Pandora-allsorts live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 6, 2022

6 thoughts on “Pandora-allsorts live webcams for YOU!

  1. OP, ask the social worker at your hospital for resources or agencies who can walk you through what steps need to happen. Google women shelters and ask to speak with one of the case workers there, they can do so much if you just ask live housing or child care. Just reach out to a social worker and tell them your concerns, THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO AND WILL MAKE A PLAN FOR YOU.

  2. In my custody agreement with the father, and he did not want custody. It was in the agreement that I was not allowed to move out of the area we were in. I couldn't go out of state without permission for a vacation even. This was 25 years ago. You should speak to an attorney about your concerns, they may be able to set some of your fears to rest.

    It has become better for fathers in recent years in custody agreements. It is no longer a given that the mother will be the custodial parent.

  3. He probably thinks you are a stalker. It is not normal to send people mail if they dont respond to your texts. This comes off as very clingy and stalker-ish. Im not trying to be mean, but if he doesnt respond move on. Do not keep pursuing him especially if it was casual because it makes you look crazy

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