Camihotlegs live webcams for YOU!


camihotlegs Public Chat Channel

Date: November 24, 2022

10 thoughts on “Camihotlegs live webcams for YOU!

  1. It shouldn't matter if it's 'weird'. Only thing that matters is that what you do in the bedroom is with another consenting adult. You should both trust and communicate with one another, and as long as that happens, it doesn't matter how 'weird' your kinks or sexual preferences are.

  2. my girlfriend has religious trauma from growing up in the cult of Christianity.

    I grew up in the cult of Islam and it took me decades to get out from that hell hole. Proud to be an EX-Muslim.

    All man made religions are cults and dangerous.

  3. Marriage is never a requirement and plenty of people cohabit and are in relationships and never marry and it’s totally fine. And marriage is not for everyone. People downvoting you are being harsh.

    THAT ALL BEING SAID, most (but not all) people generally expect to get married if they’re in a long term committed relationship for 6 years and if the plan is not to do that it’s kind of on you to explain that/talk about it. The “default assumption” for most people is definitely marriage.

    That’s doubly so if she expects to have kids, and at 33 there isn’t a ton of time left (not saying she does or you do, just that it might be a consideration).

  4. So I’m seriously childfree. I would not continue this relationship.

    He’s 37, he’s already past his window to have children but he is still planning to have kids if you die randomly? When?? It’s too late for him.

    From your position, i can’t see this as anything else but an intention to divorce at some point in the near future. Why else would need working sperm?

  5. Oof this is a difficult one

    My immediate response was going to be you stay until the end because you married her (and knew about it), and a man is nothing without integrity and honour and you took vows

    Then I got to the children part and now it’s split. I’m fairly certain I know which disease you’re talking about and I’m sorry (and you know this already) but you can’t in good faith consider her as a mother…as difficult as that is to say out loud

    The crusader of the matter is if you wanted children when you met her you never would have married her but you didn’t know so you did. I loathe ever advocating for divorce but this might be one of those situations that it might appropriate.

    The decision you need to make (and stick to) is whether or not having children is more important to you than absolutely devastating your wife, because you know she’ll never recover from this if you leave

    And don’t you DARE stay with her out of guilt, you’ll only resent her and you’d be lying to her for the rest of her life and she deserves to know the truth no matter how difficult it is

  6. Your husband raped your sister from how you described it.

    She's likely blackout drunk and he raped her.

    I would divorce him if I were you. He's SCUM.

  7. Don’t move in with someone during major life issues. Just kind of as a rule of thumb. It’s not the right time or situation to start combining your life with someone. If you want to continue the relationship that’s fine but having a year of him sober before moving in is going to provide the best foundation for a relationship if the relationship survives. You don’t want to be legally tied to someone who is just starting their recovery journey because they’re highly likely to relapse or have other issues. Things might go perfectly, but that’s only a might.

  8. My partner though doesn’t like the idea and says he just prefers to make the money and buy it whenever we can because he doesn’t want to feel indebted to anyone in my family (even though I’ve already said I would be the one in debt in theory).

    Easy. You take it and his name is no where on it. Then he can pay you right before you get married if he really wants to pay (but really he should get over it and accept the gracious gift).

    He's a BOYFRIEND not a husband. No property decisions hinge on a boyfriend. Take the house. Don't have his name anywhere.

    He shouldn't be involved in this at all. It goes to you alone.

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