Jasmined live webcams for YOU!


Pussy Play and Blowjob [884 tokens remaining]

Date: November 25, 2022

8 thoughts on “Jasmined live webcams for YOU!

  1. That was my thought too, I'd want notice if I were going to a spa. Esp if I was on my period or something.

    Also, I'd feel odd about my SO contacting my work and “handling” my leave like this. Unless it's for something you can make an exception for like a proposal or something, I don't think it's necessary for a little surprise treat like this.

    He could have asked her to book a day off and told her to pack a bag for a day trip where there'd be water. That way he still gets to treat her, but she also isn't just tumbling along on the mystery bus and gets to have some say in the matter.

  2. my wife would be an amazing mother intellectually and emotionally

    she also has severe depression, anxiety…

    Kids don’t fix your problems, they make them worse.

    Children aren’t a possibility for this woman, and it sounds like that’s a dealbreaker for you..

    Just leave while she still has the ability to figure out what to do with her life. Waiting 5 years as her condition deteriorates will only make everything worse.

  3. I mean, you said RIGHT THERE that she claims to have no memory of getting to the house and was still “completely obliterated” to the point where she could barely support herself, so it sounds a lot less like “my sister slept with my husband” and a lot more like “my husband raped my sister.”

  4. What you're feeling isn't love. Love doesn't make you do this to people. Love is trust. and you don't trust him. And he shouldn't trust you based on your actions.

    If you feel like the relationship is one sided and want to continue it you have to talk to your partner- not invade their privacy.

    Do you think he deserves a partner who is treating him this way? You say he treats you better than anyone yet you go and break his trust and still come out of it seeing yourself as some victim.

  5. You can still have your own family.

    I know five years is a lot to walk away from, but do it anyway. Take some time to be single. See a therapist. Losing your “family” and this relationship and your dreams, it's not easy, and a therapist (plus your friends) will help you get through it while maintaining a healthy outlook. Learning to trust again is going to be difficult. Believe me, cheaters are in the minority. Most people wouldn't do this. You deserve someone who will be faithful.

    I know it doesn't seem like it, but 25 is still fairly young. I would actually say that you're not fully an adult until your mid to late 20s. And, look, most men you're competing with in terms of dating won't have your history of being in a long-term, faithful (on your part!) and committed relationship. It's also not super common to find a man who wants to settle down and start a family.

    What I'm saying is, once you've taken some time to grieve and put this relationship and the pain from it behind you, you're going to be super in demand dating-wise. Try to use this power only for good.

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