LexyLorette live webcams for YOU!


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Date: December 12, 2022

36 thoughts on “LexyLorette live webcams for YOU!

  1. How do I start that conversation with my doctor? Is that kind of blood work part of the normal yearly check up or do I need to request it because of tiredness and no sex drive

  2. Thank you for such a helpful comment, you’re absolutely right. I definitely have a lot of regret from high school and in some way I guess I am trying to “re-do” those years. I overvalue a lot of people that give me the attention I feel I’ve lacked. Makes a lot of sense. Thank you!

  3. OP. Please dump this man. You are going through something awful and this asshole of a partner who should be supporting you through this is more focused on how often you're touching his penis and punishing and threatening you with hiring sex workers when you don't.

    Forgive me, but do you think this situation will get any better when you are going through the worst stages of your mother's illness? Or the parts that come after? This man is abusive and manipulative and you are very vulnerable at the moment. OP, you need to get out now and save yourself the pain and damage he can do when you are bereaved and defenceless against this kind of manipulation and abuse.

    Be kind to yourself. Leave this awful person behind. Save your energy, you need it for you and your family right now. xx

  4. Do not stay man, u need to move on from here and when u do in ur next relationship or marriage if this god forbid happens again leave after the first time. Do not stay with an unloyal women

  5. Well you are not going to have children no matter how old you are if you are not intimate with your husband. You're much too young for the two of you to be not sexually involved. Lets fix this problem first or is it time to move on to new partners where your both on the same page about procreation

  6. Direct your mom to Chump Lady. It’s an excellent resource full of support for people who have been cheated on.

    What she’s doing to you and herself isn’t healthy.

  7. Your husband may be a bad guy…however you are no good either you cheated. Now you are ready to drag 2 innocent kids into a relationship with a guy you know from the internet. I’m kinda leaning towards you sucking more. I feel kinda like your husband is dodging a bullet with you.

  8. Did you know that sometimes things happen unexpectedly and even though one thing may have been planned, other unexpected things can happen in life?

  9. I was on Joe’s side and thought you were overreacting – they work together and are best friends, you’re being a baby about it – UNTIL I got to the part where they’ve slept together. As you said, “she’s like a sister” doesn’t work anymore after that point.

    I personally don’t think it’s Natalie’s fault, they obviously have a really close relationship, but I think you fiancé isn’t good at having boundaries. I have really close guy friends but not ones I’ve slept with. There is a line there. I think you were being dramatic about some of this – like expecting his family to abandon her when she’s clearly apart of their family, but his lack of boundaries, the fact that they’ve had a sexual relationship, and the way he’s dismissed your feelings and accused you of keeping them apart? No. Sorry. This man sucks.

    Don’t marry him. Let him leave. It’s not about going to Natalie when she’s in the hospital, it’s about the continued disrespect that this is not someone who’s like his sister and you should be more of a priority than a friend.

  10. When a lot of the new abortion restrictions came out a lot of people realized pretty quick there are places where rapists can now handpick their children’s mothers, what she thinks of being a mom doesn’t apply at all

  11. Alright, I currently am thinking a lot about things right now. I do agree that maybe I am a bit too much of a passive person. Thank you for your input.

  12. A 32 year old being with a 50 year old doesn’t have as much power imbalance as a 32 year old being with a 22 year old (and seeing as she’s your ex, that age gap relationship clearly didn’t work out, either). I can confidently say I’m more mature at 27 than I was at 22. If you can’t say the same, then that’s a big red flag.

  13. When a person has the “Pink-Tinted glasses” on, his/her SO is perfect.

    But you know he is not.

    I mean, she cut out her father for him.

  14. Tell her you want to lose weight & want to know if she’ll work out with you so you’ll actually do it.

  15. From my own life experience I have found that crazier things happen in life than what we see in movies. I think sooner or later this ends up being true for everyone.

    As far as OP goes I couldn’t say either way; just that improbable does not mean impossible.

  16. Because she flat out said she would right from the start? And because her boyfriend seems insecure and controlling, so I’m sure she’s just avoiding another blow up, as women often do in relationships with controlling or abusive men.

  17. Lay off your guy friends.

    My rule that I go with……..

    No ex's, no one wants the other, if you gotta talk and see your guy friend more than your boyfriend, you don't want to be in a relationship.

  18. You're absolutely not ready to be in a relationship. They're liking each others tweets not fucking. Jesus Christ. Get to therapy and get a self esteem that doesn't make you look like a jealous crazy person.

  19. If you value your relationship with her, then you need to respect her decision to keep her healthcare information private from your parents.

    Obviously, we don't know anything about your parents' culture or religious views, but it's entirely possible her concerns are absolutely right and justified: they may well judge her harshly for it, especially if they're religious, or they're keen on having grandchildren ASAP.

    She may well be concerned that they might try and put pressure on her to change her mind, or at least to delay the decision until it's too late.

    Or, if you're in a part of the world with repressive / regressive approaches to women's rights (sadly that includes large chunks of the US at the moment), she may well even be concerned they might try and prevent her accessing the healthcare services she needs.

    If you need someone to talk to about this stuff, and it's absolutely understandable that you might, then perhaps consider speaking to a mental health professional. With the best will in the world, your, and her, parents are far from impartial in all of this. I can totally understand her not wanting either set of parents to know.

  20. Break up. If you aren't getting what you need and she won't talk about it just end the relationship it's only been 5 months. Here is the thing about relationships they are 2 way streets if you don't give, you don't receive. She doesn't owe you sex. But you don't owe her a relationship either.

  21. Pictures of me and my ex pop up from my Google photos account. It's hard to erase nine years of that history.

    Also I just talked to my ex friend with benefits to return an item of hers I still had. And realized I had her sexy photos in the history of our texts still…

    And I have a gf.

    These aren't things I saved or look at or think about. They would look bad to the wrong person. Luckily my gf and I are completely open about our shit and she'd probably just be impressed by the photos if she came across them lol

  22. Tell frank he is a lying fucking asshole

    Tell Megan the only thing you well help her with is dumping the lying fucking asshole

    Making jealous is bullshit have no part of it.

  23. By her, my friends, other girls I've met I guess

    Once you're older yourself, you will understand what I mean. Sounds cliché, but is true. Most people I know were this way at 19.

    And yes we knew about our age gap from the very beginning

    You did, but what about her friends and everyone else? I can hardly imagine most 26 year olds encouraging this sort of relationship/fwb.

  24. Dear OP, I really hope you talk to a therapist about this, about the thoughts of unaliving, your boyfriend may be a good partner but he doesn't seem to be the right person for that.

    Considering he has been through similar things in the past, and he loves you now, he is valid for being touchy on the topic. By doing this he's not being the perfect partner per se, but doesn't seem to be a jerk.

    You are completely valid for having such thoughts are trying to seek help, just talk to the right person for that. Btw, I can feel life is a bit overwhelming for you at the moment, but I'm sure you'll pass through the fire like fking phoenix!

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