KylieJameson live webcams for YOU!


Make me happy [Goal Race]

Date: October 10, 2022

13 thoughts on “KylieJameson live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm not sure if it's the COVID-19, but it's like people have forgotten how to relate with co-workers. I'm really sorry but you should try to work on the communication problem

  2. Hello /u/seggswithstalin,

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  3. This is the best advice, OP. There are a million other parts of the engagement (and wedding!) that you can craft yourself. Your future fiancé is super set on this ring – let her know it’s hers to put her mind at ease, and that you’ll be presenting it to her in your own way.

  4. He's raping you… You can't consent to “force play” when you aren't in your conscious mind . I would record him talking about what he did to you and you should go to the police with your recording and bruises … He is a fucking animal

  5. God why does it have to be so difficult, I’ll try to bring the idea of dna test for all the family. I can’t face it directly

  6. This kink is going to escalate. At some point you are going to be fed up because he will begin lying to cover up the extent of his kink. I want to be wrong with this opinion, but I'm probably not. For your sake it may be time to move on. If you wait, you will regret it. There are men out there that will appreciate your qualities that don't have suspect addictions.

  7. Hey, just checking in. I absolutely agree with everyone that you should leave him. His comments are likely a red flag of worse to come. However, I would also recommend you take time to get anything in order that will help you leave safely before you tell him. Sometimes people like this will get more angry and their behaviors will get worse when they find out a partner is leaving them.

    Thinking about finances, gathering up any information or important documents you might need (I didn't catch if you live together…if so, do you rent or own your home? Shared accounts or bills?), letting some friends or family know what you are doing, making sure you have a safe place to stay, planning what you will do with phone number/social media accounts, etc. can all help you leave more safely.

    I wish you good luck. This is not someone that respects your bodily autonomy or your personal wishes, and that is not love. You deserve someone that will love and respect you fully!

  8. My cousin was killed that way. I have NO patience with drunk driving. OP- he's a selfish POS. You deserve soo much better than him. Don't waste another minute on this child. Happy Birthday, you deserve the world, not the gutter.

  9. I feel guilty because I know it hurts him especially because I'm not the first female friend to reject him.

  10. Red flags abound. He sabotaged your degree by preventing you from going to class, because a degree would’ve given you more independence. Now he’s trying to sabotage your financial independence so he has full control. He’s already isolated you from your family so you have no support network.

    Continue going to work and reach out to family or a network for domestic abuse victims. This is the beginning of a very dangerous situation and you need to get out.

  11. He’s never going to buy a house with you – or marry you or have kids with you. If you want all this – you need to move on

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