POTUS Fresh & 1st Lady Flash the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


POTUS Fresh & 1st Lady Flash, y.o.

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Online Live Sex Chat rooms POTUS Fresh & 1st Lady Flash

POTUS Fresh & 1st Lady Flash live sex chat

Date: September 28, 2022

9 thoughts on “POTUS Fresh & 1st Lady Flash the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You should seek therapy. 13 is nothing, and being upset that she had a life before meeting you is immature on your part.

  2. Thats what I thought at first. But a year ago, we were away for the weekend and when we came back I found a pair of earrings in his room that werent mine. I asked him and he said he swears he thought it was mine. And i said no. So he said oh then he doesnt know really. He said over that time people in his house party and maybe someone used his room as he never locked his room

  3. Hello /u/jshissuhmk,

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  4. Stop wasting time on this guy. He won’t commit, and if that is something you want, then find someone who will give you that.

    I hate people who string others along like your (hopefully ex) bf is doing to you.

  5. I am not sure that it's the guards job to tell a tennant whatever.

    I think- as I said farther above- there needs must be a code of conduct and the guard must have gone out of line here, personally talking to her.

    If there is a creep in that apartnent house eyeing one or several women, guard must be reinforced and the attention of the other guards drawn to that potential issue.

    Which isn't done by talking to the girl concerned.

    I mean…. what should she do with that information now? I would find that random watcher creepy as heck and I would feel potentially threatened.

  6. Oh sweetie, you reacted out of panic and social anxiety, that happens!

    You honestly don’t have to do anything. Maybe block him if it makes you feel more comfortable.

    This is really harmless so communicating it with your husband is not gonna hurt. But definitely practice saying no. Lots of strangers could actually be total psychos and you never know who you are giving your number to.

    You are adorable btw!

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