Lala-griffend live webcams for YOU!


3 thoughts on “Lala-griffend live webcams for YOU!

  1. What kind of a poor guy sees a vag pic from his girl and talks about her vagina like this whether it is hers or not? How can one talk about a vagina like this and not be an AH?

  2. Yeah, like I said, it depends on the person. I’ve buried both my parents, both to cancer. My mother wanted to know that she did okay at the end. My dad was more stoic, but I let him know how much I appreciated the best parts of our relationship. I’m not saying hash out old issues and that you do should try to comfort them and be there. I’m just saying what I would want if I were OP’s dying parent, I would want them to know that they haven’t failed me if this situation happened, that I don’t give two shits about engagement and marriage and the white picket fence if they aren’t happy.

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