BestestSquirt live webcams for YOU!



Date: February 13, 2023

10 thoughts on “BestestSquirt live webcams for YOU!

  1. That is absolutely revolting and sickening. How you have 4 kids with this man is hard for me to wrap my mind around. That would completely turn me off from him and would also cause me to lose respect for him. No one needs to be dealing with anyone else’s literal shit besides a mother and her diaper aged child, medical professionals, and plumbers. I refuse to scrub my husbands poo stains out of the toilet because it is disgusting and he understands that. This grown man is willingly allowing you to smell, see, plunge and clean his shit out of a toilet. Where did he think it was going? Now he wants to throw a fit because you don’t want his shit marinating in the toilet to make everyone in the house suffer? It’s unhealthy, rancid, nasty behavior. Who raised this man? He doesn’t respect you. Stop cleaning up his shit and set some hard boundaries down. It’s not a laughable thing and it’s not cute to be your husbands personal “poo fairy”.

  2. If a girl lies to you about being with another man, just dump her. She doesn’t respect you and she doesn’t deserve to be with you.

  3. Yeah I wasn’t sure at first but from the comments and your comments I can clearly see it is a me problem and not him. I’ve decided to not bring it up to him now and work on my issues

  4. Jack is jealous of you and your fiancée He believes you’re stealing your BF from him. Whether it be romantic or just a very codependent friendship I can’t say. Maybe you and your fiancée have your stuff together and it makes Jack insecure. I would ask Jack what’s his problem if you’re forced to deal with him again and if he’s acting this way. Honestly though the strongest relationships that last the longest are the ones where both sides get along with vice versa’s family and friends.

  5. Maybe I should try listening to her more, and making it about her.

    Bingo! We found the winner!

    Also yeah, slow the fuck down with the “I'd like to live with her” train of thought, I see your justifications saying you just meant you could see it happening and not that you're making plans but…

    It's date #2 my dude don't even entertain those thoughts yet, banish that and be patient.

    Otherwise my dating advice everyone always is Robin Williams as the genie in bee form


  6. My eye started to twitch when I read this.

    You're 30 years old. You have your own home. Why in the world would you EVER consider moving into thIs icky home with him and his *MOM?” Throwing cantalop rinds into the front yard?? Yikes! Bedbugs are probably considered canapés at this place.

    Do NOT let him put your name on the deed. Do not move into the “house next door” if he buys it. Do not become engaged to this guy.

    Your BF is beyond eccentric. He's…I don't know, but just reading your post gave me the heebee jeebies. I got serious X-Files vibes, and the music from “Deliverance” is playing in my head.

    My advice is to tell him he needs therapy to deal with his Mommy issues. Then go have a spa day for yourself.

  7. Sometimes the people who are dead set on accusations of cheating with no foothold are the ones who are doing the cheating… might want to think about that.

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