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KEIRA_HILLlive sex stripping with hd cam


46 thoughts on “KEIRA_HILLlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Here's where you go from here … you dump this azzhole. At 5'6″ you have no weight to lose. You are a very healthy weight. Your EX BF has utterly unrealistic standards and is rude and dismissive of your concerns. He doesn't respect you.

  2. That is not how things went down according to what she said in her post. Yes, everyone can break up and he could have done it prior to asking her to dinner and cuddling on her couch, the problem is that he chose not to and took away her ability to make educated decisions for herself as to whether she wanted to do those things with him if he was going to dump her at the end of the night. In addition, he chose not to tell her his plan or even mentioned the thought of quitting job and returning home.

  3. That is not how things went down according to what she said in her post. Yes, everyone can break up and he could have done it prior to asking her to dinner and cuddling on her couch, the problem is that he chose not to and took away her ability to make educated decisions for herself as to whether she wanted to do those things with him if he was going to dump her at the end of the night. In addition, he chose not to tell her his plan or even mentioned the thought of quitting job and returning home.

  4. If you're not in a position to love your child and give it the best opportunities to grow and develop and learn and be happy, then no, you're not ready to be parents. The financial stuff will work itself out but the emotional side of this won't, no matter which way you go. I sense you and your boyfriend would regret termination. Yes, you would always wonder how that child would look, what they might grow up to be, how old they would be when they cross your mind. The reminders would always be there. Best of luck to you!

  5. you should look into porn addiction and how porn negatively affects relationships because although most people wouldn’t think of it as cheating n find watching porn bad more snd more research into the negative affects of porn on the brain are coming to light and how they affect relationships and society. I think porn has become too normalized in a over sexualized society, and too many young men become addicted to it.

  6. You're looking at pure probably without considering the biology. Part of the reason some people don't contrcat chlamydia each time is either due to sheer luck or because they have a higher level of immunity. Those who didnt contact is the first time are also less likely to contract it a second time because they're more likely to have some innate immunity.

  7. Your boyfriend isn't your therapist. While he can support you, the way you described his involvement is as if you were leaning on him to help you process and manage the precious toxic relationship and the impact it had on you.

    Time to break up, you mentally are not ready for a relationship. Then get yourself into therapy to actually work through the trauma and issues with a professional.

  8. Hello /u/No-Dish7093,

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  10. I have a cat and a dog. If the dog even so much as nipped the cat, he'd be out and to the shelter before anyone could try and defend him. I'd talk to your husband and get rid of the dog.

  11. Can I ask what you mean by the 'time limit'?

    Do you have a job now?

    Generally speaking, you're living a lifestyle where you are enmeshed with and dependent on your mother. It sounds like you actively chose that. Ultimately, you have to take the good with the bad. Either living for free near your fiance or living independently but at a lower cost farther from your fiance.

    You write that you're engaged but neither of you are able to live independently. Is there a wedding planned and if so, when?

  12. Be pragmatic. Take a 5 month break from the relationship so that you guys don't end up resenting each other. You're only 3 months I'm and either of your opinions can change drastically in 5 months time on the relationship. Resume the relationship when you're back if you're both still on the same page. Basically press the pause button on the development of your relationship is what I'm saying.

  13. As a 30F my age range would be 25 to 35 🙂 i possibly would have dated a 22 year old when I was 26ish if we had lots in common and were on a similar page in life.

  14. You're giving her the power to control what you do by giving up something you like just because she's being mean and judgmental. Don't set that precedent. Don't let her think her closed minded insults have any effect on you.

  15. This isn’t the only time he has done something like that – guaranteed. Get rid, OP. You’re worth so much much and a gentle reminder – this ISNT a reflection on you ?

  16. If he made sexual comments and rejected, why wouldn’t she remove herself or come upstairs with me? She claims she rejected but stayed downstairs because she needed to lock the door if he was leaving & that she didn’t entirely feel threatened until he asked her to take him home but she still didn’t leave nor come upstairs, she decided to stay down there & keep drinking. She’s claiming she was on the phone with her brother and her best friend most of the night

  17. First of all, you're both still teenagers. I remember my days as a teenager clear as day. Love and relationships just don't come easy when we're so unexperienced and undefined with love.

    We don't know how to act, how to maintain, how to feel, how to behave, or what to even say.

    Thing is… love is something you need to experience at your own terms. Nobody can tell you how to love someone or how to have a healthy relationship. People can tell you what théy think is a healthy relationship. And what théy think is toxic.

    We all have toxic traits in us. We make mistakes. It's human. Doesn't make you a bad person! Your inner thoughts, your inner feelings… She doesn't know them. You don't know hers.

    You guys were great and it may have been meant to be. But that doesn't mean it was meant to stay. Perhaps now there are just a lot of signs telling you it's time to move on from this person.

    One day, you'll experience something far greater than this ever was. But you'll remember it as a step in your journey.

    Take time for yourself like you planned to do. Be with friends… go out and meet other people. She's doing the same.

    You'll miss it, but that won't be forever.

  18. I find it bizarre you didn't simply say “Who else are you using them with then??” I mean, what is this? Some sort of movie where the whole mystery could have been avoided if the character JUST ASKED THE SIMPLE FUCKING QUESTION?!

  19. And I thought he said the cruise was full not that he couldn’t afford it. So why is he lying? Bc he wants to go with her and not you.

  20. Dude she is openly disrespecting you. This is going to be harsh but I am talking to you like I would a close friend. Nut up and don't tolerate disrespect in a relationship. “I need to see the messages between you and EX right now.” If she wont right then only later once she has had time to delete stuff kick her out. “I assumed you would stop talking to him after we got this serious but this friendship of your makes me uncomfortable especially since you did some really inappropriate things with him while we were dating.” If she offers to cut him out of her life go for it but DO NOT TELL HER TO. But honestly dude just walk away. Its not work the work and pain to keep a girl that has thought for another man. You should never be made to feel second to any other man. There are enough red flags her to start digging.

  21. You can’t teach someone a lesson they’re not willing to learn.

    Good luck. You’re going to need it. I strongly suggest not isolating yourself from your mother, because you may well need an escape route.

  22. OP, sounds like he's just coasting and waiting for you to get tired of him and break up. People do this, or sometimes they will have an affair to make the other person break it off. This way is awful too; it wears you down over time. Really sounds like he's just going through the motions but doesn't care about anything anymore; a really sad and toxic pattern.

    You deserve better no doubt. Don't blame yourself.

  23. You both should break off!

    Not because of sex or virginity, but because of your horrible/non-existing conversation skill.

  24. A lot here, but I am reminded of two things:

    You are having your child and all that matters is that child and that they are healthy. Nothing else, really! The very old movie “Wargames” where the key line is “The only winning move is not to play.” which is, in short, do not engage

    In the end, the world will little note nor long remember. Engage with those that want to be part of your child's journey with you, and dont worry about any others. All that matters is your child. There will be plenty of people throughout their life who want to be part of that journey and make your child's life awesome. And, in so doing, make your life better too.

    Your sister is “winning” because she is in your head. Dont let her live there rent free. Make sense?

  25. Alright, thanks for you're input. I agree. I put myself in her shoes.. and I kid you not I would have made up an excuse to go to classes that day just to meet up XD. laughs and sobs.

  26. This momma's boy is not someone you should want to be committed to for life. Anyone who lets their mother interfere in their relationship to that degree is not an adult.

  27. So you asked for a break because you wanted to fuck someone, your girlfriend was worried you were cheating, and then you cheated

    Where is your self control????? Like you had SO many steps along the way to not do that

    I understand feeling lost in life after experiencing such a big loss. But that doesn’t excuse any of this. If you want a break to explore yourself, that does not mean you are taking a break to sexplore someone else

  28. By getting a new boyfriend. Relationships take two people willing and capable of communicating their needs with resorting to blocking, stonewalling, punishing. He essentially punished you like a naughty dog instead of telling you forthright and respectfully what his beef was. Silent treatment is abuse.

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