Melikafawn live webcams for YOU!


30 thoughts on “Melikafawn live webcams for YOU!

  1. Sucks dude. But a relationship takes two to tango. Let her know if she doesn't want you anymore, then she can go. But if she wants to work through it, then you're willing to do it. If she wants to break up, then accept it. But if she wants to work it through, make sure she is for real, and take some real steps to solidify your relationship. Like couples counseling. If shes not willing to put in the work, then I think you should let it go. Don't let her drag you along

  2. Sucks dude. But a relationship takes two to tango. Let her know if she doesn't want you anymore, then she can go. But if she wants to work through it, then you're willing to do it. If she wants to break up, then accept it. But if she wants to work it through, make sure she is for real, and take some real steps to solidify your relationship. Like couples counseling. If shes not willing to put in the work, then I think you should let it go. Don't let her drag you along

  3. I definitely should have provided more constructive criticism in that section–you're right that I was pretty tactless in explaining how his words came across. Thank you for pointing that out. I appreciate you acknowledging that my feelings are valid too. I was worried that I was overreacting, but I think it's reasonable to feel hurt in my position

  4. Left my ex because she would constantly start fights about things i didn't even think people could fight over. So much happier now

  5. She told you to break it off basically calling your bluff knowing you like her too much to do it. If you don’t want to I’d ask to read the messages. Anything bad should be enough to put you over the edge. I’d find it necessary since according to her she has nothing to hide.

  6. Ignoring everything else you’ve said, a good therapist is not friends with their client. Friendship brings a level of enmeshment that prevents you from properly doing your job.

    I would seek a new therapist who can hopefully stay professional and actually help you with your problems instead of being your buddy.

  7. You said not exclusive in one entrance and exclusive in the next. You weren’t exclusive. Get over it. Stop thinking about it, it’s not helping anybody. I don’t know why it came up now, 9 years later, but it’s irrelevant.

  8. Why are you accepting this as what you deserve?

    Why does his love cost you so much?

    A good therapist can help you determine if this relationship truly serves your needs or not. It's not your job to save him from his pain. It's not your job to take this from him to prove your love.

    Nothing is going to prove your worthiness to him. He needs help. He will always find a reason to distrust you until he heals the hurt parts of himself. You can't do that for him.

    Your needs matter. Your happiness matters. You are worthy of soft, easy love.

  9. This dude sucks! You didn’t say why you were on a break, of apparently multiple breaks, you have had in this relationship. But he gets to have sex with other people and is welcomed back with loving arms, you send a dumb joke text message, that he only reads because he invaded your privacy, and now he’s gonna hold it over you forever?

    Don’t you see how horribly unfair this is? And the fact that he’s got you so wrapped up you’re contemplating unaliving yourself is not something a loving partner would do. I know your first big love feels like it should be forever but that’s rarely the case, and that’s a GOOD thing. You learn from this not to tolerate this type of bullshit in the future.

    Break up, hope you can get back into your band. Your friends already think he sucks. Imagine what life would be like without having to worry about what his dumbass thinks.

  10. You say yourself that your “standards don’t allow” you to be with someone who was ever involved with a sex worker, meaning that there’s an incompatibility here. You’re still really young and, if this is a dealbreaker for you, it’s a dealbreaker.

    I also hate that he lied, gaslit and even dragged someone else into his lie. You didn’t consent on an informed level to any of this.

  11. Get yourself tested, and if you have it, do whatever you need to get treatment.

    I'd if you can sue her or anything, but if you can, I wouldn't blame you.

    Yes, it was completely unacceptable for her to hide this and put you in danger. Definitely cut her out for good.

  12. OP, how's your Mandarin? It would be the thing if you corrected him and was from Mainland and you learned in Taiwan or North Vietnam.

    My partner learned English later in life and I speak his L1 at an intermediate level. It's rare we correct one another. We just communicate best we can.

    I'm also a teacher use both British and American spelling, people pronunciation and vocabulary. I only correct my students when essential and they have phonetics class daily.

    Your BF is being egotistical. What's the deal?

  13. My guess here is that your father decided to tell her his feelings about your relationship and she did not take it well. If you say that your father does not approve of your relationship he probably took this opportunity to tell her straight up.

  14. I would feel hurt to a degree, yes. But I wouldn’t drag him into a relationship if I were still hurt. Wouldn’t you agree?

  15. If your wife wants to avoid this drama, you should. You “won” in this ultimatum. Take the W and just simmer quietly.

  16. Seems like he just lacks any communication skills because he never actually said “I need space” which she is basically begging him to ask for, he just said he’s embarrassed and hurt which is kinda dumb given he was physically hurting her but now that she hurt his feelings that out weighs the physical pain he put her through?

  17. Id put a hard foot down and say either we both gotta smell good for bed or you let ME make my own decisions about my personal care and back off.

  18. Daily showers are TERRIBLE for eczema, aside from being a waste of your time and the earths precious water. Hygienically this is not necessary, and your boyfriend sounds like a control freak who prioritizes his comforts over yours. Of course he's dating younger women who he can groom into whatever he wants. Wash him down the drain next time you shower.

  19. why tf has ur bf of 3 months moved in already. with ur child.


    u need to make sure he is not shy and stand offish because ur bf is mistreating him when u arent around. OP, get it tf together. do not leave this man alone with ur son.

    and u need to take a step back. U MOVED A FUCKING STRANGER, OF 3 MONTHS INTO UR HOME WITH UR CHILD. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH U. OFCOURSE UR CHILD IS STANDOFFISH AND WEARY. who wouldn't be. he seems to have more sense then u.

    put a camera in ur sons room and don't tell this bf of urs. because it may not be that he's just shy, BUT HIS BEHAVIOR IS SHOWING SOMETHING ELSE.

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