Mayramspear live webcams for YOU!


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Date: December 24, 2022

46 thoughts on “Mayramspear live webcams for YOU!

  1. She have a crush on you and now waiting for you to make the move. I think you should cut her off or at least start telling your GF now before this girl ruins your relationship. Don’t be that dumb guy.

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  3. Unless he has some weird tragic pain to share with you which makes no sense, yeah, it’s not going to get better.

    He will be abusive more and more and more.

  4. It would be a mistake NOT to plan your exit. I get it, he was disappointed that his kids preferred staying with their mom (which I'm not surprised, aside from the extended family, their father doesn't sound like such a lovely person so they probably prefer being with their mom anyway), but his disappointment doesn't justify in any shape or form what he said and what he did.

    He may beg your forgiveness, he may promise this is not going to happen again….don't give in. This was supposed to be your first Christmas together, and he selfishly couldn't care less. He showed his true colors, and unfortunately you are just now getting to see why his wife ran for the hills and why his marriage broke down. It's not too late to end this marriage, you haven't invested that much time in it yet and luckily no kids yet either.

  5. Ohhh shit thank you . I have no clue what awards do. This one gives me access to some sort of lounge ? Idk . What do you reccomend me do to benefit the most from the reward ?

  6. A problem here is that while he may get in trouble with the police at that point, the nudes will be out there, permanently.

    OP, at this point you have no good law-abiding options. You could threaten that you'll make his life a living hell if you find those pics out there ANYWHERE… but the problem there is that you'd have to follow through, and you might not be persuasive enough to make him believe you… and a threat would probably make him distribute them.

  7. As a guy with a ton of scars down there, spots that don’t grow hair, and certainly many reasons to be self conscious, I understand the hesitation but this isn’t something you can spring on someone after getting married.

    Eventually the cat has to come out of the bag. You need to sit her down, explain everything, and give her some time to process it, but seeing as she is your S/O of two years in my opinion she deserves to know. You don’t have to go into detail about how it all happened, you can leave it as just saying abuse. But after everything is processed in my opinion she deserves to know and see what she’s “getting into” so to speak (idk how else to phrase it I don’t mean to be harsh with that).

    I’m in the same boat as you OP from a physical aspect. It’s something that will be hard to show but it’s something that in my opinion again you’re going to have to do eventually anyways, so it’s maybe time to start approaching that topic with yourself instead of avoidance. You can’t have a truly healthy relationship without being completely open or intimate with your partner at some point.

    I personally learned to stop giving a fuck and making it a big thing and it stopped being a big thing. When I made it a big thing it caused issues, when I just accepted it was a part of me it never became a hurdle again. Easier said then done obviously.

  8. But we do have video calls and chats. Multiple times a day. Enough to know each other well. So why can't we talk about budget? If planning for future family with her, i think it's worth considering right?

  9. I feel like you're taking offense to the wrong part of the story. I had a 4 day bachelor party (Thurs-Sun) that was essentially no big deal, nor anything out of line compared to what my friends had. My friends were a combination of married and single, but it's worth mentioning no one had kids yet.

    The REST of the story is bullshit, but i don't see what's so outlandish about a 5 day bachelor party

  10. Still not your fault, op. They chose to be trifling and treacherous. This is on them. Be kind to yourself.

  11. She's trying to get out of cheating, by telling you that it's a birthday present. I would tell her that it's probably a good idea because then you could go be with someone else, too. Sounds like she has someone in mind already, so you both get to cheat on each other or you open up your relationship or you break up. I personally would have to consider breaking up because she is using the pent up frustrations as an excuse and if she's doing it now, she will continue to do it.

  12. The fact that he raised his own kids in no way qualifies him to raise yours. It is wildly unhealthy and irresponsible that you are considering moving your very young children in with a man who poached you out of a marriage (ie, has no respect for family boundaries) and who you have known for a matter of months, if that. I have a 4 yo and a 3 to. You ask if I would do what you did? I don't know what I would have done in regard to the marriage, but as pertains to moving my children in with a man they've only met a few times, the answer is, “Over my dead body.”

  13. Nah. That would give her a chance to do damage control. She’s had a million chances to come clean. Tell the husband.

  14. I feel you have every right to be upset. The difference is that I keep my partner involved every step of the way and triple-check his comfort level. If he was EVER to express discomfort, he takes priority.

    I understand how it feels to have others be prioritized over you in a relationship and it’s awful. This is not that.

  15. Wrong gender. You will always bow to their needs. Which is why we love them and do what we can to contribute to their happiness.

    Also, you are now the male figure in her life. How you treat her mom and react to her requests she will always remember and could influence her choice in a partner.

    Welcome to being a dad. You just gave up being a single guy and when you’re older you’ll admit your resistance and concerns you have now are not as crucial as you think.

  16. Maybe I should have said that I'm a nurse and know what a birth entails. However, they offered it as an option themselves? We actually planned to move our treatment around this trip originally, but with all the postponed ones we can't anymore. So I don't expect them to wait for two years or anything.

  17. Yes. The way she did in the beginning. Some days there was a text ‘I want You right now’, other times she came to kiss, started touching while cuddling etc. That hasn’t happened for a long time. That made me feel awesome.

  18. She's not your friend. She's trying to steal your boyfriend. You and he are BOTH uncomfortable with this situation. Cut her off! Trust me, you won't miss her or her drama.

  19. Rome was not built in a day.

    I had to laugh at myself when I read that, my history mind told me “but you damn near pulled a Nero on it”

    It really was a huge relief to just let it go and admit both to myself and my wife that everything has been blah… Just letting it out there in the air seemed to change so much. IDK if I really understand it yet, but it happen.

  20. she sounds like an asshole fr. she sees you as a safety net and is using you. not only that, but when confronted, she gaslit you. and the fact that y’all got engaged pretty quickly because she kept pushing for it a month or two after y’all got official?? aw hell naw. thats toxic asf.

    my advice is to call off the wedding and break things off with her. she’s disrespecting you. you deserve better. i’m wishing you the best.

  21. It’s not normal or healthy to be having arguments like that in a relationship. I mean seriously….I can think of like 2 arguments in 5 years and they were about big things like—me being pissed his ex wife dropped their Covid positive child off at our house without telling us and I’m immune compromised. And I wasn’t even mad at my partner really, I was just mad and he wasn’t as mad which made me mad at him. LOL

    This doesn’t sound like a good relationship for you. Sounds to me that she needs to be working with a therapist and not dating at this time.

  22. So he admitted to cheating on you… If your porn consumption is chatting, so is his. He cheats on you “frequently”. He also admitted it's okay for him to cheat, but not for you.

    What you should do? Break up. He is going by a very alarming dobule standard that is the classical “I can do whatever I want bc I'm a MAN, she is my woman and I get to control her” rules. To me, that always is a dealbreaker, bc it means to him you are not equal. He is free and you belong to him. It's a huge yikes, I would run.

  23. My wife used to argue and fight terribly the first 4-5 years in our marriage. It is a waste of energy. Eventually I think we just got tired of it and it slowly went away for the most part. It is supposed to be you and her against the world, not against each other. Keep your defensiveness in check and remember it takes strength to divert away from an unnecessary argument. Always be the first one to take the kindness road.

  24. You're being overly respectful to his emotions and completely ignoring your own. You need to work on yourself, find your voice, stand up for yourself and set boundaries. Your current bf sounds very manipulative and emotionally abusive imo.

  25. Your GF is either stupid or taking you for a fool. I Wouldnt trust her honestly. Best advice would be to leave her imo. But i have a bias etc.. so i might be wrong

  26. i asked why and she said like ''I just dont see you in the same way''

    we're swedish so im translating

  27. I do feel that the opportunity is past. He's not going to admit it in conversation.

    Think about what you saw. How sure about it are you? There was definitely a mark, was there? If there is no mark there next time you see him, then Yes, there is something funny going on. And since marks on necks arent usually something that comes and goes, it is more than likely that it was a hickey.

    Think about opportunity and motive too. What opportunity has he had? Is anything about his demeanor different?

    The watch in the future. That doesn't mean obsess. That means forewarned is forearmed and you might notice things now that would have otherwise been meaningless or easily overlooked.

  28. Does she even like you? It sounds like this should've ended in an annulment once you realized she wouldn't be able to have penetrative sex and kinda kept you in the dark about it. Just start talking to lawyers and learn about your options. Life's too short to be consistently unhappy.

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