DIAMOND.RAYSA live webcams for YOU!


MAKE MY BODY SHINE OIL ON ME @Goal / and giving you all my love / Let me be your slut on PVT / I love C2C / pink toy is waiting for your buzzes / follow me on IG @sexyraysajoness [78 tokens remaining]

Date: October 10, 2022

12 thoughts on “DIAMOND.RAYSA live webcams for YOU!

  1. That can be an unfortunate possibility and that’s how it makes me feel. I pay for everything while she saves all the money she works for. I would also be making the car note myself. She has 700+ credit and brags about it. She would still be able too according to the General manager I work for at my dealership

  2. You don't want to come across as insensitive or anything, but you also don't want to ignore what's going on with your friend. I think the most important thing is just to listen to her, man. If she wants to talk about the funeral or her friend, just listen and be there for her. If she doesn't want to talk about it, don't push her. You know? Just be there for her, let her know you're there to support her in whatever way she needs.

    And as for the paranoia she's feeling about other friends being suicidal, that's a rough one, bro. I think the best thing you can do is just let her know that she's not alone and encourage her to talk to someone about it, like a therapist or a trusted friend. The last thing you want is for her to bottle up her feelings and end up in a bad place herself.

    Just be a good friend, man. That's all she needs right now.

  3. Its not a bad thing to sleep in separate beds but does your boyfriend have a bed?

    If he's on the sofa thats not good but if he likes late nights and you like cuddles then 2 beds is better imo

  4. How is this even acceptable to you? This is gross and honestly hold yourself and your guy more accountable – there’s NO word in which me going to my girl’s place and not brushing at night and in the morning is acceptable

  5. I mean… The focus should be on your husband's willingness to cheat in that scenario. That has less to do with your friend and more to do with your husband…

    I would rather keep a dishonest friend around in that regard. If my husband would cheat on me with my friend? The bigger problem is not knowing about my cheating husband if he cheats with someone I don't know.

    A husband isn't a good husband if the only reason he doesn't cheat is because he doesn't have access to a woman that will sleep with him…

  6. I had this EXACT issue a few years back, only it had went on for years before I finally addressed it. The “friend” was one of my long time bffs. I think through high school and college I just chalked it up to 'this is just how he is and how he expresses', and me having social anxiety and low self esteem I accepted the behavior for years (because I was just happy to have friends), but it got much worse when he came back from being in the military, then started having issues in his marriage. I started paying attention to how he talked to me versus our other guy friends in our circle (including his brother). He talked shit to everyone but not on this level. It got to the point where I dreaded getting together with my friends, as if it was a torturous chore instead of fun solely because of how he would talk to me and how it would make me feel. (And I loved hanging out with everyone else which made it so much harder to address/deal with). I finally had enough of being called a “fucking retard”, “fucking moron”, “stupid”, “fucking idiot” multiple times every single time we'd hang out and I asked in front of the group in an online chat why he talks to me so much differently from everyone else. He bailed out of/permenantly exited the group chat. I asked my friends if they ever noticed how he talks to them differently than he did to me and they hadn't ever really thought about/noticed/focused on it. I sent him a DM and asked if something was up, or if we needed to iron shit out between us because the way he addressed me was just no longer acceptable in my book and he flipped his shit, called me a “Snowflake”, told me he didnt need this bullshit in his life, and blocked me on all social media (but I'm the “snowflake…”).

    Never got closure. Still wonder wtf was going on with him. I can't tell if that was his way of showing he liked me a lot (we were close for many, many years), and he was just THAT emotionally stunted in showing it, or he had just identified me as his own personal punching bag to take out all his life frustrations on, or he had just started to be jealous of me, or started to dislike me for some reason… idk. Either way I was changing my life and wouldn't tolerate that kind of treatment anymore, as it was just feeding into my self esteem issues and creating issues in all my relationships/life. Haven't heard from him since. And honestly my life has been MUCH better because of that. It just blew my mind that I came to him calmly with a problem that was bothering me that much, approached it in a very non-confrontational way, and that was his reaction/response to it after all those years as friends.

    I felt guilt that maybe he reacted that way because I tolerated it for so long without calling him out on it and then finally blindsided him with the fact that I wasn't cool being spoken to that way, but that's honestly just me excusing his behavior I think.

    Since then I only surround myself with people who treat me respectfully, even guys. I get that guys like to take playful jabs at each other, which I'm totally cool with, but he was going WAY above and beyond light hearted banter. I'm sad/disappointed it went down the way it did/his reaction, but I've never regretted speaking up for myself. I hold no ill will, I wish him the best and hope he finds the happiness he's looking for, as I'm infinitely happier in my life now that I don't have someone in it treating me that way.

    So definitely speak up to him respectfully and calmly. Tell him it feels like he's going past playful jabs with you, ask him if there's something you two need to iron out. If not, and he still doesn't see that his behavior is bothering you then honestly your life will be better without him in it. It may disrupt your circle, but eventually it will anyway if you don't address it (like it did me) and not addressing it will cause you more issues personally.

  7. No, that is not overstepping. How often does he wash his beard/mustache? Does he regularly brush his teeth? How can his beard smell of old foods? Not sure I want to know…

  8. because In my personal opinion If I have the will power to not have a problem with it, maybe she can learn that its not worth the problem too yk. I told her numerous times I'm just not going to have a problem with plently of other things that were questionable from her. So maybe just maybe she can realize all the other things I've let go she can too.

  9. Yes, very much this! Opening up a relationship is not agreeing and then never talking about it anymore. You have to figure out boundaries, and part of that is telling your partner no and your partner accepting it. If you do this the right way, an open or poly relationship really can make your relationship(s) stronger.

    OP's partner clearly isn't interested in that and just wants to fuck. He doesn't care about OP's comfort, just about fucking other people. If I were OP I would look very differently at my partner.

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