Nori78 live webcams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “Nori78 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Hey. He chose you, not them. You can see it like this : he was with women whose bodies you describe as perfect, and yet he dated you ? that wouldn't make any sense if he didn't see your body as perfect. Talk to him. You will realize that he doesn't see your body the way you describe it.

  2. One thing you might consider is subscription boxes like Adore Me or Stitch Fix. Boxes like that could allow her to explore and see what she likes and return what she doesn't. She may not feel as pressured as she would in a store. Just another option to consider.

  3. It's very likely that your things have been disposed of. If you didn't ask for them back at the time of the breakup, why are you waiting until 5 months later to hit her up? That seems ridiculous.

  4. I have little to no privacy and his parents are a bit on the overbearing side.

    Have you tried to rectify this? Had a conversation with him about it? Maybe he just needs to set his parents straight a little and then life will be much more bearable for you.

  5. Honestly I see this and maybe I just hope it the age. Leaving him leaves me homeless and I think I’m trying to justify our relationship when im emotionally already over it.

  6. That’s totally not the case! I absolutely adore his personality! This has nothing to do with his personality as he has never really done this before until now. The constant affection has become more exhausting than special.

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