Meloddy-1 live webcams for YOU!



Date: February 7, 2023

6 thoughts on “Meloddy-1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. This post and so many others are why people side eye age gaps. Like if you’re partner was a hedge fund manager thinking about buying you condo. You taking care of him like you’re his mother.

  2. I think he is jealous. You are young, disciplined, strong, fit, etc.

    He is having a sad reaction to your recent improvements. It’s called a mid-life crisis.

    Be the bigger man (no pun intended) & just walk away when he tries to pick a fight. Think of him as old man & walk away.

  3. There's two options. Either you sacrifice time to spend with your partner which in a relationship should be a given and you accept you can't juggle your workload 24/7 which is absolutely insane and would drive the sanest and most resilient person to a burnout and maybe cut one club short or you break up and let your girlfriend find a partner who is willing to spend a bit of time with her. End of the story.

  4. I’d break up. So many stay in unwanted relationships because of kids. I think that is doing these children a disservice. Your kid is also only a year old, s/he won’t remember anything. It’s better they grow up in two happy homes, than one broken home filled with resentment, mistrust and bad feelings. It can also give them a wrong impression on what to expect from a partner and a relationship, and what that partner has a right to expect in return.

  5. For some reason I cant see the replies but I’ve seen them from the notifications. Thank you all for the advice I really do appreciate it.

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