Gabbi^^, 21 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Gabbi^^
Date: October 7, 2022
Gabbi^^, 21 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Did I express that I wanted effort put into special occasions? I did when I originally gave him a gift. Did I say it explicitly? No, I didn’t feel like it was necessary. To me it’s pretty basic to celebrate a birthday of someone you love.
He sounds like a dick. God damn bro how can he do that. It just doesn’t seem like something like this can be friendly
Yep I’m a Brit living in America and have to constantly correct people back home and here about the differences in the systems. Nothing is perfect but by god, back home no one is actively ignoring their health or divorcing their long term spouse that they are still very much in love with because of financial debt
Yes it's so true, Younger women are way more likely to tolerate red flags and not assert their standards. It's a major appeal of dating young people- they're more forgiving, less assertive and confident about what they need/ want in a partner, and have less experience so they overlook a lot of the red flags.
You're telling me, hold on, that the guy 10 years older than you looking for a young girl… isn't mature and care about you? I cant believe it. Shocking. Who would had saw this coming…
Maybe I also cheated cause we started dating since I was 18 so I never got much or enough of that “college experience” guys talk about. But again, any justification or explanation for cheating sounds (and is) shallow.
Your partner's obsession with his daughter's sex life is NOT NORMAL. Since he's 37, unless he was a teenager when she was born, she's a minor, which adds another level of disgustingness to this whole thing.
Not sure how you'd reconcile staying with someone who sexualizes his child.
100% lying bro
Never ever ever tell him. It is so so common for women to miscarriage particularly in the early stages or first three months. Many women miscarriage without even realising they were pregnant yet.
He knows . So play along, feel ill one day, take a day off work, and then get abortion alone and tell him you miscarried.
Look up the Auntie Network here on Reddit, if you need assistance in where to go or specific moral support /symptoms to say- they seem to be amazing and have Redditors from all around the world who want to moral-support women in exactly your situation.
So sorry this is happening op. But congrats on choosing your life path and choosing what is healthy safe and good for you. You deserve a life away from this monster. You got this.
That's because it's hard for him to throw a big boy tantrum when nobody's watching. He's acting exactly like a toddler. If you walk away from a kid throwing a tantrum, they will follow you. Your abusive boyfriend gets shitty when you leave because he wants you to see how scary he is, but he can't do that when you have left to de-escalate. Also, the bullshit he tells you about wanting to harm himself when you've left to get space is him being controlling by trying to stop you leaving when he's flipping out. He thinks if he can manipulate you into staying to watch his whole tantrum, then he can show you that he's a big man who holds all the power over you. When you walk away, you take that power away from him, and he hated that. He doesn't want you to take your power back. He wants to be in control of your relationship together.
Very soon he won't allow you to leave. The longer you stay, the more sure he is that he can keep pushing your boundaries and you won't actually leave. You say you will, but he knows you always come back, so he will start ignoring your threat. Then to prove how big and scary and in control of you he is, he will start hurting you. He will promise he will never do it again. He will cry and beg you not to leave him. He will say he can't live without you, that he loves you. But none of this is about love. This is not how you treat someone you love.
I've been with my partner for 12 years now. Do you want to know how many times he's yelled at me until I started crying? Exactly zero. Or how many times he's punched something? Still zero. He instead talks to me about what's bugging him, and we discuss it like adults. We support eachother, cos that's the entire point of being in a serious relationship.
Do you feel loved and supported in your relationship, when you have to literally run away just to find somewhere safe to cry? He doesn't want to acknowledge your emotions, because he can't be the most important person in the relationship if he has to make room for you too. He needs to be the centre of attention the whole time no matter what, and no matter how that makes you feel. He is selfish, and mean. It's time to realise your worth, and to love yourself enough to know you are not safe with him. He manipulates you so hard that you are questioning yourself instead of him and his behaviour. You already have battered wife's syndrome. He's done a massive mind fuck on you already, laying the groundwork for further abuse.
Don't tell him, get an abortion.
Yes, you are the asshole.
If five years later, we see stark differences in outcomes for women denied versus provided an abortion, then your assertion that people can be ok with “pretty much anything” after 5 years is just wrong. You were trying to say the time is the variable. It’s whether or not you’re forced to give birth.
One doesn’t cancel out the other.
I’m so glad you think abortion care should be legal and accessible to everyone who wants one, though, despite your disagreement.
sooo why haven’t you broken up? there’s nothing you can do to make this work
It feels like you started a relationship with him to be a saviour not a partner. You know that isn't sustainable. Stop trying to fix him, leave, and find someone you feel equal to not that you feel better than.
I would sit him down and tell him not to interrupt you until you are done talking. Also, let him speak after you said your piece. When giving feedback, it's important to criticise the behavior of the person and not his character, so that he won't feel attacked. Just tell him how you feel neglected and how you really appreciated in the beginning, when he was actually courting you and investing in the relationship.
No down voting from this independent chick!! Preach it sister!
Of course she has a right to do it. She has a right to have promiscuous sex with strangers, too. Having the right to do something doesn't always make it the right thing to do. I'm not saying she has to give this up, but he is never just magically going to become ok with it. So she either wants to continue the arguments or she can compromise. Obviously, the other option being just saying you aren't compatible and moving on.
This part right here. Because if he can’t respect her space now if this becomes the rest of her life he will be trying to control her. She just needs to put up a boundary and stick to it. He just sounds way too needy.
When I run out of options or my wife says she won’t accept my daughter ever. She says if her behavior improves she would be okay, she just doesn’t realize it’s normal 8 year old behavior