Katalella-latina20 live webcams for YOU!


katalella-latina20 Public Chat Channel

Date: October 4, 2022

19 thoughts on “Katalella-latina20 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Okay so you’re saying you can’t go without sex for up to twelve hours while your bf is at work. This isn’t a cheating thing and has nothing to do with him or the relationship. A poly relationship isn’t the answer. You either have a sec addiction or very deep attachment issues. Like, this is way beyond relationship stuff. It’s a compulsion.

  2. Not exactly, but I will say that You know what makes You happy.

    And if your Happiness is subject to what someone else dictates….

    THEY don't have the problem…..You do. FWIW.

  3. Hello /u/Awkward_Mud5000,

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  4. I agree that this is disrespectful as hell.

    This is why social media is so tricky because it’s so normalised for anyone to scroll and like anyone’s photos, whether it’s a smoothie, a cute puppy or a woman’s but in your face.

    I’m in a relationship and find no need or desire to even scroll through instagram and find pictures of hot men and like them.

    I get everyone’s different and understand eye candy but if he’s liking his ex’s pics, then it’s crossing a boundary that I don’t even think needs discussing.

  5. This! Remember the story of the woman with chimerism whose children would consistently test negative in maternity tests? Also, think of the families who’s babies were switched at birth!

  6. This can't be real. Why not both?? Is it illegal in your country or something? Where I live is pretty common to get both last names from your parents

  7. Man stfu lol

    No way you’re blaming the kid and the mother calling them selfish and spoiled

    you should grow up

  8. He does, but legally speaking there’s a very high chance he WILL be held responsible and accountable for the child. Please check my other comment with sources, express your anger with your law makers not me

  9. I refuse to believe without some crazy evidence that this is anything more than bait.

    Every element and response goes in only one direction like a cartoon villain origin story aimed at RP rage.

  10. It's not snobby to have standards and goals. You've realised that your 5 year and 10 year plan don't align with him and his phase in life.

    Yes, it would be easier and better for both parties to break it off sooner rather than later.

  11. Right? Like, you can discriminate your husband and doesn't care what his feels. Where's the part that “it's your body you have every right of it”? Isn't it consider as a body shaming?

  12. Porn came up with my wife the other day, and when I told her I prefer amateur content for this reason, she was pleasantly surprised. I don’t think she’d be ok if I paid for it though.

  13. This is a big deal, and requires more discussion. She needs to explain to you why she refuses to have sex with you if you wear a condom.

    You do what makes you comfortable, and she needs to accept that boundary. If she doesn’t, what other boundaries will she push?

    The fact that she still tried to have unprotected sex with you after you refused is bad, and is sexual coercion. That’s a type of sexual assault.

    If you do give in and don’t wear condoms – and she’s trying to get pregnant – be highly aware that she may lie to you about being on birth control. You may want to keep the condoms where she can’t get to them to poke holes into them, and you dispose of the condom afterward. (I have a friend whose ex “took care of the condom for him” after sex, and she inseminated herself in the bathroom. She won’t let him see his child now, and it’s destroying him.)

    What you could’ve done better is to have the discussion about condoms during a calm moment not related to sex. That way, it could’ve been discussed without hormones raging. Since that wasn’t the timing, y’all should’ve stopped, gone to a neutral area, and discussed it right then.

    I think that you’re being smart about things. If you’re not ready to have children yet, do what you need to do to protect yourself. Look on the Planned Parenthood website to see your current options; I’m not sure if the male pill is on the market yet or not, as an example. I wish you well.

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