ArielKing69 | Live at eXXXotica New Jersey! the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


ArielKing69 | Live at eXXXotica New Jersey!, 23 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ArielKing69 | Live at eXXXotica New Jersey!

ArielKing69 | Live at eXXXotica New Jersey! live sex chat

Date: October 22, 2022

8 thoughts on “ArielKing69 | Live at eXXXotica New Jersey! the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I don't think you realize how lawsuits work. The father in law slapped the OP. He was no longer a threat after that. Then the OP's husband beat him then broke an older man's arm.. the husband is the aggressor in this case. Now if the father was hurting the daughter and the husband had to step in for self-defense that's a different story. You seem to be biased for some reason but if you look at reality there is no way the FIL loses in this lawsuit. Especially being older, weaker and being sent to the hospital. There was no self-defense involved in this case. They were both abusers but one is a slap and the other is just lawsuit worthy.

    Lawsuit or not this relationship with the OP's family and husband's is going to hurt more because it will last a long time or maybe forever. She gained a family but may have lost one.

  2. She literally said “I don't think I want children anymore” but PLEASE extrapolate wildly to prove some weird fucking point?

  3. You’re not being an AH, a lot of people don’t want to attend their exes wedding and that’s fine.

    You tried to come up with solutions and he’s the one being difficult so if his day is ruined then it’s his fault

  4. I’m no peach, but it’s wild what I’ve accepted as normal. Thanks for the wakeup call, though I truly don’t want to face it. Maybe I need to. I think I thought I deserve it because we are on different playing fields. Superiority complex.

  5. Lmao no one is preventing him from being a man except himself and his own narrow conception of masculinity. He wants you to gas him up and make him feel important simply because he thinks it's his right as a man and that's bs.

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