Hot_Nonditalive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “Hot_Nonditalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I mean it's implied he's the kids father but is he??

    This is a telenevela… so is he actually the daddy? Are you a gold digger? So many plot points..

  2. Seriously, what century does your husband live in?

    Wow, I'm seriously impressed you managed to stay calm during these conversations. His views are outdated and offensive. I would not have children with this man unless he had some serious therapy and changes his mind about the difference between girls and boys.

  3. Sorry but she's right that It's none of your business. Whether she is actually doing work or not, it doesn't concern you. If the teachers notice, they'll say something themselves. If they don't, she's only wasting her own time.

    You should be paying attention to your work, not worrying about what other students are doing.

  4. My ex cheated on me a few times (I know don’t ask) and after the first time I felt nothing. It stopped bothering me. Like yeah sure I was angry but it didn’t hurt as much as the first time in fact I didn’t cry either.

    I realize now that that’s because after the first time he cheated the relationship became a shell of itself and there was no salvaging it (no matter how much the younger version of me tried).

    Don’t be scared that you’re feeling this way. Be happy that your emotions and brain and saving you from more heartbreak early on. Cut your losses and move on.

    I wish you all the best; and please please please just because you’re feeling less hurt and anger, don’t get back with him- because it will seem easier.

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