Drgidiot live webcams for YOU!


Hey Hey !! I’am Bella (, ´• ω •) .. I’am first day on here.. LOVENSE IS ON!!

Date: October 18, 2022

13 thoughts on “Drgidiot live webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/ThrowRA_bebobe,

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  2. I think the down votes you're getting are too harsh, but, sadly predictable. Reddit's full of absolutists but not many pragmatists.

    You've been handed a shitty situation and you're trying to make the best of it with the only father and mother you'll ever have.

    There should be no shame in forgiving, nor for allowing yourself to recognise the positive changes in you father. Hating or holding a grudge will do you more harm than it will to anyone else.

    My advice; tell your mother that while you love her dearly and want her to be happy, you won't be forced into a course of action by anyone. If that means that she won't see you anymore then that's tragic but, she's the one turning her back on you, and you can leave the door open for her to come back if/when she's ready.

  3. So basically your husband gave your kid a Tylenol and you lost your s*** yeah look it up an edible is no more harmful than giving a kid a kid's Tylenol in fact it's actually healthier and better for them sure this is something he shouldn't have done without talking to you but for you to behave this way only shows how ignorant you truly are.

  4. I'm sorry but I can't see where that was clarified. It does change the situation a bit I suppose, but the main point is still you shouldn't expect people to read your mind, I get that you would want him to offer it himself, but he was fine with it when you asked no?

    If it's something that's a bigger problem in your relationship with a lot of things( depending on what they are) it might be worth talking about

  5. So I told him right off sarcastically “I'm so glad you got to finish your mission” meaning it was more important to him than I was.

    You are not telling him how you actually feel. It is very easy to use sarcasm to communicate annoyance and hurt. All of us are guilty of this. And it's understandable from what you are describing, that you feel unacknowledged and ignored. But, he's a dum dum, and you're going to need to tell him things very directly.

  6. He can break up with you for his own preferences and there is nothing wrong with him to choose a partner who hasn't been experimental in the past. No one can call him wrong for his choice of partner of that suits him.

    But under no circumstances can he call you disgusting. That was overboard. Until and unless you have hurt people in the past or hidden something that can jeopardize your relationship, this was not cool on his side.

  7. First, happy birthday!

    Next, I wouldn’t say you’re being unreasonable not to be happy about the gift, but strictly in the sense that you told him you want something meaningful and he disregarded that.

    I wouldn’t be upset with him that he got the kettle bell from a perspective that he’s telling you to work on your body in a passive aggressive manner. I’d take this as him listening to you about wanting it and he went ahead and got it. I don’t think there has to be a deeper meaning than that.

    As for the plan, just talk to him about it. No sense in staying quiet building up resentment just expecting to be let down. Good luck.

  8. You still went out to dinner after a 24 hour shift and you had to drive because he didn’t want to. That alone right there is enough to say You need to have a serious conversation with him or dump him.

  9. When your wife makes snarky comments about your secretary, what do you do? Do you defend marcie? That looks bad

  10. You barely know the guy, so he doesn’t have to integrate you into his life right away. Just don’t go too far into the relationship until you meet the roommate. As for the logistics of where people keep their stuff, you are reading into it too much. Maybe they both like that bathroom because it’s got the best water pressure. Maybe there used to be other roommates there. There are a lot of details about the dynamic missing.

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