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LeahObscurelive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “LeahObscurelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You don’t even know my town how can you make such insane takes to try to justify all of your wild assumptions ? you’re not here for a conversation you’re just here to antagonize me bc i fear for my gf who didn’t even know you could get followed in the street, we left the realm of conversation and this off the mark reply just confirmed it ?

  2. I understand it isn’t easy. It just really sticks out that these problems are really not insurmountable…if what you really want includes being in a relationship with him. It’s not as if he’s 50, which I kind of expected based on what you initially wrote. With good communication and compromise, you could stay together. But it just really seems like the core of what you want is to not be with him.

    Especially since your goals are frankly pretty vague. You want to live out of state, but no mention of what state or what you’d be doing there. The most specific you get is you want to live alone, you want to not have to check in with anybody…basically, you don’t want to be in this relationship.

  3. We had an argument and he said he doesn’t think we are good for each other at all

    I agree, he does not sound good for you at all

    In fact, I guarantee this man has no intention of ever marrying you. A person who is in love with their partner of 6.5 years will see that person more than once a week and introduce them to their friends and family.

    Tell him you've considered it, you agree that this isn't working, and you want to break up.

  4. Hello /u/Altruistic-Letter399,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  5. Although it is not a guaranteed 100% effective way so yeah it was an accident in the end, a very rare one assuming she got her shot on time. Since she was about to get her tubes tied I would assume that it was a very awful bad luck (which seems to continue with how her pregnancy is going)

  6. The copium is strong here.

    Wherever you are, the organisation would not be opening itself to possible culpability resulting from assault charges by requiring coed rooms. Its too damn risky for them and much cheaper to pay for extra rooms.

    You are being lied to and you know something is shady as you bring your question here. Stop being so passive and do something about your concerns – discuss them fully.

  7. I'm married and I still have my own credit cards, that I pay for….and he has his own, that he pays for…..and separate finances because neither of us should be responsible for bailing the other out. We split the household bills. I don't think there's anything wrong or bad about not combining our money.

  8. Has the ER offered you an advocate or domestic abuse help? Please ask while you’re there and relatively safe. Let the staff know his name and that you do not want him there. You are leaving him now, right? I’m so, so sorry things have gone this way. I’m praying for you.

  9. Don't apologize for rambling, sweetheart, you're perfectly okay. I promise, you aren't stupid.

    We always tall about fight or flight responses, but we never talk about freezing. Freezing up is normal. It's so, so much more common that fight or flight is. Something abnormal is going on, and it's like our brain just ..stops. You can't control it, it just happens.

    It sounds like you froze. Which is okay, and it's normal. I think we've all had a moment where we froze.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. No one expects you to have all of this figured out already. It's okay to take the time and process what happened at any speed you need to. You aren't a mind reader. You can't blame yourself for this person's actions. You didn't know they were going to do the things they did. And there's no way you could have known. Don't go down the “what if” spiral. I know that's easier said then done. But wondering what if isn't going to help anything. You'll end up angry, sad, and blaming yourself for something that isn't your fault. What ifs are little devils in your ear promising alternate versions of events, and those whispers have a price. The truth is, no one knows if things would have or could have been different. Dwelling on the maybe of it all is only going to hurt.

    You deserve kindness. So be gentle with yourself. You are so young to be dealing with something so heavy. But here you are, handling it so well all things considered. You say it's immaturity, but from where I'm standing, you've been extremely mature about this since the start. You may not know all the things in the world, but that isn't immaturity. You're just young, and being young isn't a crime.

    I'm proud of you and I know you will continue to grow into a confident, strong and thoughtful person.

    Go easy on yourself. We are our harshest critics. I promise, it's okay and the way you feel is a normal response to a traumatic experience. Today is a new day, and may it be full of good things. You've got this, I know you do.

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