PhoebeStuart live webcams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “PhoebeStuart live webcams for YOU!

  1. The only thing that matters here is that him compromising is allowing you to volunteer. WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS MAN THINK HE IS? Does he actually think he has a say in whether or not you volunteer someone. He's a huge controlling asshole. Leave. You will never be truly happy with a man like this.

  2. So you've broken up because you decided one thing on the internet means she's 'aging' and now you want to woo her back with marriage? Ew.

  3. That's not people pleasing. He isn't pleasing YOU! He's taking you for granted and pleasing his friends. He takes you for granted. There is something larger going on here. You will 100% be miserable marrying him. Stop making bad decisions that will take years to clean up wtf is wrong w you

  4. I usually stick up for the man. But not because he’s a man. I just look at everything. Not whether it’s a man or a woman. That part doesn’t matter.

  5. That’s not boudoir. Your wife allowed your friend to shoot porn with her. And he touched her. She’s incredibly stupid, a cunt, or both. I’d bounce.

  6. Joshua is not a good man he's a lazy pig who demads sex after eating the dinner, he says he's too tired to cook. Buying you dinner is not doing his share of the household chores.

    You should not quit your job or have kids with this guy you should leave him.

    The Bible is just book assembled by a load of pagan men in rome by a series votes for “favourite” stories. You should read the ones they voted against lol.

    Also do you think you might be gay?

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