ANGEELIINCK live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 6, 2022

13 thoughts on “ANGEELIINCK live webcams for YOU!

  1. I suppose thats my concern, i cant imagine any other reasons for doing it. I was hoping someone could offer some but maybe i should just ask her instead

  2. I agree with everything you said and this story is so common it’s scary. The vast majority of people cannot turn their back on their culture and their family

  3. To be honest – I don’t think there is any coming back from this. Trust me on this, there are guys out there who want to prioritise their partner and who don’t spend all day on video games.

    I think it’s a pathetic hobby when it intrudes in your life and ends up with you ignoring your family.

    You are right to expect more from a partner and want to celebrate Christmas and make memories. He doesn’t want to do that and that’s his problem.

    Just thank god that you don’t have kids yet and you’re not the one running around trying to hold a family together whilst he continues with his selfishness.

    People might suggest therapy but I wouldn’t want to waste my time on someone who needs to pay someone else to tell them to take care of their loved ones.

  4. No, I just never thought this was him. And, I’m always questioning whether I have high expectations or not. I like seeing the best in people I suppose.

  5. Eww the text to ask if it’s over. He knows you should break up with him. Don’t give him anymore grace and just move on

  6. Your fiancé is a coward and a follower. He chose his friend over you and will continue to do so. The friend who treats you like garbage.

    I just realized I will never be ok with him being friends with Jack. It's just a constant reminder of him not having my back and not standing up for me, that he is totally fine with his friend walking all over me.

    Good. So do what your fiancé can't be bothered to do and choose you. Walk away because you deserve so much better.

  7. I mean it’s pretty disrespectful to reach out to an ex like that, especially someone from your recent past

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