HeidyWills live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 3, 2022

16 thoughts on “HeidyWills live webcams for YOU!

  1. Oh baby girl you need to cut this off immediately…that is unhinged behaviour and if you allow it to continue who knows where it goes

  2. I did not believe her at first but she sent me lots of proof. Marriage license, hospital bills, even a selfie she had with him IN THE HOSPITAL

    Did she tell you when the divorce was, or other proof their marriage is over? Can you look this information up online?

    Did his family and friend also lie to you, either deliberately or by omission?

  3. When her husband finally realizes he has been in love with her all along and they end up making passionate love on their kitchen floor.

  4. At first glance I read “my husband does pornography on the side” and I was like danggg okay! Lol

  5. He's calling other people morons?

    It doesn't get more moronic than this. Tell everyone he had a psychotic episode.

  6. You’re trying to be supportive of a dude going out in public and calling you his “new bitch with a fat ass”?

    I need help understanding why lol. He is talking shit. You don’t need to support that.

  7. Beauty has always been the picture of youth and health. COngratulations you found out your partner likes to look at pretty women in porn. Seeing as how the career of a porn actress ends at like 26 just about all of it is teen porn.


  8. Wow it’s really that hard to admit you just missed it huh? It was there the whole time. But I’m not touching this conversation anymore

  9. Did you read the same post I did? She let him believe she got an abortion and she was the one who blocked him, not the other way around. This was classic alienation of affection based on a couple snarky messages after a bad breakup. She created this situation by hiding the kids from him for 14 years, yet both you and her somehow blame him for not building a relationship with kids he never knew existed? That makes no sense to me.

  10. that i don’t trust her.

    That gave me a good chuckle. I wonder whyever not?

    You did the right thing, the only problem is you did it a bit too late. Of course she wouldn't make any concessions for you in the relationship because she demonstrated very clearly, from very early on that she is a hypocrite that has zero respect for you.

    Just don't get sucked back in because nothing is going to change. Move on, find someone more suitable.

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