Kate-Uwu live webcams for YOU!


Big Squirt // snapchat soon… [462 tokens remaining]

Date: December 6, 2022

12 thoughts on “Kate-Uwu live webcams for YOU!

  1. I mean, if it's that big a deal, then you should move on. Or it's going to cause problems anyway. However, I think you're jumping too soon. I had a septoplasty, turbinate reductions and other sinus surgery. But it still changed the shape of my nose. However I needed it to function, it wasn't cosmetic at all. I would be gutted if my husband put so much value on my nose over my health. So if this really does bother you, for her sake, I hope you leave now.

  2. Well do you have a good vivid imagination? If so think about your sweet lil gal doing all kinds of dirty deeds with this dude! If you just can’t imagine it, then go make up, and when she goes and bangs him again or some other dude, just continue not imagining her doing that stuff ever! Maybe you’ll have a good chance of raising his kid too! Wouldn’t that be swell. And if you are going to dump her, do not have goodbye sex! Just in case she does end up pregnant after all this!

  3. I was not prepared for that.

    This sounds like it went from just a bit too affectionate to a toxic situation. Throwing so much stuff back in your face is so wrong and I find the 50/50 reciprocation a little odd. It's like taking the “put as much effort into the relationships as the other person” to a very strict and crazy level.

    If he's legitimately that upset about it, to the point he sits at home alone bawling, then yeah, there's something going on mentally.

    I'm going to be an armchair psych (I know) and hazard a guess and say he has childhood trauma of some kind. It seems to me as though he's trying to get the things he didn't get from his parents/childhood from you, or is trying to make you overcompensate. Perhaps his parents/guardians made a lot of false promises and now that's something that just sits in his mind and he can't accept whatsoever. Or he has some deep attachment issues. Could be anything.

    Regardless, it's not on you, and it shouldn't be put on you in a capacity further than supporting him as his wife.

    You can say something like “I love you, but I can't give you everything you're asking for. I'm unhappy with the trajectory our marriage is going. I'm willing to go to marriage counselling, but also individual therapy, so we can navigate this and have healthier and happier lives with good communication and both of our needs can be met. I need you to meet me in the middle here so we can resolve this and move past it.” It's 50/50. You both go to therapy. Not just him. It would be a start.

    This, of course, is providing you do love him and do want to continue your marriage with him. It does sound quite exhausting, but I'm willing to bet my big toe that he has some far deeper issues at play.

    Lay out your needs and wants for the future and what's hindering those. Also reaffirm your feelings for him. He might freak out or go off the deep end if you make it sound like you're leaving him.

    This is something that worries me for you if he's not regulating his emotions properly. Perhaps someone a little more versed in the subject will be able to offer some insight into whether he's manipulating you, abusing you, or is purely mentally unwell. Though, what makes me wonder is the fact that you might feel you have to give in, in fear of having to deal with another breakdown. Especially when it concerns sexual favours. Is he manipulating you with tears?

    No matter what the issue is, please stay safe, OP.

  4. I wish I had a better way to contact his wife. I'm not sure when or even if she will see the Facebook message request.

  5. Relationships don't always stay exciting. You become used to them and they become a normal part of your life that you expect. You can't really rely on a long-term partner to provide all the excitement in your life.

    That being said, it really sounds like you feel unfulfilled and are remaining in your relationship out of habit/comfort/the bond that you've built with him even though you feel that it's probably not the relationship for you. I think if you don't leave and explore something new, you'll never get rid of your current feeling. It will always nag at you.

    This summer sounds like a great time to do that. You can use that opportunity as a stepping stone to help you make the decision and see how you feel away from your bf. Or you can just end things now if you're pretty sure it's the right decision.

    As for the date nights, it sounds like your partner just isn't into them. If you can't get any affection or effort out of your partner – then I definitely see why you feel unfulfilled. That doesn't sound like a relationship you should stay in.

    At the same time, it's important to have some balance. You want him to put effort into something you enjoy that brings you both together. Do you do the same with something he enjoys? I'm not accusing you of being hypocritical, but if you're viewing these date nights as something “for both of you” and you're the only one who enjoys them, then you might want to think about that. Though this is probably a moot point given the bigger issue here.

  6. So many people wish (fantasise?) doing this. Your husband is pretty dumb actually doing it, even if he had the job secured.

    An old employer skrewed me over once. Thankfully, I was in a position to be able to give my 2 weeks on the spot. Everyone I told I was leaving and why alway told me what 'they would have done in my shoes'. Lots of it included 'sticking it to them' and doing all this crazy walk-off on the spot crap lol. In the end, I can still use them as a reference amd they'd still rehire me.

  7. We live together, yes. Going out isn't necessarily a big expense, so she manages to do it by whatever tiny savings she has. Normally, there are some splits (never 50/50 though), but since she is jobless now, no more splitting. I was in her shoes, even though that was at my teen years. I'm trying to be empathetic to her and help her reach a higher place career wise. Frankly, my patience is limited.

  8. You’re having episodes that you don’t even remember that have your wife crying out of fear? What the fuck man go see a doctor ASAP

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