are correct. Regardless of whether or not the messages disappear from either or both phones, there is a record of every message sent on both phone bills. Idk what kind of law this person practices, but I'm guessing there's a reason why she goes for job interviews and gets the runaround for months.

  38. Not overstepping, but it was a bad tactical decision. Who really gives a shit? She wore a white dress. Wrongs something childish in a book. Now you’re even.

    I’d just meet with her, let it go, and ask if the two of you can bury the hatchet. Alternative is to lose access to your father, which you’re obviously willing to do, but over what? And it also just gives her what she wants, anyway and hurts you and him and your future kids.

  39. I think it’s less what you are fearing and more he is growing bitter seeing you become successful and take accountability in ways he never could. His life was picturesque (beneficial to him) one moment, and now that ease and “stay at home wife” stereotype he had of you has been shattered. I’d hazard a guess he’s just feeling inferior and instead of doing anything about it, he’s lashing out.

  40. I think it’s less what you are fearing and more he is growing bitter seeing you become successful and take accountability in ways he never could. His life was picturesque (beneficial to him) one moment, and now that ease and “stay at home wife” stereotype he had of you has been shattered. I’d hazard a guess he’s just feeling inferior and instead of doing anything about it, he’s lashing out.

  41. Bad idea. If the apartment isn't vacated, she'll probably be charged for a month to month lease.

  42. Especially once the relationship (aka the “promise” of consistent sex) is over. Anytime you have sexual relations after that is when their true colors come out. Honestly it’s awful how many men just truly do not care or respect women beyond sex, and how many men deny that fact.

  43. Which is true, I'm not sure a court would agree to that. Even with home-schooling (and I guess remote home-schooling when they're at OP's?), these kids wouldn't be able to participate in any ongoing sports or other teams with that kind of mind-bogglingly disruptive schedule.

  44. I've heard of age gaps, but jeez…

    You're dating an old man. He's not exactly going to be sexually vigorous. Find someone younger than your grandpa.

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