Peitt live webcams for YOU!


Play with my boobs , ❤ comment me [Multi Goal]

Date: November 5, 2022

70 thoughts on “Peitt live webcams for YOU!

  1. DO NOT LEAVE HER ALONE IN YOUR HOUSE! Change the locks put an alarm on the house then tell her she can’t be there when you’re not home! Put her stuff on the front lawn get a restraining order she’s a girlfriend if you have no lease etc it’s your right to tell her to leave…

  2. Never be alone with her. These are the people who beat themselves up, call the police and you get arrested, and you’re in jail while she’s living in your house. File a police report just to document you want her out. Then if she starts filing false complaints with the police you’re covered. Sounds like you may be dealing with someone with Borderline Personality and they are vindictive as hell when you abandon them.

  3. or bi… or pan. There's more sexualities than straight or gay. He's exploring – again – no way excusing his actions he should be held accountable for cheating BUT DO NOT ASSUME SOMEONES SEXUALITY

  4. or bi… or pan. There's more sexualities than straight or gay. He's exploring – again – no way excusing his actions he should be held accountable for cheating BUT DO NOT ASSUME SOMEONES SEXUALITY

  5. She’s leeching off of you, dude, don’t you see? You and your daughter deserve better. What is she doing to contribute? She calls you selfish, she doesn’t work, she’s actively making your life harder and trying to manipulate you into moving away from your support system so she can live near her boyfriend. Dump her, dude. She’s dead weight.

  6. It's the context and intention that matters… And your boundaries ofc.

    I personally kiss everyone, and if my gay friend kissed my bf on the cheek to say hello or I love you bro I wouldn't mind.

    If I thought he was hitting him that would be different, but I guess it's whatever you're comfortable with?

    The main thing is you trust your boyfriend.

  7. I just offered to be friends because that is what you say after you break up. it doesnt mean you become actual friends. You're supposed to go along with it. for example. “can we just be friends?” “yes of course.” It doesnt mean you are actually friends. do you know what I am saying?

    instead with her, she's like no thanks. to me, that's not very civil. that's being difficult.

  8. Your reading comprehension is…

    Rather than pulling my quotation without its full context, maybe you could…try again.

    Too, I simply don’t know how you can possibly infer that I’m blaming OP for anything given what I actually wrote – as opposed to what you decided I must have meant.

    Good luck.

  9. Yesss! I tried asking about this once, but he wasn't really into it which was surprising. I'm bisexual so I would enjoy it, but I don't want to press him into it. I can definitely try asking again, never hurts!

  10. Relationships are great and so is being in love or even kinda in love. But if you can't be alone you're not ready to be with someone. A partner is exactly that, a partner. When you put that on someone to be your one and only source of happiness it can cripple and ruin a relationship. Also like someone else said in these comments. Its gonna be alright dude you're only 19, i didn't have a serious girlfriend until I was 18 myself. I know it sucks being lonely but it's not the end of the world you will meet someone trust me.

  11. Thanks but I've figure that out, I know it's not going to be perfect but if there's things that could be cleaned up like a normal person, like throwing dirty tissues or even used whatever wrappers in the trash bin, then I've been thinking that's a them problem. I've communicated that it's literally disgusting and my SO hasn't figured it out and says I'm the problem. We've gone through a session of counseling and the counselor told her she may be the problem just for her to block it out saying she doesn't have a problem.

  12. Find a girl who is satisfied

    My vagina, like the layout, 5 inches is perfect It hits all the right spots

    Maybe her spots are deeper in.

    It's neither of your faults you just need to find a matching girl

  13. He most likely then by the sounds of it wants to distance himself from you now since the process is almost done (hell, he could think that you would be 'enthusiastically' trying to finish the process ASAP to 'make it up to him')

    He also could be cheating, lack of sex life can be a sign and there is an increase rate of men cheating on pregnant/post partun wives. Also imo he was doing projecting so hard he projected onto an inanimate object. While there were times YOU werent alone/had the opportunity, the question begs if HE had the opportunity, loke when you go to friends or out with the baby.

    When you put the lingere/toys in the box way back and hid it in the closet, where they still in the original boxes/bags? Did they still have their tags on them? And then what about when he pulled them out? If the lignere had ghe tags taken off and you didnt do it then that probs mean someone else wore them, and if the vibrator was in its original packaging and suddenlu was out of it, why would he take it out to just accuse you?

    I honestly would stop the process, even just pause it until you either leave (try to contact any local friends, like the one who babysat, for support/help safely leavint and mention how he kicked you out onto a recliner to sleep) or until you find a way to move past this and whatever tf his deal is (though its looking to me like he is either cheating or using you, or maybe even both)

    Also by your accounts it sounded like ypu guys bought a cheaper version or discussed doing so. You just upgraded it to better quality. That would make partners more happy I woild think? Unless he is super insecure, in which case thats still not healthy…

    He also was dodging your question and it was quite possible the logic doesnt make sense because he came up with it on the spot to make up an excuse to distance himself from you/start the process of distancing himself. If he was facing/near the closet he may have remembered the fight you two had and brought it up to cover his ass/justify him being irrationally upset. He is gaslighting you to try making it seem like gis logic and you needing to bendover backwards to satisfy his logic/make it up to him is “logical” or “rational”, when we all know its not.

    He also probably stopped having sex with you have the baby was born because he probably was hoping having a baby with you would solidify his chances of citizenship/PR as 1) he now has a child here and 2) you 'wouldnt leave him' since he makes a lot of the money (Im assuming? Correct if wrong) and now 'has no use of you/there is now no reason for sex' since there is already a child.

    Has he bonded with your baby well? Or has he ignored it/left everything up to you? If he has ignored your baby then he probably was just using the both of you imo and I honestly would stop the process of his citizenship.

    But idk, this is just my conspiracy theory brain going on a ramble.

    Goodluck OP

  14. I think the others are correct– he's changed. the version you knee and loved appears to be gone.

    I kept looking for a kernel of positivity to build upon, but after reading your entire post, I don't find a single one.

    in fact, this would have been the point of no return, for me:

    “I’ve never hated myself more than I was with you”.

    nope, not a chance I stick around after being told that. it basically says that as long as you are you, and as long as you ae around him, he will either hate himself or be reminded of how much he used to hate himself. both are dealbrekers for me.

    it's sad, but it sounds like he's changed, and doesn't really see how you fit into his new life.

    the next time he calls without saying anything like a child, tell him that unless he starts talking, you're going to stop answering… period.

    but you do need to begin the process of mentally breaking away from him. may not seem like it right now but one day you'll see how a real bf should treat his lady, and you'll look back on this situation and be glad you moved on.

  15. There is so much wrong with this comment. You didn't even spell chlamydia correctly, please stop spreading misinformation. Chlamydia does not lie dormant, it can be asymptomatic, but you'd still be able to transmit.

    The chances of passing chlamydia on are about 25% every single time you have intercourse. Male to female transmission rates are at about 40%. Even when it is asymptomatic.

    She tested negative during her first pregnancy. The chances of her getting pregnant by a carrier without getting infected herself, are incredibly small. The odds of him not being a cheater are close to 0.

  16. I swear if he loses this job because similar past action I will lose it.

    Perhaps what you need to lose is him. I can assure you this isn't going to improve. Do you see yourself living with this guy 10 years from now? If there's no future, why prolong the misery?

  17. They seem to be continually crossing lines. It should be a simple ask to not make the friendship sexual. Also them bothering her on a known date night is concerning. They are making a move and they are not her friends. You need to ask your SO to sever the relationship but also be a support for her because it must be hard for her to cut a friendship when she doesn’t make friends easily.

  18. Let’s abandon an infant and let them scream until they learn that their caregiver will not come back from them.

    That is what “self soothing” is. It’s teaching your baby that no one will comfort them when they are in distress.

    But hey you might get some more sex and you earn the money so your dick should be the number one priority?

  19. Yea she is. I was just being polite and trying to avoid the obvious elephant in the room. Money changes almost everyone. Her boyfriend seems to be the rare exception and sounds like a great guy. I would like to be friends with him.

  20. You have to decide who you believe and act accordingly.

    Has your sister done things similarly disrespectful previously?

  21. People who are nice to bad people are bad people. It's really that simple. Your boyfriend is a bad person. The excuse that no ones perfect applies to things like being late, or having a bad day. Not being friends with someone who sexually assaults women.

  22. You didn't let it go so she came up with her last resort “it was a joke”. Don't be stupid. She is texting other mens and doesn't even feel bad. She thinks you are so naive that she can tell you every bullshit.

  23. BLOCK .. or give him a chance if you feel like he is being genuine. Sometimes mistakes happen. So if you feel like he is genuine.. then its worth the risk so if the heart break does happen and he dumps you atleast you'll have clarity on him being shit.. or not..

  24. She has a job that’s the thing. I don’t know how she manages to text me while working. I think it’s because she’s a janitor but still it’s a lot.

  25. I agree with cranky's comment. If the relationship is healthy for both of you and you are both on the same page regarding your future and the way you two live together, it's less of a problem than you are making it to be. So I see this as more of a you problem that you ought to work on.

    Also if she says: “do I look like someone who stays single for long?” it also means she has choices and chose you. So you must be doing it right. Drop the insecurities, they're all in your head.

  26. I guess your brother realized qucker than I that animals>>>>people.

    Good for him.

    Leave him alone and dont try and force your mindset on live on to him.

  27. Good point. Perhaps I’ve gotten used to the back and fourth of her loving me for a few days or weeks then out of nowhere getting triggered and treating me like I’m nothing, projecting her past and insecurities on me. She’s on her phone most of the day scrolling through social media watching random videos. She did read books but not much the past couple weeks. We’ve definitely had a lot of deep meaningful moments but as of the past few weeks it’s just been constant anxiety because either the day is really good or really bad mostly depending on her mood and how she acts towards me. She does dishes every now and then and cooks, other than that she just lays in bed. She doesn’t go out on walks with me or anything.

  28. Because I love him, because I know he loves me, because I know I am what he needs and he is what I need. I know couples are not all the same and that we can be happy together with our differences, this life was never said to be a dealbreaker for him before, he knew it

  29. If you're in the US, see if your state has a putative father registry. You cannot make someone have or not have a termination.

  30. You're completely missing the point though. OP doesn't want divorce, and that is what will happen.

    OP isn't an idiot.

    Mark can give any ultimatum he wants.

    She's asking how to avoid divorce.

  31. Social media is not real life at all.

    It’s also really weird that you’re involving your parents. You think maybe he blocked you is because he knew his ex and his ex’s parents were going to dissect his life via social media.

  32. I wouldn't say a trauma. Sorry for the bad use of word but i did hurt me. And i has happened so many times with that girl. I should have myself withdraw from that situation and shouldn't have respond but i did and mistakes happened. Really want to learn from these mistakes and want to be a better, secure person

  33. Well you do use words that show your fear of the situation… “This dude”, “her mistake”, “just in case”…

    For what we know, this is just a guy, like you, and she might have dated him and then stopped, like it happened with you. And then she came back to you, while for some reason you think she's keeping him around waiting for the right moment. Like, she came back to you without having kept you around, so why would she keep another guy around? She could ghost him too and then eventually she could go back to him if she felt like it, just like she did for you.

    So I'd say there are many things in your head… Your future partner will have other people around than just you, even people with which there might be an actual mutual attraction. The point is to be able to trust each others, in a relationship.

  34. Are you usually afraid of things that you also want?

    Does the idea of still being with her in five years make you feel happy? Does it make you feel bad?

    If she leaves today and is married to someone else in a year, how will you feel about that?

    As far as I can tell from your post, you are more afraid of committing to her than losing her. You should let her go. There’s a really good chance you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, but who you are right now is not a guy who values her enough to deserve the role of husband to her.

    Not getting married is fine. Wasting someone’s time is not. You and she don’t share goals right now. Set her free to find a man who does.

  35. After what?

    I was responding to the idea she go after the procedure. Are you suggesting you mean she get the medical treatment, she go home and recover alone, and when she feels better THEN she drives to her family?

  36. I’m so sorry. He’s not attracted to you. He’s a pedophile. Please don’t stay and have kids with him. Take his laptop to the police and file for divorce.

  37. yeah, I told him, he said he is too embarrassed by his reaction he doesn't feel comfortable discussing it with anyone

  38. Nope. I’d break up the second someone started trying to control what I wear. This is the first step into controlling more parts of your life.

    Are there other aspects of your relationship he has issues with?

  39. You don't want to have children with a man like this. If he's confident he isn't the father, he should at least be willing to work with this woman and get the proof that he isn't. He's demonstrating that he's the sort of guy who will cut and run- who won't take the proper responsibility for his own offspring.

    He can ignore it all he wants- this woman will likely wise up eventually and begin legal action. A court can and will order a paternity test.

  40. People get embarrassed when they are found to have hidden kinks.

    Hidden. Like, secret. I don't know why you're denying the evidence.

  41. Even if they think he is great, you are actually entitled to fall out of love. Like, no one else can argue that, with you falling out of love. It's a feeling and you either love someone or you don't.

    Tell them that you have fallen out of love with him and needs somewhere to stay until you have a jobb and your own place.

  42. He has never hurt me and never would hurt me physically. But the yelling and hitting objects is a monthly occurrence.

    Some context is we are stuck in the cycle where neither partner feels heard. I avoid expressing my emotions letting them build up and my partner is much more direct. With the directness, I think I go into over explanation mode to try and express my intentions, but then I miss my partners problems and he feels unheard all together.

    We had our biggest and most bizarre fight this November. It started when I went to bed and texted a reminder to him to let our dog out and the next morning he was annoyed that I did that. I asked for some space when he confronted me about it and it turned into a massive fight. Crying, yelling, he told me he was done, he punched a hole in the bedroom door and started throwing all my clothes out of the closet, I grabbed him to try and stop and 100% by accident left a cut mark on his arm from my nail. He threatened to call the cops on me. I packed a bag and went to my sisters thinking I was done, but then we talked it out and thought things were resolved.

    Nothing has been quite to that point again, but it hasn’t been the same for me. I have expressed multiple times wanting couples therapy, but it’s a hard no. I don’t think he’s a rage monster, but I know the emotions aren’t being handled well. we both smoke weed regularly to deal with most issues.

  43. Hmm, funny, I didn’t see her BF offering to give up HIS clothes for her to be comfortable.

    He could’ve then worn Brock’s clothes, if he was so twisted about this…but he isn’t thinking about OP at all, not about her comfort or the clothes, until his brother whispers crappola in his ear.

    He makes it all about HIM, with little thought of OP, except how she supposedly wronged him by changing clothes. Geez, what a selfish Baby.

  44. Update 3: she just went to a local hotel with her mom. We agreed it's best she stays close-by to the kids who remain both our priority. I also asked her to give me all the facts in writing which some of you suggested even though I realise she may continue to lie and/or it will hurt more if she does respond. I read in one of the articles shared that full transparency is necessary at this stage. I'm also going to go into therapy myself to help process.

    Thank you so much for listening / responding / sharing your experience.

  45. Stop drinking, get therapy, leave your boyfriend. That is my advice.

    You clearly can not see why drinking is an issue for you. Just think of it this way. If you don’t drink, you don’t do these “abusive” actions towards your bf ever again. Then go on to repent and try to mend the trauma you probably caused him.

    If you continue to use drinking as an EXCUSE for your actions (sober or not) then there is really no helping you honestly.

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