NellyYu live webcams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “NellyYu live webcams for YOU!

  1. Bro, how many red flags do you need KEKW. You should have broken up in the moment they text way to much outside of work lol.

  2. I want to change. I'm going to therapy for this and fixing myself. Start there OP. Work on you first to be a better partner and do better as a partner. If the below is indeed how you act, you have a lot of work to do, but it sounds like she is worth it. Yesterday she broke up with me and here was the problem according to her (and I admit to it all being true) She claims I've been lying to her, manipulating her, and worst of all verbally abusing her. Bravo for wanting to change and be a worthy partner. I hope you stay strong in your conviction to be a healthy, loving partner to your lady. Good luck.

  3. Idk you sound toxic in this situation. Either ask for what you want, or accept the gift graciously. But you can’t get mad for his gift not being “good enough” for you…

  4. Men get violent and stop being an absolute corn cob. Me are scared women will laugh at them. Women are scared men will kill them.

  5. He outright stated that his family is your family, as if you don't have and love one of your own? I'm sorry, but he is not a wonderful guy.He has a lot of deal breakers, that seriously even one of should be a deal breaker for you.

    Please consider long and hard if the life you have is the one you want. It sounds isolating, depressing and stressful. I've never been to AK, but my sister lives there and waxes poetic about it like you do. I can't imagine if close family, and age and illness were bundled in.

  6. Quit your jobs. Sell everything. Pool the money and buy an RV and go roadtriping until you can't anymore.

    RemindMe! 1 year


  7. Fucking exactly this. Is she suffering from any sort of mental illness you are not aware of, OP?

    If she doesn't stop this ASAP and commit to therapy, I'd say pack your bags. This is not how you want to live life.

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