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42 thoughts on “horny_japaneselive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Jane’s only appropriate response to your agreement with you ex should have been, “Wow, that sounds very mature. What a good plan! Let me know how I can help. Should I purchase the white goods and we can figure out repayment later?“

  2. There’s no „being ready“ for children and if you’re going to wait for the perfect moment or start, you’re going to wait forever.

    And even if this may sound like this annoying auntie at family functions; but you’re not getting younger. The older you get, the harder the pregnancy will probably be. And it also may get harder to get pregnant in general.

    I get where your bf is coming from, because becoming parents is horrifying (I’m currently pregnant with my first), but at this point he’s just stringing you along and this whole procedure will only get harder for you, while nothing (physically) changes for him. But on the other hand, having a baby will complete change everything about your life for the rest of your lives and it’s completely normal to be afraid of huge changes like this.

    You should really have a talk with him about how important this is for you, but also ask him why he does not feel ready and understand his definition of „being ready“ and then decide on how you want to proceed. But you need to both be 100% happy with the solution/compromise.

  3. Hello /u/floppycantfly, we've seen an influx of posts related to specific influencers and have made a decision to remove them.

    If your post has to do with a significant other who's ascribing to a “high value/low value” standard, please note that while it's your partner's right to do this, it's just as much your right to opt out of such a relationship. Changing them is unlikely to succeed, and advice on past posts about this topic mirror this conclusion.


    -Relationship Advice mod team

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  4. Thank you for being reasonable about this. A man in his 30s having sex with an 18/19 yr old teenager, while legal, is 100% disgusting and a huge red flag, especially given that apparently he treated her so poorly she couldn’t reach out to him when she found out she was pregnant. This situation sucks for you, but thankfully you are being reasonable about what this means about your husband.

  5. I re read and definitely shot out like a cannon, I thank you for forgiveness for that for whatever it's worth. I've wanted to start a non profit for women trying to escape abuse and to empower them. I've been on both sides on the coin, I've been in really bad relationships and I've witnessed them.

    I think knowing she can bounce back helps, whatever empowers her, helps. She does need to get out. The abuse will keep ebbing away at her self esteem and she'll erode away until there's nothing left. When I'd go to my friends, they'd say they just want to see me happy but also point out things that just don't make sense, and how strong of a person I really am. I had to know I was ok on the other side, whether it's emotionally, financially, or even physically.

    The others are right about preserving your own sanity. You always need to make sure you aren't constantly putting others needs ahead of your own. It's ok to take a breather, but not so far that if she feels she's ready (an abused woman will take at least 7x to try to leave before they do, probably more of her not physically hitting her) ? No matter about that, you have to keep your head straight, don't blur your boundaries for anyone, you're the only one who has to live in your head. ???

  6. Why did you tell him you forgive him when you so obviously haven’t?

    At the moment, there’s nothing to be done. He lied to you & he extended his work trip with another woman. It doesn’t look good, but you’ll have to see what he says when he gets back.

  7. Damn, I liked your comment at first because I thought you were joking….. the dad obviously cares if they let the son win. The son needs to win and have fun to remain interested in playing chess.

  8. For sure I would be the one to buy it 100%, I'm just afraid she says no and then ghosts me and I would be even more in the dark but maybe it's my paranoia speaking.

  9. She could've been unhappy, but considering the party has been discussed for that long, she shouldn't even be surprised. However

    ​It has been 12 hours now. She refused to tell me what her issue was with my reply, until about 30 minutes ago.


    ​she refuses to tell me and says I should already know

    are MAJOR red flags. She blows things out of proportion, she doesn't handle her emotions like a grown up, she refuses to communicate and she expects you to read her mind. While, individually, they may not seem that bad, considered as part of something bigger they spell run to the hills.

  10. sex is sex. fucking. bumping uglies. etc

    intimacy is what is wrapped around sex (though doesn't have to necessarily sexual). The feelings of being closer. Hugging, kissing, cuddling. Ot The after sex glow. Talking and stroking your hair or whatever

    They're completely different. Often intimacy declines when you move in together because you're around them a lot more but also you see how messy and gross they are all the time.

    So as the other poster was saying, it sounds like you need to decide what you need/want. If you need to be fucked 2-3 times a week cool. If you want more intimacy (sexual or not) thats cool too.

    Just as a side note. Men have a hard time telling the difference between the two. Men generally feel sex IS intimacy. Whereas women see if differently. So for you, you'll need to communicate to him what it is. It isnt a scary talk or annoying.

    its “hey. listen. now that we are living together and i have ti smell your farts all day, i feel like we are connecting less intimately and sexually. Here is what i need.

    1) i want one random, fuck me hard session a week. If you initiate I wont say no unless i say “banana” or whatever safe word there is

    2) 2-3x a week i need more intimacy interactions. Like cuddling during a movie or random hugs, or maybe soft sweet sex. But i just need to feel closer to you.

    something like that.

  11. If a foot fetish is something you can take or leave and it doesn’t hinder your attraction to her overall I wouldn’t mention it. You run the risk of hurting her feelings over something not that important to you.

  12. You can’t force someone to listen if they don’t want to. And he doesn’t want to. The only thing you can do is break up and let him be sad about it, even if it makes you feel bad.

  13. That is not ok… And if he is embarrassed because of that, then its not going to go anywhere worthwhile and he isn't worth wasting your time on. Cut your losses and get a guy that will be thrilled to let everyone know you're his person.

  14. You don't have to wait for your inheritance to file for divorce. In fact, waiting gives your husband the right to half that inheritance. Talk to an attorney immediately. They do free consultations. Tell them what you said here. Heck, just let the attorney read what you wrote here since it sums up things he's done and the inheritance. Then the attorney can ask you questions.

    I went through various forms of abuse growing up, and I don't act this way to my partner. Being abused is no excuse for bad behavior. Don't excuse your husband's bad behavior because of his childhood.

    In college, when he was messaging multiple girls while you were in a different town, he made his character abundantly clear. In all these years he's reiterated he's not going to change. Believe his voice through his actions. He's telling you who he is through his actions, not through trite words

    “I still feel guilty about potentially breaking up our family.”

  15. Your ex is a shit stain. Sexual assault is sexual assault.

    I’m sorry that happened to you and I hope you get justice even though it won’t heal the trauma.

  16. He had no remorse in setting you up, why would you feel bad about defending yourself? Please op, you did nothing wrong. Actually you should report him for the bullying,he is actively trying to bring you down and hurt your career

  17. So sorry to hear that. Seems they use the phrase “Don’t you trust me” or “Either you trust me or you don’t” like shields to shut down lines of questioning shady behavior. Last time this line was used on me a very long time ago, I said “Well obviously I don’t trust you, trust is earned, not freely given. If you expect unearned trust, I am the wrong person for that.” And of course he was doing the exact thing I was suspicious of. It wasn’t cheating related but it was hard core drug related.

  18. Did you set him up? – Kind of, but his reaction wasn't okay.

    So, if you wanted him to lie and be like, “You have the tits of a 22 year old” that's unrealistic, and if he's an honest person, then you're only hurting yourself.


    There's a way of being honest without being hurtful or rude.

    He could have said, “Yeah, I'm sure your boobs were different before you had your child, but bodies change, and that's okay. You haven't got the perkiest boobs in the world, but I like you as you are, and you offer much more than your body” if he'd have reacted like that then it's honest and reassuring, which ultimately is the kind of response partners should be giving to each other.

  19. You need to include all the information in the post originally you did not so there was a bunch of information left out

  20. Do you have no sense of self preservation? Why the hell are you with this guy? Please get glasses and look at what you wrote. And you want to stay with this guy?

  21. Having kids is not an excuse to immediately address this. That should actually be a motivational factor. Why? Because thus far you caught her having an emotional affair. Ignoring it, or not having the grit to tackle the problem now could lead them into an eventual physical affair too. The sooner you deal with this, the sooner you can evaluate if this marriage is salvageable. One thing you don’t do, is tolerate a miserable unhealthy marriage for the kids sake. You realize how many people I have heard from, including on this forum explain how they wished their parents never stayed together and in doing so, it was even worse on them? Many of them also mention mental health problems as a result of parents staying together when they should not have, and struggle being able to have healthy relationships themselves.

  22. Is she taking on all the household duties while she’s not working? If so, then I think it’s unfair to ask for reimbursement.

  23. I’d wait to see if you see her again. Going out of your way to find her on social media is really creepy I won’t lie, and it’ll be obvious to her that you’ve done that. Keep going to those events as she’ll likely turn up to one eventually, as you said. And even if she doesn’t, there’s millions of other amazing women out there.

  24. How are you with a guy like that in the first place? Didnt you talk to him when you met him ffs?

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