Helen-moorex live webcams for YOU!


the best rider , ♥ @goal/ oiled ass twerking ♥ control my pussy/ only 99 tks ♥ [Multi Goal]

Date: October 5, 2022

71 thoughts on “Helen-moorex live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yea I understand, me and my ex had 3 kids in 4 years and it was non stop changing diapers& cleaning up, even after potty training the oldest. and we were both at home but post partum depression really affected her and she just doesn't like me as a person nor my friends. I miss her and her body but she was miserable with me, You don't have to rush yourself back into shape, even start by doing 50 squats a day. 25 any time in the morning, 25 after lunch or at night. Just start and don't bitch at him unless you want to split up

  2. It’s weird but people are weird. There’s also a shocking amount of women who accept life with partners who behave like children…so. If the shoe fits.

  3. That would be something I’d totally be down for but hell would freeze over before she’d be on board lol but I’ll keep it in the back pocket

  4. That would be something I’d totally be down for but hell would freeze over before she’d be on board lol but I’ll keep it in the back pocket

  5. At first i thought u were jealous that ur friend had a girlfriend but now I’m thinking ur jealous of the girlfriend…

  6. your girlfriend sounds like a really healthy individual. I think it was good that you ended that friendship if you think your friend had other intentions that would jeprodise your relationship. honestly, sounds like you have some warped views on how relationships should be (could be things that happened in the past or how your past partners were) but I think if you feel that way you should definitely speak to her about it and see where her head is at. maybe she feels a little jealous but is mature enough to know you are with her/no need to make a deal out of it and thats so healthy! (imo)

  7. Oh screw the potential violent fallout. Sorry but HIV stays with you for life. If you knowingly have HIV but either don't tell your sexual partners or tell them you don't have it, then you deserve what ever comes your way. If fact if one of ops friends victims beats her to the point of her needing to be in a wheelchair the rest of her life, that person would do the world a public service.

  8. using others for my own gain is shit at 19.

    She literally asked people to give her their hoodies. No where did she tell op she stole them. It was a silly game between her and her friend. Lol you desperately trying to make some random 19 yr old some manipulative mastermind because she got free hoodies from men willing to give them away is so wild.

    Guess we can excuse any and all issues until age 25 then. Free for all it is then.

    People who jump to wild conclusions like this when other people don't agree with them is not a good indicator of judgment.

    19 means you aren't fully mature and have room to grow.

    Which is why it's a silly stupid, immature (immature doesn't always mean bad) game that her and her friend played to get hoodies from men FREELY giving them to her.

    These men are not poor niave fools who were tricked by the malicious, manipulative girl who “uses others for her own gain”. They're hoodies for Christ's sake lol not an arm and a leg.

    I'd be the saying the same shit if it was a man who had 50 girls hoodies.

  9. u/Pink_Kush_420, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. I think the most important point you make is that younger people often have no idea how age slows a person down.

    I work in elder care and see a million examples of 50-60 somethings being burnt out being the free caregiver to their much older partners.

  11. A few questions to ask yourself (not to answer here):

    Does she like bling?

    Does she like modern or antique?

    Is she usually doll up or stay more casual?

    Is she active to the point where larger jewelry may pose a problem?

    What’s your budget?

    Also – I have a good amount of friends and I’m not sure I would ever be able to pick their ring tastes or they mine. Careful with putting this on a friend.

    Also, maybe go in with a ring of your choosing and IF the store accepts returns, then go full in proposal, with the offering of her exchanging the ring if she doesn’t like it. It’s okay to go in 110% thoughtful and it still not hit the mark.

  12. I was 18 when I was in a relationship with a 24 year old man. At the time I was flattered an older guy would see value in me and it felt like a huge win so I pursued him, he set it up so I’d feel like the one to be initiating things. That is a ruse. It happened to you too and I’m sorry but you’ve fallen for it. This is a grooming tactic.

    In retrospect, I know exactly why he wanted to be with me. I was inexperienced, sexually attractive to him, and would likely have low standards in the relationship with no framework of reference or past relationship lessons to go off of.

    Now that I am 26, and date someone who is 27 with a similar level of relationship and life experience, I think about what it would be like to try to date someone 20, 21 or whatever. I’d feel like I were dating a child. My boyfriend and I have talked about this very topic before when I described my first relationship, and he says he could never ever imagine dating someone in their teens or even early twenties. A six year age gap doesn’t mean much when you’re forty or fifty etc. but I’m your teen years and early twenties you are in a process that involves a TON of personal growth, evolution, establishing yourself as an adult. It’s about the phase of life you are in.

    Your prefrontal cortex is not finished developing. Your ability to foresee and anticipate consequences to your choices isn’t fully there yet because of SCIENCE, and this man is and will continue to take advantage of that.

  13. I think she was trying to get you in the mood tbh. I can’t imagine dry humping was the goal, but more like foreplay.

    That being said, you were uncomfortable and you felt unheard/uncared for after the incident. Those are all valid feelings.

    You need to talk to her again. Tell her how the way she is handling this makes you feel. Tell her what consent means to you (cause believe it or not, most people aren’t on the same page with this). She made you feel unsafe, and she cannot think that’s ok. Better communication is needed.

  14. Personally, I don’t think it’s an unreasonable expectation for two people in a committed relationship to not split everything 50/50 if one earns much more than the other. But that’s only if it is truly committed, and both partners have discussed it and agreed to it.

  15. I get it! But boy when you do let it go it’s liberating.

    Everyone has problems, it always looks better looking in-referring to the friends. You seem to have many blessings! You are special because there is only one like you. Nobody can ever be you or have this relationship. Live life in love with your man, focus on your goals and plans and filter out what triggers your insecurity. It has no place in your plans.

  16. Hmmmm, calling bull on your wife not knowing.

    The fact that immediately on the gallery preview there were 10 to 20 pics tells me those pics were recent.

    Added to that your wife is somewhat defending the friend and wants you to just drop it? Nah, red flags all over the place. Sounds like he had that excuse chambered and ready to go too, and you're absolutely right if your wife didn't know she should have been even more furious than you.

    But the cherry on top of this; best case scenario if your friend is telling the truth and he stole the pics but you've never seen them before, the question has to be asked who was the intended recipient for the lewds? Obvious answer is your scumbag friend and they have a thing going on.

    OP, I firmly believe you're being gaslit into thinking there's nothing going on. If I were you I'd talk with your wife again and point out the inconsistencies (her not being mad at the friend, her asking you to forgive/forget, who was she taking the pictures for since you've never seen them before and she didn't send them to you, etc). After that you can decide what to do, but my advice would be to split/separate for the time being. Way too many inconsistencies and her lack of a reaction is very suspicious.

  17. I would say he is the problem, and not your parents. You are 23. You're parents want you to experience some form of independence because you haven't had that. It sounds more like your boyfriend is trying to manipulate you away from your family, and you are to young to realize it.

    I'm not one to normally have issues regarding age differences but given how your boyfriend is currently acting and the amount of years you've been dating and how old you where, I'd say run away from this man.

  18. Well this is one hell of a ride and I am sorry you are going through it. Your girlfriend probably needs some therapy because, wow what an insane reaction. She is probably not over the SA. Sometimes, when someone has something like that happen, they ll put themselves in a dangerous position again, it can be to try and regain control or a trauma response. It is dangerous, stupid but also very unfortunate and scary. She probably doesn't understand why she did it either.

    When it comes to trusting her again, it will probably take some time. The fact she came to you and didn't lie is a great start. If it turns out she lied (which I am not saying she did), it is time to leave. The fact she seems remorsful despite nothing happening is good though.

    To move forward, I would suggest she stops getting high/drunk for the forseeable future, work through her trauma and never ever see or speak to the guy again. The fact she is considering doing so is a bit crazy and she might need a reality check…

    Also give yourself some time to think this true. Maybe even a couple of days away from her so you can sort through your taughts. No need to make a decision right this second.

  19. Do you take your 18 yo son or daughter to a pediatrician?

    Lmao pediatrics was updated to be birth to 21 years of age in the 1960s and now is based on the pediatric doctor's and patient's opinion of when to transition to adult care. You're not just defending a groomer, you're flat out incorrect about “clinically correct” concepts.

    Getting mighty sus, my dude.

  20. Getting used to and learning to understand how to avoid arguments is all well and good. But I mean man. Where’s the god damn satisfaction from your end? Do you ever demand or ask of him the same you do for him? I mean push his head down into your sex and tell him what makes you orgasm and keep his head down there while you explode!

  21. Sounds like you’re just looking for a reason if something that doesn’t actually affect anyone is a deal breaker. What else is she not allowed to do because you make the money?

  22. Here’s the thing. I know I’m not the most beautiful. No one is. Just asked that if in his eyes he thought I was…

  23. Bye bye relationship, unless you’d rather say hello to relationship counseling for a while. Your sex life is likely spoiled irreparably now, but I hope that you at least try and leave the guy feeling a little more reassured than he is now. You’ve crumpled his self esteem and it could affect him well beyond the probably nearing end of your relationship. Make sure he knows that it’s not as important as he feels, and that you were happier with him than with anyone else.

    This is a tough lesson to learn the hard way. Hurting his feelings by mistake doesn’t make you a bad person though. Hope the best for you OP

  24. You mean when women would get married just so they could get away from their abusive families? Yeah, good times.

  25. Lmfao this is comedy gold –

    “Then you all will get what you so desperately want to happen – that my husband finds happiness and I end up alone. *But I WON’T BE BLAMED FOR THE END OF THE RELATIONSHIP *..I can live with that.”

    So quite literally in the paragraph before you claimed you “won’t be blamed” you were trying to give out his info in hopes he’ll cheat (and thusly bring about the end of the relationship)

    Does “So all you ladies that want my husband – dm me and I’ll give you his contact and we’ll see if he takes the bait. That would help me if he cheated though I highly doubt he would.” sound familiar?

    Honestly someone should get his contact info and send this poor poor man a link to this post. Seeing this might be the shock he needs.

  26. It’s more common than you think. To deny the possibilities of what if is nonsense. No, it sounds like you don’t, I think you trivialise it. As a person who works closely with real victims of assault on the regular, 99% of it being my job, you are trivialising it. You’re literally demonising a young adult on his motives rather than educating him. People need to make mistakes to realise the error of their ways. Is his actions even close to actually physically assaulting somebody? No.

    Do you think this kids going to get jail time over this “assault” no.

    Then stop putting it in the same category as assault.

  27. I have a pixel and have had other versions before this one. Never did I receive a notification for an app after it had been deleted. He's lying

  28. Something I haven’t seen mentioned: the noise you woke up to. Do not misconstrue anything you heard as “sounds of pleasure.” I was sexually assault while unconscious. I woke up mid-assault. My first immediate instinct when I became aware of someone touching me was to pretend I liked it until I figured out what was happening. It fortunately didn’t take long before I realized, “oh wait this really hurts. Oh hey, I was just unconscious.” And then adjust my reaction to one of pain, fear, and shock. But by that point I had been unconscious for several hours and was damn close to sober. An extremely intoxicated person is not consenting even if what you heard sounded like they were enjoying it. It was probably an instinctive, self preservation, auto pilot reaction to sexual activity while incapacitated.

  29. Nah, just block him. I feel like this might endanger OP. These types of men are known to murder and/or rape women.

  30. I am shocked that after 30 years, you both aren’t transparent with finances. I’m guessing he didn’t pick up slack at home with chores to make up for less work?

    He sounds like a functioning alcoholic and you’ve been subsidizing his lifestyle. You don’t have to be married for him to be a good father

  31. Yes, tell her. If not for nothing else than you don’t want her to find out from anybody else.

  32. There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on…shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again

  33. Well there you go. Unfortunately her emotions are likely like a big seesaw, swinging back and forth between trying to love herself and times she just feels a mistake. And any partner she has until she deals with it properly is going to be on the receiving end of it sooner or later.

    So I hope you can see that it wasn't without explanation, rather it is likely a storm that has brewed for a long time. And the sad part? The more you mean to her the more self conscious she'd have become.

    You may find she 'moves on' quickly. If she does though be aware it is not a healthy way, it will be her 'turning off' her emotions, rebounding, making a mess of herself. You can't take that personally.

  34. Yeah, the last guy I was with that acted like this and needed “privacy” was a serial cheater with a secret family out of state. Your husbands behavior sounds EXACTLY like his.

    No point in trying to have a conversation with him. He’ll lie and delete everything. You know what’s going on here, you just don’t want to believe it. He’s clearly already been gas lighting you bc you’re nervous about his reaction. If he is hiding something, he sure as shit isn’t going to come clean. When you confront him: he’ll get defensive, blame shift to you not trusting him, then go to the bathroom and delete everything off his phone.

    You shouldn’t be nervous to talk with your husband about anything. That’s a sign of abuse. I’m sorry, but why do you feel you need to walk on eggshells or he’s go I could turn to my husbands and say “can I see your phone” and without hesitation he’s put it in my hand because he has nothing to hide. I’d do the same for him but we’ve never had to bc neither one of us are sneaking around having secret conversations.

    I’m sorry but every single time I’ve seen or heard of someone phone guarding they are cheating. I’m not going to tell you to snoop but I would. If there are enough red flags to warrant it and you’re with a liar, self preservation takes precedence over their feelings. There shouldn’t be this many red flags.

  35. Yeah dude sorry to be the bearer of bad news here but this is already over.

    Long distance relationships are nearly impossible under the best circumstance. And these ain't the best circumstance. She's emotionally checked out on you completely. Which probably means she's physically checked in with someone else already.

    She's just too much a coward to break it off with you. Doesn't want to be considered the villain. She's worried about her reputation. Not about you. Just about how she'll be seen by you and others in your social/family circles.

    I get it man. I do. First love. It's rough when women show you what they're really like the first time.

    But do not be so down on yourself.

    If she really is a 10, then I promise you ain't a 4. No 4 ever got with a 10 because of his sparkling personality. Unless you're filthy rich and she's trying to keep you around for money, you ain't a 4.

    End it dude. Just end it. Then focus on you. Don't even bother with a relationship this young, because women your age are shitty beyond belief, and women older than you just want one thing.

    Spend the next five years taking all that sexual and romantic energy inside yourself and focus it 100% on building yourself up. Hit the gym hard. Throw yourself into your education and work. Save money. Don't waste it on frivolous crap or treacherous women.

    You follow that path, and by the time you're in your mid or late twenties, you'll be so good looking and so flush with cash/success you won't even have to try my friend. 10s…real 10s who'll make your current GF look like a 4 in comparison…will fight each other to the death Hunger Games-style for a shot to be with you.

  36. I just got the image of me in a schoolgirl outfit and my wife dressed up as Jesus. My mom and dad have Pikachu face ?

  37. Your whole troll post is idiotic. You've been called out SO many times but continue to repost and delete ?

    Must be nice to have free time to karma farm like that

  38. If he treats you like a hotel or like his maid:

    Be one. Fix prices for every thing you do in the household instead of him.

    -washing dishes: 10 Dollar -carrying around the laundry: 15 Dollar.

    Make it expensive. You are a five stars hotel.

    Present him the bill. And make him pay!

  39. I agree that the husband's reaction is key. He may have thought things were not sexual since his wife was present or trying not to cause a scene. If OP's husband starts an extramarital affair under those circumstances, he is acting pretty foolishly, or asking for an open relationship or divorce.

  40. Brother I highly recommend you block her and never speak to her again. That’s not your girlfriend anymore. Please spare yourself the heartbreak.

    I beg of you. I went through this myself. Get in the gym, focus on going to school and getting a good job. A girl should be the least of your worries at 18

  41. If she does/decides to do TikToks or YouTube videos then you’re in for a rude awakening. The same people tend to comment on every video over and over again.

    If I knew something bothered my husband, yes I would let it happen. Why? Because my husband is a big boy and can take care of himself and handle it himself. If what bothered him is something that I’m doing then we’d discuss it and find a solution we can both live with. If it was something as stupid as someone liking my tweets all the time, I’d laugh in his face and tell him to grow up and get over it, and he’d realize I’m right. Before you say anything about that, my husband is sitting right next to me and is reading what I’m typing and laughing and nodding his head. We give each other much needed reality checks when it’s needed.

    Grow up or move on. Don’t be surprise if your girlfriend breaks up with you over your juvenile behavior. Are you sure you’re 26 and not 6?

  42. The best you can do is explore with a mh professional. Intimacy is essential and isn’t just sex. It is hugs, closeness and just you two time. You can be intimate just by doing something together. If u are adverse to even that, it needs to be explored to find out about yourself.

  43. Try to forget about it. There's just absolutely no point in getting wound up about this.

    She had a toxic fwb relationship that she looks back on with regret; there's no reason she'd want to tell you a detail like she told him she loved him.

  44. Feeling real love is not easy to achieve. She obviously did not. That sucks hard. Probably cheated on you on the trip too.

    Now you feel empty and unwanted, humiliated and lost. We all experience this sooner or later.

    There will come a time where you are glad it turned out this way.

    My advice is to continue what you have been doing. Ask the questions about the future like before. But however do not only Listen tithe answer, WATCH the reaction. This will help you to get a more accurate answer of who the person you are interacting with is. This includes but is not limited to partners

  45. Now for clarification, since your response makes me think I wasn't as clear as I intended on being.

    In my first paragraph, I defined mental gymnastics based on my understanding and experience.

    In my second paragraph, I gave an example of mental gymnastics, using the concrete example of consent. The belief one must use mental gymnastics to defend was “you cannot withdraw consent”. I suggested the husband may hold this belief based on his anger at his wife for changing her mind (this wasn't referring directly to open marriages, this could equally apply to almost any other scenario in a relationship). I then reaffirmed that anyone may withdraw their consent at any time. I then gave a second example of withdrawing consent, that of two people who have agreed to have sex. I then also affirmed that a married person can commit sexual assault against their partner if they don't respect withdrawn consent.

    At no point did I draw a comparison between open marriages, and sexual assault or cheating. In fact, I only addressed two of those subjects in my comment (I didn't mention anything about cheating, although the parent comment did).

    I hope that clarifies what I meant with my comment.

  46. He just wasn’t as interested as you are. Sorry, it happens.

    Just try not to take it personally and know that he is missing out on a good thing.

    Turn your attention to finding a partner who is more interested in you.

  47. Tell your guy friends to stop doing this and maybe less women will need to protect themselves this way.

  48. Not worth staying, there is no compromise on this, the sooner you call it a day, the better. There are lots of people that don’t want kids, please don’t stay with someone that does.

  49. A current affair should be told. But honestly, your dad may not appreciate being told. I know people who wish that they had never found out that their spouse cheated in the past.

  50. MOVE OUT. Buy your own damn house. Stop depending on him for your own personal financial security. And just in general, never EVER buy real property with anyone you are either not married to or you don't have a contract with. Where is your lawyer on this?

    Can't have a keyboard? Or your furniture? Or a life because you're waiting on this dude who already has real property and significant investments (including questionable speculation in crypto [not a knock, that's a fact])? And you cant have your own HOUSEPLANTS?

    Stop. STOP. You are 34. Get your own shit together.

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