Kisulay live webcams for YOU!


Take top off [Multi Goal]

Date: November 24, 2022

46 thoughts on “Kisulay live webcams for YOU!

  1. You need to call the police and report him for domestic abuse and have him removed, if you don’t the kids will tak at school and you will lose them both

  2. Won’t lie, I laughed out loud at that part. This is one is cut and dry. OP knows what she did but he’s being a chicken shit about it.

  3. You already know shes cheated and shes literally making a dumb excuse to cover it up. Do you really believe that? Break up with her and move on

  4. i really don’t think she even sees me a settle option, i do know i have a value to her as a really close friend since i probably know her more than anybody else but yeah it feels like a similar amount of getting used. It just really hard to let go of feelings to act on this. Im a fairly emotionless guy and this is kind of my first real attachment to anybody family included

  5. There are a few issues here

    You were together no more than 2 months and got him 600 worth of gifts. I'd how much money you make, but in most salaries, that's alot for so early in the relationship

    Hes 36. Nothing wrong with his age or age difference, but he has either not dated someone he felt he wanted to settle down with by now or hes divorced. some people dont want to settle down but whatever so my point is past relationship issues are potentially at play here. You said no one ever goes all out for you like you do for them. Imagine another 10 years of that, would you still be able to hold up the enthusiasm you do right now?

    The only approach is to talk to him and know whether or not it's time to walk away from this relationship. Ot doesnt sound like a particularly BAD one, but if hes not the gifting type and that's what you want, you have to find that

  6. Exactly. I've been super fucking busy this year working several jobs. But I can still take a minute or two to reply to someone that's important to me.

  7. When he says “or what?” you say …. “No nookie for you.”

    Turn and walk out of the room.

    In a day or two, he'll get the message.

  8. he wasn't immediately honest though. he spent a few days acting like the perfect boyfriend to butter her up and drop the bomb

  9. He SAYS he wasnt in touch w the friend…. yet somehow this friend developed feelings for him all of a sudden…. yea bc they WERE in contact behind the scenes

  10. Honestly, I wouldn't want to give a total stranger who isn't a professional caretaker a key to my apartment. That would make me feel quite uncomfortable/unsafe. I don't have issues giving out keys to people I know well enough, but some rando is a bit too scary for my tastes.

  11. Honestly, I wouldn't want to give a total stranger who isn't a professional caretaker a key to my apartment. That would make me feel quite uncomfortable/unsafe. I don't have issues giving out keys to people I know well enough, but some rando is a bit too scary for my tastes.

  12. I see it’s over we’ll keep your head up man was hoping for the best but can only do with what cards you are dealt

  13. I agree that this girl is scummy and not a friend

    But my two closest friends are people I’ve only known a year and the other about 6-8 months, so quick bonds can be made

    But bonds usually don’t include going after your friend’s SO

  14. Yes you should tell him. Just because you broke up doesn't mean he doesn't deserve the right and oppurtunity to be in his child's life.

  15. I don't honestly believe you want to quit. I believe you feel bad, but the fact that you were posting about being excited to use just days ago means you're full of shit here. More than half your posts are about using. Get help

  16. I would not buy property with someone I wasn’t at least engaged to. That being said you don’t say how long you two have been dating.

  17. God, I despise people who tolerate relationships (romantic, friendly, or otherwise) with shitty people bc they happen not to be shitty to them. It reeks of privilege that as long as they aren't being bothered it doesn't concern them. In this case, it's his fiance, so I think it's especially bad that he doesn't hold his friends accountable if they're being shitty.

  18. Consider couples counseling. Your partner using your child as an ultimatum is never going to be ok. Plus you’ll have a better chance of gaining custody if the worst should happen since you’ll have a record of making an effort for the kid.

  19. A couple of questions: What specifically was the reason for the cross country move? Was it specifically so that he could return to his home? Was he on the east coast for school?

    Also, would you consider moving to a state that is new to both of you? Do you think he would consider it?

    Lastly, is it feasible for you to focus on solving the specific issues by getting a new job and by using some strategies to actively find your own friends?

  20. One of my very few one-night stands was when a Lesbian(ish) woman hit me up on Tinder because while she was only into women, she liked real dick?

    Honestly it was a perfectly fun time and then we grabbed a beer afterwards.

    I guess the point is being used for sex can be fine as long as everyone is on the same page lol

  21. Thank you so much for your kind words, it’s been really difficult to recognize those things in myself so the reassurance is awesome.

    As for the books, I love reading but have kind of lost that in myself and i have been thinking of bringing it back anyway as i’ve been buying more books, so that is a great idea and i’ll be looking into it!!

    And for the mushrooms, I am a psychedelic user as i rave, and even before that I have used LSD for therapeutic reasons. That’s a great idea, My boyfriend is aswell & when we took it together it was a beautiful bonding experience. I really should try again on my own as it’s been a while since i’ve been able to just fully work on myself in that mind space.

    This was the best advice I have received in a while, thank you:)

  22. There's a bizarre law in Canada that says you can use a weapon in defense of your home unless you've prepared it specifically for home defense. Go down to investigate a house, and find a baseball bat left in the living room by your kid and you use it to attack the burglars, legal. Leave a baseball bat by your bed, you grab it when you go to investigate the noise, and you use it to attack the burglars, illegal.

  23. You sound full with resentment. Which for all I know can be totally valid. Please for the both of you just break up. It sounds overdue.

  24. He was a dick in this conversation. There’s no way around it.

    Is it worth ending the engagement/relationship? Well it depends if what else you’re saying is constant enough. Does he constantly dismisses your opinion, finds value in others opinions better than yours, and is a title snob? If it has happened a few times only, then talk to him and try to work through it. If it has happened more than that, end the engagement now.

  25. The fact that he’s disrespecting your wishes and coming in your mouth is a huge problem. How the heck are you supposed to feel turned on when you can’t even trust him or feel comfortable? I think that’s honestly the biggest problem, like a sign that there might be something actually not right about this guy. You shouldn’t be treated like that.

    In that case I wouldn’t even worry about whether or not there’s some workaround for you. This guy’s got problems, that’s the bigger issue here. Trying to pressure you with texts from his friends? Yikes!!! Dude!!!

  26. This is all she said on that:

    he tried to say it wasn't meant to make fun of me, now he says it was just a bad joke and im hurting myself by dwelling on it.

    That could easily mean they talked about it, he apologized and intends to alter his behavior, and she's the one who keeps dwelling on it. You're automatically assuming that what she said means he totally blamed her for reacting the way she did and blew it off, which is not at all verifiably true based on what OP has told us.

    Like I said, we don't have enough information on that conversation to judge either way. But you've already decided to slant against the BF. That isn't objective.

  27. Yes I understand it’s really not a big deal, and I would like to overcome this feeling for him. It just very new to me. If I am not able to overcome it, I of course will let him know to be fair to him.

  28. Break up and take the cat. Why would you want to be with someone who is actively doing something detrimental to the health and well-being, of a pet she wanted to get in the first place, for her own selfish reasons. It’s disgusting and cruel. The cat deserves better than that, and I honestly wouldn’t want to be with that kind of a sociopath.

  29. “the first date was weird. so we ended up kissing a lot. then the second date was also weird. so we ended up kissing. then he blew me off. then he freaking the fuck out while drunk.” jfc the story just goes on and on and on.. why on earth did you keep dating him?

  30. This isnt difficult

    Stop associating with men who are actively pursuing her since she’s a married woman. Full stop.

  31. Having someone else’s kids?? This isn’t 1830. They are her kids alone until he can prove otherwise and then he’s on the hook for child support with back pay.

  32. You deserve better! I repeat You deserve better!

    She assualted you, there is no salveging, it wont get better, it will ony get worse.

    Get out, and get out now, you are young and have your whole life ahead of you

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