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na_dollilive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “na_dollilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Have you talked to him about any of this? Sometimes having all-encompassing patience isn't enough – they need an actual reason to seek help and change.

    If that's not on the table, then sexual incompatibility is a perfectly good reason to end a relationship. I mean, unless you're okay with this being the norm for the rest of your life… I imagine you are not.

  2. She went to bed ALONE. It sounds like her best friend sexually assaulted her when she was blackout drunk and everyone in the comments is blaming her for it.

  3. I dont know how long ago this was but I advice you get tested to see if there is any traces of sexual assault. For your boyfriend unless you have positive evidence that u didnt do anything ( i know u didn't but look at it from his perspective please) he wont get back to you . If indeed there was any evidence you were sexually assaulted take who did it to court this might be enough for ur boyfriend to get back to you . Chances are very slim as his trust is now broken and if u get back together he will demand no more boy best friends so keep that in mind . Last thing is if u did indeed sleep immediately there is no way u could of suddenly removed ur clothes somebody did it to you and my guess is ur friend and boyfriend might not like each other and this the way ur friend to break u up ( especially since u said u were discussing engagement did ur friend hear it or know of it? He might have lingering feelings and this is his stupid way to act) lastly as a medical professional if u are that heavy of a drinker or get effected that much to not feel someone removing ur clothes u might want to stop drinking before something worst happens

  4. I don’t think she’s harming the baby. He would be comforted by suckling, just like a pacifier, with the added benefit of an oxytocin boost to both baby and mom. Babies aren’t empty vessels, he would learn pretty quickly which boobs give milk and which ones only give love and attention.

    The real issue is the lying/hiding/name calling. And OP really needs to figure out what she actually finds bothersome about it, assuming it’s not just the deceit.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (31/F) met my wife (33/F, transitioned 7yo) 5 years ago. We've been married for 2 years and have a 4 month old boy. Our son is biologically ours – (using my wife's frozen sperm). He's our only kid and everything else is going great for all three of us. I have recently started working again (reduced hours) and she is planning to stay home for another 1-2 months.

    Our son has been exclusively breastfed (by me) since I gave birth. Since two weeks after he was born, my wife started complaining that watching me breastfeed was making her dysphoric as she could not do the same. I tried to be understanding as this must have been difficult, but I admittedly didn't really change my behaviour – my wife didn't ask me to stop breastfeeding/pumping in front of her and I don't think that would have been a reasonable request.

    She's brought it up many times since and tbh I've started feeling frustrated as I feel there's an implication that I should feel bad for being able to breastfeed. However, she's never said this outright, so I don't know if that's a fair detail to include. Every time she brings it up, I try to be sympathetic, but as she acknowledged that there's nothing we can do, we continued what we were doing.

    Fast forward to yesterday, I came home and saw my wife breastfeeding our son. She has had both top+bottom surgery, but does not produce milk (I learned today from an article she sent that some trans women can produce milk, but she does not). I admit my initial reaction was of shock, which I regret. I asked what she was doing, and she said that she was breastfeeding our son. We had a long conversation and she asked me directly if I was uncomfortable with her doing this and I admitted that I was. She asked why and I said that I didn't know. She yelled at me quite a bit (after putting our son in his crib upstairs) about how she would never have expected me to say something so transphobic and that (exact quote) “it's messed up that [I] chose to wait until after we were married and have a kid to show [my] true self.” I thought that this was needlessly hurtful and I cried quite a lot after she said this. We agreed to pause the convo and we had a more relaxed discussion this morning.

    The conversation was not particularly productive. She asked why I was uncomfortable and I said that I didn't know, but that it felt like it was not fair to our son to have him expect to be breastfed, but not actually receive any milk. She said that pacifiers do the same thing, but I'm not uncomfortable with those and tbh I think that's a good point. She said that there was no reason for me to be uncomfortable with this other than transphobia as it implied that I didn't think her dysphoria was sufficient justification to breastfeed. Honestly, I'm not sure where to go from here. I still am very uncomfortable with it, but as I mentioned, I don't know why. How should I handle this? Please help!

    tl:dr: I am feeling uncomfortable with my wife breastfeeding our son, but I don't know why

  6. The only thing she did wrong was say “if i weren't with you” which isnt really an appropriate remark to make in a relationship that you're happy in.

    The” letting” your gf do things is not an appropriate way to speak about your gf having a life outside of your relationship

    Her dancing with another person at a place people frequently dance at is fine. Theres nothing wrong with that unless she let them touch her up or anything that would be considered cheating. Dancing is not cheating.

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