Denisgomez live webcams for YOU!


TORTURE MY JUICY PUSSY [129 tokens remaining]

Date: December 28, 2022

70 thoughts on “Denisgomez live webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/NaNaNaughtys,

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  2. Your post history says a lot, my guy. Go to therapy and figure out why you're getting so attached to barely legal adults at almost 30 years old and then try to find someone your own age next time.

  3. I think it would be silly to break up. Just wait until her kids are grown to get married/move in.

    I would have a talk with her and let her know that you are happy with your relationship the way it currently is. As long as she’s fine with that and understands you’re not the kind to be go go go all the time I think time will be the solution. (Unless you want someone to move in with that’s kids free of course!)

    You don’t find healthy relationships with real feelings often, make sure you consider deeply.

  4. Considering he had him before marriage and an additional son, and that additional son is 15, at least 16 years old.

  5. Hello /u/xxjasminexx3002,

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  6. Did you choose the fancy restaurants? If so, then you’re being a bit silly about a $20 sandwich stop. If she didn’t ask you to pay hundreds for fancy meals, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for her to ask you to pay $20. What is unreasonable is treating someone to a nice dinner but expecting them to keep a tab of how much you voluntarily spent. However, if she’s begged you for these outings but only ever pays for the cheaper meals, then that’s not super nice. Lastly, does she make the same as you? Are $70 meals with her wage comparable to the couple hundred dollar meals with your wage? You keep saying it’s the principle, but you haven’t been able to explain what that principle is. Is she not grateful for the outings you’ve taken her on? Sit and think about what that “feeling” you’ve got is, that’d probably make it easier to help you.

  7. A single person who wants to be involved with a couple is called a “unicorn” and there’s a reason for that term. It’s almost impossible to find.

  8. do you live with him? here is what you do: wait until he leaves for work and pack your stuff and stay somewhere else

  9. Please let me reiterate, he does NOT want you as a partner, he wants you as a comfort blanket between girls.

  10. Take your kid and run, wtf. The child isn't safe with this man, if you have no family to run to look for shelters in your area and start making an exit plan. Set important documents aside, don't clue him in on what you're doing.

  11. Also, if your so committed to OP then why were you on a sub commenting how much the combined income is between you and your live in gf?

  12. Yeah your boy trying to undermine you , working a way at getting a piece of that

    I would remove him from your life completely

    He has no respect for you or your relationship

  13. That's is a hefty topic. I don't have an opinion because I don't know the right answer. I just wanted to share the knowledge about using both types of condoms at one time. I don't want someone to think it's double the protection when it actually mitigates both.

    I personally don't want kids and my partner did. I broke up and I'm happiest with being single and abstinent. Thats not really the advice I'm sire OP is looking for though. I'm not sure on a solid solution besides condoms and maybe spermicides. You can put the spermicide both in the condom and insert vaginally for extra caution.

    Diaphragms and sponges also work with spermicides. I've never tried most of those though. I use a copper iud and condoms. I can understand OPs frustration though. BC sucks but I rather my nightmare iud stories than being pregnant.

    I bled everyday for 9 months after my iud insertion. Then it fell out. Got another and after 6 weeks of hell and cramping I am more regular. I get 2 weeks a month of period cramps and 1 week of the heaviest bleeding possible. Still better than hormones for me.

  14. This is a great way to tell your boyfriend. If my partner said something like this, it would give me more respect for them. Some people may react in a controlling way and try to make you stop seeing clients and then switch professions. I think your partner's reaction would also be a test of how reasonable they are and whether you truly see a future with them.

  15. When she hasn't just interrupted your have a conversation with her. “Look, youbdo thisba lot where you interrupt me, and then when I call you out on it, you claim I take pauses. The way you get defensive instead of apologizing for interrupting me makes me feel like you aren't really listening, you're just waiting for me to stop talking. I'd appreciate of you made sure you were more actively listening, and of you'd make sure i was done talking before you start.”

    If she says again “you take pauses”, frankly my response would be “yes, and we've been together long enough that you should know my speech patterns and figure out not to interrupt me anymore. The pauses aren't the problem, the way you continue to interrupt me is. I will be walking away from conversations going forward where i am interrupted. “

  16. Thank you so much you literally made me feel so much better about this situation. How well does lube work?

  17. I'm not sure where you find me hypocritical in all this; could you please explain?

    Everyone has standards and redlines as to what they're willing and not willing to accept from their romantic/sexual partner. That's healthy and fine. Everyone has that right. Honesty is key. My brother's fiancée is no doubt lying to him about her past, because I know there's no way he'd ever be with someone like her. I offered to tell my wife everything about my past, but she declined to know the specifics. So I don't understand where you see hypocrisy in all of this

  18. The people she’s reading about don’t exist. She can’t interact with. It’s just words and not an actual person who is arousing her. I have no beef with porn. But the two are fundamentally different.

  19. Wtf are you doing with this nasty man? Honestly, just show him these comments. He’s definitely old enough to realize how fucking disgusting he has been acting. leaving poo for hours in a toilet and screaming in your face because you had to clean his mess are both deal breakers. He literally abused you because you plunged his poop. It’s pathetic.

  20. Wtf are you doing with this nasty man? Honestly, just show him these comments. He’s definitely old enough to realize how fucking disgusting he has been acting. leaving poo for hours in a toilet and screaming in your face because you had to clean his mess are both deal breakers. He literally abused you because you plunged his poop. It’s pathetic.

  21. Hey dude. I've been living with my old lady for a decade now and one thing I want you to know right off the bat is that everybody's different. And within that, how easily stimulated you are can vary day-to-day too.

    There are times when I go down on the Mrs. and it's immediate, sometimes it's a 20 minute adventure. Sometimes she's able to reach hers from intercourse in whatever position. Sometimes she needs to manually intervene to achieve it in seemingly the exact same scenario. And there are ways where we have acquired peak efficiency and she'll need to stop after a minute as to not be too early (which is convenient for being quick but boring and less of an intimate experience).

    This is purely anecdotal advice so consider that;

    Try doing different things. Same positions but maybe putting pressure on/in at a different angle, stimulate things a bit differently. This can extend to foreplay – 69ing, toys, I dunno. If you have an idea just send it. Don't avoid doing new things because it doesn't sound stimulating right away, just don't avoid stopping when you want to as well. Maybe you'll find something that you like more than what you're used to.

    Communicate. Don't leave room for interpretation if you can help it. This includes listening as well. Most breakdowns aren't about failure to speak but inability to listen.

    I think this is the most singular important thing, in my experience, but be relaxed. Be comfortable. Any mental roadblock, regardless of how big, can impact how you get there. Performance anxiety, essentially. It should be a fun, intimate experience. Stressing won't help.

    I hope this rambling is worth something to you : )

  22. If you view this thing you have with him as transactional (we each give and get the same in return) it probably isn’t love. I say move on…. he already has a Mom.

  23. He sounds like a jerk. Or maybe he didnt realize you were self conscious about that certain thing. Try to lighten up a little and accept yourself. Fuck everyone else. Dont give him the power to hurt you like that, you know what he said is fucked up and not true.

  24. Hi 32F here don't do it and here's why. 1. Your young and you have a lot of growing up to do there stuff she already knows and you don't and you need to learn it all yourself. 2. She already manipulating you and will use that to control you later on. 3. You will find a girl more your age than this just takes time but this could ruin your chance if finding a lifetime partner.

  25. Mkay, him not wanting to take permanent measures because they've been separated two whole years and are attempting to reconcile doesn't mean he's not invested in committing to her. I'm POSITIVE that if a woman came on here, and she said my ex who I've been separated with for 2 years and have recently tried to reconcile with for a couple of months is telling me that a tubal ligation or equivalent is a requirement for reconciliation, every person here would say don't do it, he doesn't have the right to dictate what you do with your body over his insecurities that you may eventually move on and this won't work out.

    Not one person here would be telling her she's selfish and stupid for not getting a tubal to reconcile. They'd tell her if he doesn't want any more kids then he can take permanent measures with his own body. These comments are insane.

  26. Keep your guard up, man. Sounds kinda sus. Maybe she forgot, or maybe it's something nefarious. But keep your guard up

  27. So I read a lot of the top posts how people can’t believe this is a thing, but honestly I know lots of guys who do this, and I have guy friends who will whats app me nudes they find online its just their personality. It’s not that uncommon among my social circles and they are some really genuine guys in relationships, wouldn’t violate their partners like that.

  28. I asked why the video was in her recent videos (1 week ago) and she said she was clearing out old photos and found that and was going to delete it.

    I'm not 100% clear on what you mean by recent videos but I know for certain that thinking about deleting a video doesn't change the date. If she is being honest the best explanation I can think is she did delete the video and then found it and saved it again but that in itself would be a huge red flag.

    Time to cut and run buddy, you deserve better than this.

  29. If you're sure that you don't want kids, then get a fucking vasectomy, dude. It literally takes 15 minutes in the doctor's office. And next time, make sure that you and your next partner are actually compatible. If you don't want kids why are you even dating someone who is pro-life?

  30. I wouldn't know, it is extremely easy to cheat in long distance relationships and he has been cheating for at least 3 months while living with you, he seems completely shameless.

    I can't be 100% sure, but you have to think about how he has behaved all this time, if there is really no change in how he acted with you, he is either a master at faking normalcy or this is his normal.

  31. What does official mean to you? How would being official change the day-to-day reality of your relationship?

  32. ” That is usually not how she is” . Dude, you've been with her 3 weeks, you have no reference to how she usually is

  33. She's just lazy and spends most of day and night on bed which where she does most of her things

    Are you absolutely sure it is not depression?

    Other than that: Your father views this as a business deal with your life as a bargaining chip. Ask him if he truly values your happiness and that of potential grandchildren so little. Also, if doctors are well paid, you might be able to argue you don't need her family's money. While talking about money: Is your father in financial trouble? Indebted to the friend?

    Not knowing your cultural background and the amount of freedom young people get, but considering your comments, you only have the options to

    accept and hope for the best negotiate a better deal (more time, conditions she has to meet, like an education, maybe you could argue in a way of not wanting a lazy, uneducated woman to birth your children and the risks that come with having children while obese, which is disgusting; to evaluate a human being like cattle for reproduction, to lean on fatphobia or putting less educated people down, but so is the whole situation) leave your dream of being a doctor behind or at least put ut on hold to work leave the country.

  34. >>He’s the type who likes to wind people up to see their reaction.

    Oh, so he's an asshole then. He's making your child cry. Winding up your child to see their reaction (crying) is emotional abuse. Nevermind the pastries.

  35. I think he’s just not putting it all together. Some guys are kinda brain dead until you lay it all out for them and be a little more blunt with your feelings.

  36. I think he’s just not putting it all together. Some guys are kinda brain dead until you lay it all out for them and be a little more blunt with your feelings.

  37. I think he’s just not putting it all together. Some guys are kinda brain dead until you lay it all out for them and be a little more blunt with your feelings.

  38. While I get their concerns, it’s wrong to try and push her to break up for no other reason than they’re scared. It’s also exactly what an abuser would want them to do, because it makes isolating her from them quicker and easier. Be a safe person for her to talk to, not yet another person she has to defend her relationship from.

  39. Being nice is commenting on nails or something similar. Being nice, doesn’t involve touch. It also doesn’t involve texting outside of work. One thing to never forget, if someone’s texting you, it means they are thinking about you. He shouldn’t be thinking about you randomly.

  40. My gf of three months has been talking about starting trail running again but we've been so rainy since we started dating.

    I'm pretty sure I was more excited that she got out out on her first walk/run of the season this week than you're bf was that you defended your doctorate. (Or whatever it is you smart people do)

    This sounds really hard that an intelligent person like yourself might settle for someone who cares so little.

  41. It's understandable that you're feeling upset and scared about potentially losing your girlfriend. However, it's important to respect her wishes and give her the space she's asking for. It's also important to work on building trust in the relationship moving forward. Apologize for not fully trusting her in the past and assure her that you will work on trusting her more in the future. You can also try reaching out to her and expressing your love and commitment to the relationship, but make sure to respect her boundaries and give her the space she needs. Ultimately, the decision to stay in the relationship or move away is up to your girlfriend, and it's important to respect and support her decision regardless of what it may be.

  42. How sneaky do you need to be to set up a single consultation and then go in for it? You can get one done within the month.

  43. This!!! My child isn’t even one yet and I feel like my brain is just nursery rhymes and baby talk. It’s so nice to be at work and talk to adults who have similar interests as I do. I’m a mother and nothing will ever change that but I don’t want to be JUST a mom, there’s way more to me than that. Don’t get me wrong I love my family, and I’m so proud to have my partner and my child, but I value my friendships as well!

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