HanaHarrizz live webcams for YOU!


hanaharrizz chat

Date: November 4, 2022

9 thoughts on “HanaHarrizz live webcams for YOU!

  1. I try so hard to show her that it’s fake. She compares herself to photoshopped women online as well. My wife is GORGEOUS but has the worst self esteem. She’s a very healthy weight her she’s trying to cut her calories to “have a flat stomach”. Makes me very sad.

  2. Honestly I think in ops case, her situation is bad enough that I would advise a closed in house therapy until she is stable enough to live on her own.

    Having fits where you want to off yourself and even hurt bystanders is outside the realm of weekly therapist appointments.

  3. We are friends, but it's a little flirty sometimes. Though lately he changed his tone a little. Last time i was there we cuddled for a while, but nothing else happened

  4. After she has berated me, hit me, and pointed out all the ways I have ruined her trip

    Your wife's abusive bro.

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