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emely_exoticlive sex stripping with hd cam


31 thoughts on “emely_exoticlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Maybe they haven’t tried that because of the firm boundaries you’ve always had in place.

    OP gives in once, twice, and wonders why they keep asking.

  2. It's the distinction between the emotional connection vs simply having sex with someone.

    Because there are people who don't think it's cheating unless a dick gets taken out.

  3. Unlike a lot of the people here, I'm not a piercing expert; follow their advice. My partner (who knows a bit more about piercings) has explained some of it to me & their worries sound valid.

    As for your boyfriend, he sounds like an immature douchebag. I know for a fact my partner's best friend gets pictures of her whenever she buys new clothing (spicy or not) & it's more of a “Hey look what I got, don't this look hella good?” then anything else.

    Are you bisexual? If so make sure he knows you don't intend on cheating, people often have this weird thought that all bisexuals/pansexuals sleep around with anyone that they can get their hands on. Pansexual here, I literally wouldn't sleep with anyone but my lovely girl; I couldn't imagine anyone I click better with and that itself is what makes me drop to my knees for her .. one day it'll be down on one knee with a lovely looking ring.

    To stop myself from writing a whole book; TL;DR:

    He's worried you cheated, maybe he's been cheated on before? Ensure you've told him nothing happened & then you've done all you could; if he still refuses to talk to you that's going to be an issue he has to work out.

  4. Sending pictures of your penis to other people isn't a miscommunication.

    You're making my point for me. The human brain is affected by trauma. This is especially true for the developing brain of an adolescent. You stayed in a destructive relationship, as people do, and it has left you scared. You've imprinted on that first relationship to the point that your perceptions are flawed. Your ability to make healthy choices can't be trusted. After only a few weeks, you are experiencing full blown chaos with sexual improprieties and hospitalizations. Because of your previous experiences, you can't see that you don't need this in your life. You don't perceive this as an unhealthy overly complicated unnecessary relationship that will only bring turmoil to your life.

    As a result of those previous experiences, you are making rationalizations “this isn't as bad as my last BF”, “he hasn't put his penis inside of another person” “he hasn't threatened suicide” and “how was he supposed to know not to send pictures of his dick to other people when we never talked about that?” You've become habituated to accept the unacceptable. You've become habituated to wanting to “heal” a person's problems even when they are too big to address and you don't have any skin in the game.

    This is a bad decision that is being made because of previous bad decisions that you have made. You deserve better. You can expect more from partners and relationships. You are destined to endure a confusing disordered romantic life. You can find love in a calm and peaceful relationship with a stable respectful person.

  5. Youre about to step over a massive boundary here, youre already toeing the line. Both of your stepdaughters bio parents made it clear what their wishes were, why do you think that you know better? The first thing the family did was call Angel a liar, but people rarely go no contact for no reason. The woman literally went to her grave still trying to keep her family away from her and her daughter.

    We see this quite often unfortunately, people that come from healthy families just can't understand what it's like to come from a toxic one. There have been more than a few posts where relationships have fallen apart because a well meaning spouse has meddled and tried to reunite families, it never ends well. I suggest that you talk to your husband and whatever he decides in this matter you abide by, otherwise you may find yourself on the receiving end of divorce papers.

  6. No and he’s right but that’s not a popular opinion right now. Since you’re asking if it’s transphobic or not, you’re obviously not standing up for him

  7. With the coach v trains argument, the coach is better for both of us as the train is not likely to be running so if we want to get to where were going then the coach is the only reliable option and she doesn't mind travelling by coach as we've done it plenty of times.

    When you talk about the second paragraph of your comment do you mean the comment I am replying to here or your previous comment?

  8. There's a whole pants thing with chefs. Like the color and pattern tell what your job is. I don't know the whole deal but I do know my ex-bil was very over houndstooth.

  9. Yes it sucks but you need to take a step back and think with logic now take all of the emotions out. You have 4 kids you need to protect and to make sure you easier correct so this world don’t take advantage of them your happiness should come from seeing your kids thriving and being happy and not from someone who won’t even give you the minimum ounce of respect

  10. Have her tell the other woman.

    Then you'll know if she's really sorry she did it.

    and then break up with her.

  11. Thank you sir, much needed validation! I've told her she needs to think about it because I'm not going to change my mind. I'm really hoping she comes around… I certainly don't want any of her assets should something go awry so a prenuptial seems very fair 🙁

  12. Your husband is an abuser. He’s just lucky enough to have found a way to abuse you and get away with it. This isn’t anything pleasant or consensual. He’s taking advantage of you and hurting you. I’m curious whether you’ve had this blacking out thing while drinking before he came along? Seems pretty convenient. Regardless, he’s assaulting you. Time to stop drinking around him, get away from him for good and consider gathering evidence and getting police involved.

  13. Well don’t join your finances, that’s for sure. Do his/hers/ours where you each put into “ours” based on % of total income to cover shared expenses. You can do the same with a savings acct. Then the rest goes into your personal accts. That way, if he wants to buy things for his mother, he can and it doesn’t impact you. You don’t even have to know about it.

  14. This is so weird. It sounds like friends with benefits only you're not friends and you don't have sex. For just a minute why don't you think about what you want not what he wants.

  15. It’s time to get out. There is nothing here for you to work with. He knows what he should be doing but he CHOOSES not too. While you work out your escape stop doing anything for him. No cooking. No laundry. No outings. Nothing.

  16. Hey so, you can look at deleted texts

    From the messages screen you can see a, “recently deleted”, and you should be able to view it from there(:

  17. If he wanted to, he would. You shouldn’t have to push someone you’ve been with for 7 years into marriage. You should have someone who wants it too and who is just as enthusiastic about it as you are!

  18. We had a guy in boot camp that snuck his in and wore them dope like a month and a half. His eyes got so infected they had to medically release him.

  19. Personality and heart overrides look’s every time for long lasting relationships. If you focus on beauty only it will fade. Have confidence that he is still with you and loves you.

  20. Well, he can start by setting a fixed amount of hours per day/week to game. You need a calendar to schedule things for you to do on. Hang it up in the kitchen. Remind him a couple days in advance. If he gives you a hard time, or flat out flakes come the time, then he isn't going to change.

  21. My son is a teenager and is in the “ friends “ stage of life. He nor I knew the possibilities. I don’t travel that often. He himself use to travel weekly m-F for work for years up until Covid and I was very supportive. He did not want me to take this position for selfish reasons. I am home by 4pm on most days. The outcome I’m looking for is just to be supportive of my dreams. I’m not young. Shouldn’t everyone find fulfillment in their careers at some point. I’m just confused of why he doesn’t want that for me.

  22. Naw, this breaks my heart, my mother loved my father more then he ever did and he ended up leaving us and starting a new family. He still financially supported us but still.. I don't feel remotely qualified to comment on this, maybe professional help is the way to go.

    I sincerely wish you and your children well moving foward.

  23. This is manipulation at its worst. It's hard to admit that you've lost 7 good years, but it's so much worse to lose more. Really, do you want to even consider being a backup to a woman who can be wooed by love bombing and dick pics?

    You tried your best, and she lost, not you. If she won't leave you need to get a new place. The longer you stay, the deeper into her insanity she will drag you. Right now, she is in some kind of fantasy, and you are trying to keep her plays right into it. Once she knows it's over and you're leaving, she will change her mind and beg to keep you. Be strong and walk away. Remember how easily she threw your relationship away.

  24. Go with your gut. Maybe your bf is worth it. If so, talk to your dad in a non-confrontational way (or write him a letter if you know it can't be a calm conversation). Tell him in what ways your bf is a worthy man and why you want to be with him enough to overlook him being an atheist. Tell him you'd rather not ruin your relationship with your father over this, but if HE chooses so, you'd have to accept his choice. But only if you do think your bf could be “the one”.

    My dad had a grudge against my husband before we got married (for a different reason, but also a major thing). My dad was even going to fight him when we moved in together while engaged. And that's VERY out of character for my dad. Then, about two years later, unprompted, he recalled how strongly he was against us being together, but he sees I'm truly happy, so now he's happy too.

    They are on very good terms now despite that major difference still being there.

    A good man will have his daughter's happiness as his priority over political and religious disagreements.

  25. It doesn't matter if she “persued” him. He was the adult and she was the child. He knew better. He only got with her because she was legally the closest to a child that he could legally get with. They have 0 in common, and the ONLY reason for someone in their 30s, to get with a literal teen, is to take advantage of them and have the feeling of being with a child, without legal consequences. This dude takes advantage of girls whose brains are not fully developed, who have minimal life experience, because women who are actually his age, won't tolerate his crap.

  26. This sounds like a friendship more than a relationship. Personally, I could not be in a sexless relationship. If after 4 years together she’s still not ready, she probably never will be. I don’t think this will change if you get married. So unless you enjoy never having sex, I would leave.

  27. He ‘s way more invested in his family than in his new one. Have a talk with him but I think this is the way he wants it. You left for 4 months and everything is back to normal when you came back.

    How was he when you left? Did you have any discussions about this?

    If nothing changes leave this, It’s quite abusive on his part to put everything on you.

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