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MolIyWaylive sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “MolIyWaylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. He also said that two days ago a girl asked for his phone number, he gave it to her, and she asked him to go to the Christmas market with her on a date, but he blocked her because she is 18 (he is 26).

    Dump him. There is no good reason for him to have told you any of that and you clearly aren't exclusive in his eyes or he thinks the exclusive rule only applies to you.

  2. Lol it's okay! Tbh I had it for like 3 years and still getting used to it. I just use it when I'm bored scrolling through things lol

  3. Right now I really don't care much for the results of the DNA tests, even if not biological, he's my son and I wish to continue raising him as best as I can

  4. She doesn’t want you to know what she’s up to. You said she searches your phone secretly. She doesn’t want you to behave the way she does. It’s called projection she’s dirty, so she assumes you’re dirty to. My opinion is there are no secrets in a marriage. She has secrets.

  5. socialist experiments

    First, off, you're gonna hafta prove that Americans have experimented with socialism, because the US is the prime example of how bad society can be without socialism.

  6. I think he’s behaving exactly the way he said he would. He’s honest and not very good at commitment and that’s how he’s behaving. If you want more, I will either tell him and if he is still vague, I will decide whether you want to stick with it because it’s good or let it go. But you have been told.

  7. Girl… Hear me out. My boyfriend would be worried about my cold hands when we hang out together. He'd put my hand in his jacket pocket the whole time just to make sure. Yours out here leaving you outside when it's cold for 2 hours and you call that your boyfriend??? girl that's somebody else's problem, not your boyfriend, move on.

  8. We’re connected on social media and I live in the city lol I even see him here sometimes so we definitely run into each other

  9. Honestly OP,

    The relationship is over, what do you really want out of it? For her to come clean, will that really make you feel better. Just know that she is/was a horrible person that did something nasty and move on. Letting her still live in your head will not let you move on.

    If you want to do something spiteful, mail her a the pass and nothing else. No return address or nothing. No letter explaining what it is, absolutely nothing.

  10. From experience a person doesn’t cut off their parents for no reason. Most likely the fact you didn’t post them is a huge reason. You likely are the type to dismiss you kid and their feelings, so incredibly hurtful things and the deny any wrong doing. It takes A LOT for us adult children to cut off our parents and it’s always because we realize we are able to heal our childhood trauma away from them whereas having y’all in our lives hurts our inner children. I personally want to hear from the son as you’re proven to be an unreliable story teller already.

  11. Well. She cares more about posting scantily clad photos than she cares about his feelings. I think him valuing sex is just as understandable.

    She decided to continue a behaviour that she knew was a deal breaker. She's just as responsible for the relationship ending as he is, and she also has total agency over whether she wants to sleep with him or not. She doesn't have to be his fwb.

    She told him her boundaries (I don't care how you feel, I'm going to keep posting pics) he told her his. Ball is on her court.

    His behaviour, and hers, are both equivalent.

  12. Relationships aren't about weighing up red and green flags like Anubis weighing your deeds in life. If there are any red flags at all then they should be resolved and if they can't then time to end the relationship – doesn't matter how many “green flags” there are.

    Like in motor racing a green flag is where there was a red flag but they've addressed the issue and cleared the debris from the track. You haven't done that so the relationship has no green flags, only this big red one.

  13. Yep I’m thinking this may be the only way, it just makes me feel guilty to be mean. I tried telling him he’s too old and he basically responded ‘age is just a number’…

  14. “Gross! You changed my diapers…”

    “So you've been trying for 'uncle bad touch'?

    “Hey Mom! [Blank] just said he wants to fuck me. Thoughts??”

    “Dude… You're 40, where are your manners?”

    “…. Well that's disgusting”

  15. He's not a good person. You deserve to be with a good person.

    There's nothing about you that is so weird and unusual that you won't be compatible with anyone else. That's just what he's warped your brain onto believing.

    You like the things you like, you are the way you are, because that's a normal part of society. There are plenty of people who are like you. I can say that honestly without even knowing you.

    He's an abusive, manipulative, nasty person. The only way he can keep you is by constantly convincing you that you're not compatible with anyone else and deserve to be treated like crap.

    He's not intelligent. He just says that to put you down.

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