Nessamore live webcams for YOU!


20 thoughts on “Nessamore live webcams for YOU!

  1. I’m not going to lie these are the type of people I avoid meeting because imagine if someone happened between you two that was just suppose to be between the two of you and she just shared it out like that. Let her go and do what you said you wanted to do like focus on yourself.

  2. I'm glad to hear that you're willing to discuss mental health openly with your Mom. It's important to have these conversations, but be sure to prioritize your own well-being first too. If it becomes too taxing or triggering at any point, take a break and come back when you're feeling more comfortable. I'm rooting for you!

  3. Your relationship sounds a lot like the one I had with my ex-wife. She was generally kind and caring but she also had zero interest in doing much of anything with me. I worked from home while she worked with people all day, so she’d come home and want to check out until bedtime while I would want to interact, go out to eat, whatever. I wasn’t miserable, but I also wasn’t happy without the companionship that I desired. I ultimately made the incredibly difficult decision to get a divorce after 7.5 years and I am so much happier for it. I hope she is as well.

  4. Info:

    Are you both working well paying jobs? Do your plans for your futures line up and have you talked about exactly what that looks like?

    I would just be seriously concerned this would creep into the rest of my life after marriage. I personally just couldn't see myself wanting to establish my life with a person who wanted a &50,000 ring.

    Her friends also sound like the people who might have talked her into this. Have you asked what she doesn't like about the already very expensive ring she has?

  5. He’s my boyfriend and being over generous to other woman is not right. He’s already doing a lot so you’re telling me that after she’s fine and has a ssn and job it’s fine for her to stay with him?

  6. Yeah, well I try to make plans. But either it gets canceled, cuz she has to work unexpectedly or she makes other plans. She has this sunday, monday and tuesday off. I told her earlier this week, I‘ll take a day off on monday so we can spend some time together. Today she tells me, that she‘ll go snowboarding the whole time.

    I‘m just trying to spend as much time as possible with her, especially to the fact, that I‘m going to have a surgery soon and it‘s not clear how I‘ll be surviving this, as I nearly died at my last surgery. So I have the feeling of time running against me on top.

    I don’t know whats wrong, our relationship has always been really good an healthy, sure we had ups and downs, but nothing that couldn’t have been solved. We always made the effort and put the work in.

    I try to spend as much of my free time with her as possible. Sure, I‘ll do my own things, going to the gym or meeting friends and I don’t mind her doin that as well, but if we haven’t had time for each other for an amount of time, she‘ll be my priority. She always is to be honest.

  7. Do you guys share a room? If not I agree with a fan and maybe one of those diffusers with scented oils.

  8. No stop listening to TikTok!! You need to make sure to go to the bathroom after sex. If you have repeated uti go to your GYN or a urologist to check for any medical issues.

  9. She's 27, not 17. She's acting 17, though. She's too old to be caring about previous relationships and what did or didn't happen in them, let alone getting in her feelings just because of it. I'd cut your losses here and find someone who is actually mature enough to act her age.

  10. Think of it like breaking a horse. The horse is bucking and thrashing and you have to hold on. Eventually the horse will trot and listen to your commands.

    Right now you are in the thick of the bucking. Hang on.

  11. No for real, its very likely it will not, last time i cried was in 2016 over the team i support in football winning a trophy. When it comes to crying over negative emotions its really never happens and last time i did, other than the example in the post, was some time around when i was a kid.

  12. Agreed, she needs to start acting like a friend and not be a predator and poaching guys you are interested in. You may find that she is not all that.

  13. It's sexsomina and like sleepwalking. I think stress and drink can trigger it don't hold me to that though. I saw a programme when a bloke used it as a defence for SA (that the victim had it but it had never happened to her before etc etc) that's the only reason I know it's a thing. I think it's rare but there was a sleep Dr on it saying it's a thing and someone who really suffered from it. If your bf has a history of sleepwalking etc it's more likely to happen. Speak to a Dr about it.

  14. Walk away. You obviously don't share the same values and have never had a conversation about expectations. Values are kind of important 'cause your kids get them from both of you. They also determine how your lives will ultimately turn out, good or bad. It is really hard to be with a partner that doesn't see the world the same way as you. And believe me, if you ask enough questions, you are going to find a plethora of other values that would surprise you.

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