Melinda the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Melinda live sex chat

Date: March 9, 2023

21 thoughts on “Melinda the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. We’ve never talked timeline – neither of us were in a rush to get married when we met. We could get married in a year, two years. I just want to know that it’s something we are working towards. I’m willing to wait and help him go through whatever shit he needs to

  2. He was lying to you about her from the beginning. You really should leave him. There better men out there.

  3. They both suck. She’s manipulative by using the vasectomy as a way to gauge his commitment to the relationship. He’s clearly incapable of mature communication and halfway out the door with a “no, you do it. I might want kids with someone else” (because that IS what changing his mind directly implies). He’s totally valid in feeling that way, but her being upset because of that obvious implication also makes sense.

    She should never have made reproductive control the litmus test for their relationship, he should never have turned it around on her with a “no, you” and instead just honestly told her that until they decide whether to continue being married or not, he’s not willing to commit to permanent birth control with her because he doesn’t feel safe in their relationship right now.

    Either way, this relationship sounds very over. I guess couple’s therapy might be a way to talk this out but imo if they’re at this point then the relationship is too far gone already.

  4. She sounds very controlling/immature. Personally if i was with someone that doesnt let me have even a slight bit of space i would not stick around. Youre partners, and at the end of the day you live separate lives, but it seems she doesnt understand that/care about that.

  5. From one UK person to another OP, after reading your post history you need to get in therapy and learn what a healthy relationship actually is before you sabotage this relationship with your current BF. What he’s doing is what I do with my wife if I am still awake when she’s been out. He’s just being a good BF and I wouldn’t look any deeper into it. I get you’ve got crap relationship with your parents and you used to be in an abusive relationship with your ex, but if you don’t address your prior trauma you are 100% going to screw this relationship up. I wish you luck.

  6. He’s playing you and knows you’re insecure so he is using that against you. He probably walks all over you in other instances. Time for you to stand up for yourself and demand respect

  7. It’s nothing to do with you. Don’t look for flaws in yourself, instead see the glaring flaw in your husband that is his hurtful decisions.

  8. Not transphobic whatsoever but I feel like if my partner was hiding something this huge, it should be an instant dealbreaker. How can you lie/cover up to someone about something so… socially important? Honestly surprised people aren’t pointing this out imo. I understand the stress on both parts but honesty comes first especially in these types of scenarios

  9. She’s crossing boundaries. If you’re not comfortable with them sleeping in the same bed she should respect that. You can trust her and still request your boundaries be respected.

  10. She lied to you a year ago. That is not “fearing what you would say/how would you act”, that is just straight up immature and irresponsible. You just wasted a year playing with your emotions just to be fooled.

    I would break this off and never look back. If she lies this much to you, I would have no room in my heart to continue this nonsense.

  11. i feel like this is very victim blamey. it’s not like i’m feeling this way out of jealousy, it’s because the thing he possibly did is extremely disrespectful because we were exclusive at that point, he said the same thing. not only that but it would mean he lied to me our entire relationship. why would i want to be friends with someone like that? it has nothing to do with how much i’m over him.

  12. This is not at all about the trip at the end of the day. Ultimately your marriage is in trouble and that's what the two of you need to address. I think you two need couples counseling.

    We are only hearing your side of the story right now and while your feelings and thoughts are valid, I'm certain your wife has some feelings and thoughts of her own. You need to get it all in the open with a third party present to help you see through the weeds.

  13. The biggest step in dating a single parent is meeting the child and that's something that shouldn't happen until long after you're exclusive and only once you're planning a life together. So you might tell her that you don't feel comfortable spending time with her kid until you two have a more solid relationship. It's just confusing for kids to have to see a parent dating this one and that one, moving this one in then breaking up, rinse/repeat. People with children have to be far more careful in whom they date and how they go about dating them. There's an entire sub-industry of psychotherapy built up just around trying to undo some of the damage inflicted by single parents who drag their kids along on their various romantic adventures. They're people, not furniture and they do learn from every exposure they have.

  14. Lol I am a muay thai fighter. Doesn’t mean shit if some whackadoodle has a weapon. But nonetheless I do think the respect side is the take home message. The short answer is you don’t prevent it; you can’t control how others act. Not to condescend but you guys are young and this is absolutely not the first time someone is going to say outrageous stuff and make you really, really mad. The majority of those times you’re going to have to just let it go; the asshole isn’t worth it.

  15. Dude, your condescending attitude is not helpful especially considering you clearly either didn't read the post or didn't understand what OP wrote.

    OP has been taking care of this child alone for two years. His boyfriend wants to abandon his child and send him back to his abusive grandparents. The two of them absolutely are not a package deal, his boyfriend never would have taken his son in if it weren't for OP being the sole caretaker. If OP doesn't adopt his son, he's going to send him back to his grandparents.

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