Mia-sensual live webcams for YOU!


OIL PUSSY / OIL ASS / OIL LEGS / FULL OIL [100 tokens remaining]

Date: October 12, 2022

36 thoughts on “Mia-sensual live webcams for YOU!

  1. What's weird to me, is telling you.

    If he wants to do it, he could do it without you noticing. But he wanted you to know and hear (you can definitely not make sound or mute the microphone for a few seconds). That's the icky thing here.

    He was imposing a sexual atmosphere while you were only in a friendship setup. I guess he thought maybe you'd like that he. Did this and it would turn you on and get things going in a more sex oriented way.

    But doing it out of nowhere, when you haven't been flirting or talking about rekindling things is just selfish and ego centered. He didn't care what you wanted

  2. “Our share of screaming matches” – red flag #1. Healthy relationships Do. Not. Involve. Screaming. I’m sorry this is normalized for you but it is not normal. I repeat. It is not normal or ok.

    “How can I fix this?” – commit to therapy with a focus on anger management, communication, and moderating your reactions. It’s not an excuse you were over stimulated. There is never, ever an excuse for physical violence. Set a timeline to find a therapist and follow through. If you don’t, then you need to realize you are not mature enough to be trusted with someone’s unguarded body.

    If I sound harsh just know I’m a woman who would dump a man IMMEDIATELY at the first sign of violence because in statistical actuality it basically only ever escalates and people who hit do not get better. So me telling you you could fix it with the therapy route is actually being as gentle as I can…

  3. Yeah it really sounds like some shitty test. OP going with his male friend is the best possible way to handle this situation

  4. Um, a lot of the replies so far seem a little extreme.

    It sounds like you've had your focus on other things most of your life. Academics, hobbies, etc. and are simply late to the dating world. That's completely fine.

    Put yourself out there, join a club, do group activities, and so on. Flirt. Even if you suck at flirting, someone will love that about you.

    You're not going to die alone. Breathe, try new things and have fun with it.

  5. She was saying something about how she is in the prime of her life and sometimes she just wants to flirt. But I know better. I know that eventually turns in more. Eventually she will find someone who will hit all the right notes and then I’ll be history. She’s not ready to settle down. But idk I wasn’t really interested in what she had to say anyways.

  6. then just drop all of this. You were digging for something you wanted to hear specifically and then upset he didn't read your mind.

  7. Oh girl… listen to your cousin… the dude not only groomed you but also has a fetish. Double fetish points – dating a naive kid and an Asian

  8. Yeah! I think he was telling me about his inexperience because I’m the kinky one. I think maybe he just wanted to please me and did all of those things? Either way, another date is in the works, if he wants! ??

  9. I know I should have logged off Reddit after the guy whose hygiene was so bad he was pulling out his own teeth.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  10. I cant imagine only wanting to stay in one state for your whole life, I get being close to your family but Jesus there is a whole world out there and she just wants to be in this state for her entire life and die there.

    IDK, i feel like shes gonna hold you back from the future you want and if she cant be an adult and move out of mom and dads house and try make a life for herself than that's her lose and you shouldn't hold yourself back because than it'll just turn into resentment towards her

  11. Then you can't read to save your life. They were plenty of reasons, you just choose to ignore them to help you not being able to take no complex.

  12. Not really sure what you’re looking for here. Common sense would be asking her to stop meowing seems like the most logical advice here. Talk to the person first, not Reddit.

  13. He had no honesty to give you. That’s it.

    My only advice is to address the issue head on when you face it in the future. You don’t need that hug and reassurance, you need honesty.

    Until you get to areas where trust isn’t possible anymore, the only way to fix breaches of trust, is with honesty, vulnerability, and continued action to give you a reason to trust someone.

    As it stands he’s not capable.

  14. I threw them out in a panic mixed with a very depressed mind and thought process. I don’t do things out of rage or spite… that’s abusive.

  15. she definitely said she wanted me to get “screened” for abusive behaviors

    Is this even a thing therapists can do? How do you 'screen' somebody for being a shitty person in a short therapy session, when the person who has been intimate with them for 5 years apparently can't tell?

    The background check is weird too. What kind of background check is she talking about? Like, a criminal record check? Is she going to get one too?

    The background check doesn't seem super onerous to me. But honestly, if a person pulled this on me I would just start to question how rational they are and how well I know them. I probably wouldn't stick around.

  16. No one is pushing for late term abortions that are not medically necessary and certainly not fully murdering a child. Clinton is not a pro abortion activist

  17. she definitely said she wanted me to get “screened” for abusive behaviors

    Is this even a thing therapists can do? How do you 'screen' somebody for being a shitty person in a short therapy session, when the person who has been intimate with them for 5 years apparently can't tell?

    The background check is weird too. What kind of background check is she talking about? Like, a criminal record check? Is she going to get one too?

    The background check doesn't seem super onerous to me. But honestly, if a person pulled this on me I would just start to question how rational they are and how well I know them. I probably wouldn't stick around.

  18. Ehhh sometimes men can feel IUDs at certain angles so it’s not guaranteed.

    But definitely lower risk than pills and much more effective.

  19. Im not sure where you live, but our self pay for insurance monthly is $300. I definitely agree though. In highschool I was with a guy for 2 years, and didnt notice ANY signs until about a year and ahalf into the relationship and we started fighting and he started to become controlling, and spit at me, twisted my arms and threatened to harm my family. I was so far out of that relationship: quickly. I found out later on that he had cheated on me and got a girl pregnant and beat her and the child. (im so glad i got out of that relationship when i did) because it was TOXIC. So far, nothing has indicated that with him. He just gets so frusttrated over little things, like drivers, putting together furnitute, and i just dont get why he gets so mad. Im so laidback that im like who cares. But i do have a plan just in case, because im very hyper aware of things and i have bad anxiety, so made a exit plan, just in case.

  20. OP, read your own post history.. since one year, all your posts point to you not making the right choices.

  21. Well there's no guilt to feel i'd say. It's him that is in the wrong all in all.

    If you really mean to make amend, you could do his actual girlfriend a big favor and tell her everything that has happened. And I mean it, she needs to hear it.

  22. Anyways, I didn’t contact her for a week because I was busy. Also, I wanted to see if she would contact me.

    You are both a bit too childish to be dating, but she's 23 so that's expected, you are 28… You shouldn't need to play these games.

  23. lol jesus. This has to be a troll post at this point. “How do I make the relationship between my boyfriend and his actual girlfriend more comfortable for me, the fake girlfriend?”. Respect yourself and move on to find someone who actually values you.

  24. My husband and I have three kids. We try to go away for at minimum a weekend without the kids every year. It gives us freedom to try things we can't with kids around. This seems to be the norm among couples we know.

  25. Platonic friendships are only platonic if neither person is interested in the other.

    If one person is in love with the other, that's not a platonic friendship.

    Limiting non-platonic friendships is a pretty reasonable boundary for most couples.

    This isn't a normal friendship, this is one side of the relationship expressing romantic feelings which is pretty substantially disrespectful to your marriage. Were I in your wife's shoes I would have shut that down fast and distanced myself from the person. However, there's a chance your wife enjoys the attention, or returns the romantic feelings.

  26. My unhelpful suggestion which could well bring you great satisfaction is to get a squirt gun or plant mister and spray her in the face every time she moves on your BF. Maybe accompanied by “Bad kitty! Down!”

  27. I pretty sure that the son and DIL talked about it. I think the DILs mother is considering moving there too. If that happens, I wonder how all that will work out, I hope it does all work out for benefit of the grandchild.

    Thanks for the reply

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