EvelynAllen live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 14, 2022

18 thoughts on “EvelynAllen live webcams for YOU!

  1. OP should tell her how she feels and decide if he is willing to let it go that she won't be at his graduation. Post-concert, she will be excited and OP will be in photos without her. If they don't end up together, then this was a good move.

  2. I'll talk to him but I won't steer him away from his religion. it's not my plan to ruin his relationship with the religion.

  3. On the off chance this isn’t a troll, what is this «made you wait» nonsense? She didn’t want to have sex, then she gave in and reluctantly had it again, seemingly hating it all the time. Yes, she’s a lesbian jfc. Next time wait to have sex until the person actually is into it, if they ask you to just get it over with that’s your cue to stop.

  4. I'm talking strictly in general not about your experience.

    I would be very interested in any studies that you could link me which show how prisons deter and prevent sexual deviancy and crime.

  5. You posted this exact same thing a few days ago and got real shitty with everyone that commented, myself included. You told me you “hope my baby dies of cancer.”

    I stand by my previous comment of you are lucky anyone ever lets you anywhere near their vagina.

  6. I understand that thinking something sus is just insecurities from being constantly let down and f*kd over in the past. He has done some things to violate my trust, but neither here nor there.

    Him not knowing is definitely my main issue. They seem pretty close, they wedding has been brought up multiple times. He should have been well aware of the plus one situation

  7. This sounds really scary. Sorry that you’re going through it.

    It is possible that you were drugged…but also possible that you genuinely blacked out having more alcohol than you usually do.

    At the end of the day, it might not be a bad idea to go to a doctor to get tested for anything and checked out. It might also be worth your while to talk to those mutual friends about your suspicions and fears.

  8. This would be a massive red flag. You need therapy to work through your loneliness and whatever idealistic dream you have of instantly becoming part of a family.

  9. So all these people you're already fucking over, you want to fuck over more by having to grieve you and then find out your infidelities after the fact, when you've escaped the consequences?

    Given the mess you've created and the decisions you've made until now, I can't say I'm surprised that your go-to solution is just as selfish and self serving, but how about you shock everyone by actually owning up to your garbage and facing the music?

  10. Sounds like an absolute cop out. Her low self esteem? She hid it so well for an entire year that you didn’t even suspect. That’s not low self esteem. That’s some cold-blooded ish. Your sister is jealous of you and is getting back at you for it. This is probably not the first time she has done something terrible to you behind your back.

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