Nathaly-Acevedo live webcams for YOU!


Nathaly-Acevedo Public Chat Channel

Date: November 5, 2022

17 thoughts on “Nathaly-Acevedo live webcams for YOU!

  1. If being tactful fails try blunt – ” I don't think you realize it but your hair smells and so does your breath, you really need to go and shower and brush your teeth'.

    Poor hygiene is absolutely a deal breaker

  2. That’s one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read! I would have assumed once he was clean from the coke he would come to his senses, but it sounds like his emotional maturity is that of a 14 yr old.

    I have no advice. Just support that this is nonsense.

  3. Wow.

    Well you certainly seem to have a good grip on what you DON'T want.

    Noticed you went the whole post and never indicated what you DO want.

    Why is that, do you think?

  4. Have you ever asked him if he was happy?

    From your post its clear he isn’t your prince charming and doesn’t seem to be putting in enough effort but are you?

    Do you do things he thinks is fun? Do you check in on him and see if work or life is draining him and making him a homebody? Your sex life was never great but is it really only his job to make sure you’re satisfied? You’ve been withholding intimacy due to feeling disconnected, how do you think he feels being rejected by his partner?

    Put yourself in his shoes, would you date you? He should do the same then you should both meet in the middle and compromise if you want it to work out.

  5. For a lot of men, making their sexual partner (romantic or casual) cum and enjoy sex is important and has big influence on their pride.

    Why are you so shocked its important to him that you cum? Feeling like you are good at pleasuring others Is a huge confidence boost, and a super normal question.

  6. Hello /u/Glad-Hawk,

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  7. Hello /u/ThrowRApotato61,

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  8. The way she turned the argument around where she is the victim is toxic as fuck and smells of narcissist… she owes you a genuine apology man.

    Go see a sex therapist for help with the PE.

  9. Your boyfriend wants to have his cake and eat it too.

    Nobody is ever fully ready to have a kid, but he's got one now, and so he needs to deal with that. He can either own up to the responsibility of being a full-time parent or he can figure out the responsibility of peaceful coparenting and act like a part-time parent.

    You seem to believe that your romantic relationship is all about what your boyfriend wants, but what about what you want? What kind of relationship do you actually want?

    If your boyfriend can't give you the relationship you want, then you need to call it quits. He can move out and still maintain a perfectly fine and healthy relationship with your son, but do you really think your romantic relationship won't suffer when he basically abandons you so he can “feel like a young adult again”? He already is a young adult, he's just a young adult with a kid.

  10. Emotional cheating is a real thing, and sometimes even worse feeling to someone than physical.

    Your advice sucks.

  11. Never secretly fuck your friend's little sister.

    That's basic code. Probably been written in cave drawings and hieroglyphs.

  12. Send him home and let him deal with the boys ALL weekend. He's not acting like a father or husband and may never. At least if you send him home, HIS parents can look after him and you'll get a break at the weekend.

    You don't have to live together just because you are married. This current situation is not fair on your kids or your parents whom I doubt wanted him to move in ,in the first place.

  13. be as gracious and friendly as you can be, but let it be known in no uncertain terms that she fucked up any chance of y'all being together.

  14. You won't change their minds.

    Just go and if they have an issue with it, you can ask forgiveness.

    Better to ask forgiveness than permission

  15. I love how I can always spot a red pill douche bag with one comment.

    So I went to see if I was right. You wrote:

    “A woman that doesn't have sex with the man she is with it is lack of respect for the man. It means that she doesn't respect him and that she doesn't consider him alpha male.”

    My young friend. Stop listening to these assholes. Tate and Peterson. They’re losers. Nobody likes them. Except other women. You will only find unhappiness and loneliness if you continue on this path.

  16. Yes totally, that’s how boundaries in relationships work. She can cross it, but I don’t have to put up with it

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