Ava_xlive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “Ava_xlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You got closure when he admitted cheating. You shouldn't need further closure, why did he do it? He was horny/drunk/stupid. Whatever. If you're happily married none of that matters now.

  2. To be fair u/tankobss didn't specify the friend's gender. How would OP feel if a male friend did that, without asking him if he is into guys or exploring his comfort? If you aren't into them, a friend propositiining you can be weird no matter their gender.

    Straight men are afraid of attention from gay or bi men because they dont want that attention. But don't stop to think that women see unwanted attention from heterosexual men similarly.

  3. Thank you for the response. I think it's pretty unlikely and if so she would not tell me, because she know that would be the end. But if she really did not, how would you react?

  4. He made the agreement with the understanding that they were going to have sex with the regularity of normal people. The stipulation was he can’t watch porn if they are having sex which they weren’t. Turns out she was playing him and just wanted a friend. Someone as deceitful and controlling as her likely has no friends so she leads this guy on just to have some kind of companionship.

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